Night # 86 Long Haul

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This next chilling tale is about a truck driver who has to deliver a big load hundreds of miles away in the middle of a snowstorm and something sinister comes with it.

Albert had to drive 450 miles to deliver a big load to a major company in a snowstorm. This was something he had to do every once in a while in his career so he was not terribly concerned. He could drive pretty good in the snow after doing it a few times. He had left early that morning trying to get a head start. The snow had been very light during the day but as the night wore on the snow began to pick up. He knew he was going to have to drive a little slower so he had to stay on the road longer to make up for it.

As he was driving along he heard a message on his radio. He thought it was going to be about the snowstorm coming in but strangely enough, it had nothing to do with the weather. A truck driver further along the interstate was warning other truckers about a strange man running across the interstate that he nearly hit. Albert had seen a lot of strange things in his time of being a truck driver so he did not think much about it. He just made sure to watch out for him as he continued driving. For the next twenty miles or so everything was smooth sailing, but then the radio went off again. 

Albert listened as the trucker spoke in a terror-stricken tone. "If you can hear me, please listen closely. I do not know what is going on, but the snow is getting worse and several people just ran across the interstate as if they were running from something. They nearly got hit by me and two other truck drivers as they ran across. I do not know what they are running from, but it is becoming one scary night." Albert was now beginning to realize that this was no typical long haul. Something had to be wrong. 

He continued to drive slowly when he noticed the snow beginning to really pick up. He was beginning to have trouble seeing, but what little he could see was scaring him. He noticed several people coming out of the trees to run across the interstate. He could not understand why anyone would be out in this weather at this time of night. He stopped the truck on the side of the road to avoid hitting anyone. As they made their way across the interstate Albert noticed something very strange. The trees were swaying more than they should have been. 

Albert picked up his cell phone to contact the authorities. He tried his best to explain the situation to them and they agreed to come out and take a look at what was going on. Once he was off the phone his radio began to go off and what he heard was downright creepy. The trucker who had spoken earlier was now sobbing begging for help. Something was coming out of the woods and his truck was trying to break down on him. Albert was scared but knew he had to try and help the guy so he started his truck and took off. He looked for any sign of the truck up ahead of him.

He began to see the lights of a diesel up ahead. It was in the middle of the interstate. He pulled onto the shoulder and as he walked up to the truck he could see what appeared to be blood on the driver's door and the window was busted out. He braced himself for a moment and opened the door. Inside the truck was the man who had been sending messages. Albert started to cry as he realized he was too late. Whatever came out of the woods had obviously gotten the poor truck driver and it was not a pretty sight. His throat and body had been slashed relentlessly. As Albert stood there in shock he heard the sound of a police siren approaching. He decided to get in his truck and wait for the police. As he sat in the truck, he looked out into the woods. He noticed the trees begin to sway massively out of nowhere. A lump began to form in his throat and his heart became heavy. A look of shock began to form on his face as he saw what had caused the trees to sway like that. 

A horde of flying creatures emerged from above the treetops toward his truck. He knew the police could not save him and he certainly was not going to make it on foot. He laid down in the seat as the creatures began to break the window.

The policemen tried to reach Albert in time, but by the time they got there, it was too late. The creatures feasted on him quickly and left. The police were now beginning to get a surge of calls about flying creatures that were making there way into people's homes. A few of them had been able to escape while the creatures were feasting on something else, but after the police caught sight of the creatures they knew that sooner or later they would all be dead.

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