Night # 98 X= One Dead Body

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This next chilling tale is about a group of students who find themselves in a scary situation which involves one dead body.

The college students huddled in the room for their anatomy class. It was now being held at night and they were all a little bit nervous. It was a spooky thought to them to be dealing with a cadaver at night. The teacher came into the room noticing that one of his students was missing. When he asked the other students if they had seen Chad they all shook their heads. He tried to contact Chad but it went straight to voicemail. He decided to go ahead and begin without him.

He walked his students over to where they would be examining their first cadaver. He pulled the body out slowly when everyone began to scream. It was not just any cadaver, it was Chad. The teacher stood there in shock as he tried to fathom why his student was in the morgue. When he was able to speak he told his students they were dismissed and that he would contact the authorities to find out what was going on.

As the students headed for the door, the teacher placed a call to the authorities. Just as the teacher hung up the phone the room went dark and the door locked from the outside. Everyone was now trapped in the dark with the cadavers including a good friend of theirs. The teacher tried to calm everyone down as he grabbed a flashlight from one of the closets. He opened the closet door and as he pulled a flashlight out he noticed something running down his arm. He thought at first that it was blood, but as he turned the light on he noticed it was embalming fluid. 

The students stood there in fear as they began to hear a pounding sound coming from the body drawer that Chad had been in. They tried desperately to call for help but for some reason, no one could get signal in the room anymore. The teacher looked around the room with the flashlight and something caught everyone's attention. The temperature in the room was beginning to drop steadily. Cold chills were beginning to fill their bodies and they could not figure out what was making the room so cold. 

The pounding started up again only this time it was from outside the room. Something was trying to get in the room with them. They all hid in the corner of the room placing equipment in front of them. They each held their mouths not only to stop themselves from screaming but also because the room was getting cold enough for their breath to be felt easily. They huddled there in fear as something made its way into the room with them. No one was brave enough to chance being seen so they stayed put as they heard the footsteps of something or someone. They each heard one of the drawers open as a cadaver was pulled out. As they sat there on the floor listening a scream began to pierce the room. They could hear what sounded like a body being slammed down on the table.

They each listened to the scream and panicked as they figured out who it was. One of their other friends named Danielle had been in Biology class and now whatever was in the room had her. They all listened helplessly as she was put on the table and closed up in the drawer. As soon as the drawer closed the lights in the building came back on and they were no longer hidden. Each of the students along with the teacher got the shock of their lives when they saw what had entered the room with them. It was Chad.

He knew what they were thinking as they stared at him.  You ask, "How am I here if moments earlier I was in the drawer dead? I have been in morgues since before you were born. I know how to make something look the way I want it to. By the way, I am not really Chad." They sat there in fear as the transformation took place. Chad began to change quickly. His features became that of a real cadaver. Not once in their lives had they seen a cadaver move or breathe as a live person did, but this one did. He pulled all of the drawers open to reveal nothing but empty drawers. What had he done with the bodies of their friends? He threw each of them in one of the drawers shutting them in as they screamed. 

After a few moments, each of them woke up in their beds screaming at the top of their lungs. It had just been a dream they told themselves. They each went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror thinking about the awful nightmare they had when they noticed something strange. Each one of them had a mark on their arm like something had held them way too tightly. They went back to their rooms and each of them had a note sitting on their pillow. "Welcome to Anatomy 101, Where X= Your Dead Body."

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