Night # 74 Zombie Recollection

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This next chilling tale is about a teenage boy named Zachary who survives a zombie outbreak and lives to tell about it.

Zachary sat in the doctor's office as he was asked to tell his story. It had been a year but his memory of the event was still fresh in his mind as if it had been yesterday.  I was at home that Saturday while my parents were both working that day. I heard a siren go off and an emergency announcement was made on television. They could not say how it started but according to the news announcer, there were zombies on the streets everywhere. No matter how it got started one thing was for certain, it was spreading quickly. I prayed for my parents to make it home but they had always told me no matter what to go to the underground shelter we had in the event of any disaster.

I went down to the shelter immediately. Thankfully, my parents had put plenty of the necessities needed down in the shelter. I stayed there for days wondering what was really happening outside. I had a radio and plenty of batteries but hearing it was not the same. After a few days, I could not believe what I was hearing. According to the radio announcer they had miraculously managed to get the zombie disaster under control. They were burning all of the bodies in great big heaps and to their knowledge, it was safe for those who had managed to survive to come out.

I waited for a little while just to make sure it was not a false alarm. Several hours later I left the shelter and I was surprised when I saw no zombies. How did they manage to fix things within a few days, I wondered. I never found out what happened to my parents but I am pretty sure that they were among the ones burned within those few days of the outbreak. I did what I could to survive. I got a job working after school and with some help from friends and family, I managed to rebuild my life. I just cannot shake the nightmares. Can you help me with them, I asked the doctor. The doctor wrote out a prescription and gave it to Zachary. "This should help you sleep better Zachary. Hopefully, the medication will also help with the post-stress you are experiencing." As the doctor stood up to show Zachary out he spoke again. 

"Doctor, there is one thing I left out of the story." He rolled up his pant leg and showed a very nasty scar on his left leg. The doctor stood there shocked as Zachary began to laugh. "They just thought they had it under control. I got this before the announcement was ever made. The reason I am just now coming to you is that I wanted to wait for just the right moment to begin a new zombie strain. I have been working on it and I have managed to change some things. With this new strain, I managed to make it much less noticeable. Don't get me wrong the urges are still there. For instance, I could really go for some fresh meat right about now.

The doctor screamed in horror as Zachary changed within a matter of seconds. His skin began to change, his eyes changed color, and he was now salivating. He lunged for her biting into her neck. The alarm would be sounding at some point but it would be much harder to find them now. Zachary always wondered what it would be like if the zombies could actually take over. He knew with the new strain he managed to create that he would soon find out.

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