Night # 82 He Is Coming For You

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This next chilling tale is about a young boy whose father begins to notice something strange going on with him.

Wayne was just about to tell his son that it was time for bed when he noticed him writing at the table in his room. He walked over to see if he was doing homework. He read what his son had written and it confused him. The entire page was filled with the words, He is coming for you. He asked his son who was coming and his son sat in silence. Finally, his son answered him. The little girl told me that someone is coming for you, but she did not tell me who.

The next day Wayne awoke and went to his son's room to get him up for school. Before he woke him up he noticed a piece of paper on Jacob's desk. He picked it up and read it. The words, She lives in the little yellow house on top of the hill covered the page. Wayne decided not to say anything to his son. After he dropped Jacob off at school he decided to go to the little yellow house on top of the hill and see if a little girl lived there. When he knocked on the door a young lady answered the door. He tried his best to explain the situation without sounding crazy.

The lady shed a few tears and explained that her daughter Amber had died two years ago. She had been abducted and murdered, but her body had never been found. The lady told Wayne that if her daughter was talking to Jacob somehow that it must be of grave importance. Wayne was becoming scared of what was happening. He knew he and his son could possibly be in danger. He asked Valerie, the girl's mother for advice. Valerie told him the best advice she could give him was to find out what Amber was telling Jacob and why.

Wayne picked his son up from school that day, but he did not know what to say to him yet. Later that night he went to tuck Jacob in and noticed Jacob was not in his room. He checked all over the house calling out for him and finally he found him hiding in the closet. He asked his son why he was hiding in the closet. Amber said that the man who killed her is coming after me and I am scared. Wayne took his son to bed with him. He was not going to let his son sleep alone with everything that had been happening. 

They both drifted off to sleep shortly after laying down. An hour later Jacob woke up screaming. "He's in the house," Jacob stated over and over. Wayne tried to calm his son down but it was impossible. Wayne tried to tell his son there was no one in the house, but then the stairs leading to the second floor began to creak." He's coming up the stairs, isn't he? "Jacob said. Wayne could not say a word. He knew he did not want to lie to his son. He managed to keep calm enough to sneak the two of them out of the house. He called the police when they were safely at his neighbor's house. 

After they thoroughly checked the house the policemen looked at one another. The sergeant came up to Wayne and Wayne's heart began to beat a little faster. "It is a good thing you got your son out of the house. He dropped this before making his escape." It was a very long sharp knife. "I have been checking on my computer and it seems that a couple of years ago a similar situation happened to a family not far from here. Their daughter was abducted in the middle of the night and never seen again. I think this is the same killer." They left the house but said they would watch over the house for a few days to help them feel a little bit safer. Sure enough a few days later the prints came back and they were a match. That night as Wayne was watching tv his son began to scream. He ran into the bedroom and there stood the man with the knife to his son's throat. "She could not tell your son I was coming this time. I rolled her over in her grave and now she will be silent forever."

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