Night # 197 Parked in the Dark

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This next chilling tale is about a wife picking her husband up at work.

I parked outside of the factory my husband worked at waiting for him to come out. Normally, he worked the 3 to 11 shift but he came out letting me know that his boss wanted to speak to him so I would have to wait for a few extra minutes. I watched as all of his co-workers left and got a little nervous. The parking lot was not well lit so it was a little spooky and quiet now that everyone had gone home.

A few minutes passed by and I was relieved when I saw my husband exiting the factory. Something was a little strange about his walk as he made his way to the car. When he got in the car he told me to drive as fast as I could. I noticed he was bleeding and started to scream. I asked him what had happened but all he would tell me is to drive and he would explain on the way to the hospital.

I tried to start the car but it was giving me trouble. He started to panic as he saw his boss come out of the factory. I looked at the knife in his boss' hand and I desperately tried to start the car again. The car finally started and we made it out of the parking lot just in the nick of time. 

We arrived at the hospital and my husband was taken back immediately. The nurses were asking me questions but I could not tell them much. My husband rode in silence unable to speak. I think he was in shock I let them know. After an hour the doctor came out and spoke to me. My husband was going to be okay after some recovery time he told me. I was relieved.

After the police arrested his boss we were given some information. My husband and I both held one another as we received the shocking information. After taking fingerprints from his boss they found out that he was connected to several murders around the state. 

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