Night # 62 Night Hunter

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This next chilling tale is about a family that has a close encounter with something quite scary.

The Smith family had just moved into a new log cabin in the woods. They loved the outdoors and being away from the highway. It would be great being able to take nature walks and having so much free space to make their own. After getting all their belongings unpacked they went for a walk in the woods. It was so refreshing. That night it turned a little chilly so they made a fire in the fireplace and just enjoyed themselves. 

They started to shut things down in the house for the night so they could go to bed when they heard a commotion outside in the woods near their cabin. There seemed to be something making all the creatures nervous. They were obviously picking up on something in the woods that they did not like. James looked out the window to see if anything was in sight but he did not see anything. He told his family that maybe it was a wild animal. He locked up for the night and they all went to bed.

About an hour after they went to sleep they were all awoken by a scratching sound on the cabin. The family all got out of their beds because the scratching noises were very eerie. They went into the living room continuing to hear the sounds as they sat down. James contemplated what to do when everything in the house went out. The two teenage girls screamed as they could not see anything but they could only hear the scratching noises. One of them just happened to look at the front door which had a window on it and caught sight of two red eyes. She screamed again and her family jumped. "What is it, they all asked her." I saw two red eyes in the front door window, she said." James hesitantly went to the front door against their wishes. He turned around to tell them he did not see anything and when he did his family all saw the red eyes appear in the window.

The family sat there in the dark trying not to panic, but soon they heard a pounding on the back door. They all started to panic as it got louder and louder. Suddenly they could hear the door come crashing down as something shook the floor beneath them. James told them all to jump in the car because they had to get out of the house quick. He ran behind his family grabbing only his keys and ran out the door. They jumped in the car quicker than they had ever done in their life. James tried to start the car but something was wrong. He jumped out telling his family to keep an eye out while he checked under the hood. As he looked under the hood he knew they were not going anywhere in the car. All the wires had been shredded and it was a complete disaster. Right as he jumped back into the car to get his family out the beast busted through the front door. The family sat there in shock as they saw what had made the scratching noises. 

The beast had bloodshot eyes. He was almost seven feet tall with an extremely scary build. His slimy body was completely black. His talons were long and as he showed his teeth they knew what had scared all the nocturnal creatures in the woods. He began to walk very slowly and James told his family to run for the highway as fast as they could. It was their only hope of getting out alive. They all began to run but as they heard his footfalls they knew there were no options. He had tricked them into believing he was slow but now he was running at top speed for them. The only question left was, Who was he going to kill first?"

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