Night # 80 Find Me If You Dare

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This next chilling tale is about a young woman suddenly involved in a scary game of sorts.

Katrina had to work late and was getting home later than usual. She was used to it still being light out when she made it home from work. It was a little eerie walking up to her front door in the dark. She reached into her purse for her key to unlock the door. She walked into her living room and she discovered a note on her coffee table. She presumed it was from her husband.

She read the note very carefully and knew that it was not from her husband. It stated, Find Me If You Dare. I will give you twenty minutes from the time you read the note and just a piece of advice. I have something valuable to you so it might be worth it to find me. Katrina began to search even though she was terribly frightened. She wondered what he had of hers. She searched everywhere in the house she could think of and did not find him, but as she walked into the kitchen something scared her. There was an hourglass on the counter and she knew he was using it to time her. It had very little sand left to drop. She raced to find him knowing that he was dead serious. 

She walked down into her basement and as she stood there for a moment she could hear breathing close by. She slowly took a few steps and figured out that the heavy breathing was not him but a baby monitor he had set up in the basement. "I see you found the baby monitor. You now have just three minutes to find me or you will lose something precious." She ran back upstairs when something occurred to her. While he was speaking she could have sworn she heard someone else breathing. 

Katrina thought of one last place she had not checked. She had forgotten about the little storage shed they had in their backyard. Desperate she went out to check inside it. She opened the door and just as she did a voice spoke. "Congratulations, you found me, but unfortunately you are one minute late." He held the hourglass in his hand as he pressed a button on his phone. He spoke into the phone and Katrina was given the shock of her life. 

"You can bring him to me now. She was too late in finding me. Her heart will do just fine for the money he owed me." Katrina started begging for her life, but his only words to her were. "I could have told you he was not trustworthy. When I went to school with him years ago he would have sold his own mother for a little fun. When I asked him how he would be paying me back for the money I loaned him this little game was his suggestion. When her husband arrived he wore a smile on his face. He took off his wedding ring, grabbed a scalpel, and stated a few last words to her." This will only hurt a little."

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