Night # 27 South Door

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I see you have chosen the south door. Let us see what happens to you, shall we? You open the door which appeared behind you and you can see the entrance door. Thinking this maze is a little too scary for you anyway, you head decide to walk to the entrance. Just as you are opening the entrance door you are blinded by a bright light. It is obviously not the same door you came through earlier. As you adjust to the light you wished you had never entered the maze because what your eyes are seeing you cannot handle. The room is filled with bones and there is a hospital bed in the middle with your name on a chart. You try to leave the room but you cannot.You can hear voices begin to emanate from outside the room and quickly they enter the room with no problem. What appears to be two doctors enter the room and strap you to the table. Struggling to escape the straps one of the doctors injects your arm with a needle. You instantly fall asleep. You wake up gasping for air and discover you are no longer strapped to a table. You cannot move or see anything in the darkness but you hear voices as if they are walking over you. You scream several times but as you do you notice your body is losing oxygen quickly and that shortly you will die.

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