Night # 85 Kit of Blood

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This next chilling tale is about a mysterious stranger who travels with something a little creepy.

The mysterious stranger was walking on the side of the interstate holding his thumb out. Everyone passing by just sped up not stopping to pick him up until a good Samaritan came along. He was skeptical just as everyone else was but he knew if he were in need he would want someone to help him out. As he stopped his eighteen-wheeler on the side of the road he noticed the man would not part with the briefcase he was carrying. He offered to put it behind the seat but the stranger would not hear of it. The stranger apologized for being harsh and explained that he had some very important documents he did not want to lose.

After driving in silence Ted, the truck driver, announced to the stranger that he had to stop at the next gas station that he came to. The stranger just nodded agreement as  Ted pulled up to the gas pumps. He pumped gas and felt a shiver down his spine as the stranger stared at him in the side mirror. He went in to pay for the gas and just prayed that the last twenty miles of his trip with the stranger would go by quickly.

Ted got back on the interstate driving for fifteen miles. The stranger finally spoke to him. "You can drop me off at the exit in five miles, but first there is something I need to tell you. You know how I told you the briefcase I was carrying was filled with important documents. Well, I lied." He began to open the briefcase and Ted began to get a little scared. Inside the briefcase was a kit. There were little vials of blood along with some scalpels and other medical instruments. Ted could not spend another minute in the cab with this stranger. Something was not right about him. "I can tell by the look on your face that you are scared. You should be. I spent years being a surgeon. I know where everything in your body is located. I did countless surgeries in that time, but in the last few weeks, I have been looking for something a little different. I have been enjoying seeing how much I can scare people and how much blood they can lose before dying."

Ted tried to throw the man out of the cab, but before he could he felt a burning sensation in his arm. How the stranger managed to give him a shot so quickly was amazing. Ted's family and friends contacted police, but no one was ever able to locate him and to this day the stranger has not been caught. The police would not find him because like so many people they would not have suspected a skilled surgeon. If you are reading this I give you this warning. Do not pick up a stranger carrying a briefcase.

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