Night # 48 Wrong Time Wrong Face

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Nathan began his story. Carlos was wanting to surprise his mother for her birthday. He lived a few hours away from her so he had to leave out the night before her birthday. He packed his suitcase earlier that day putting it in the trunk and that night he headed out. As he got onto the expressway he noticed some graffiti spray painted on one of the signs. The words cut through him like a knife. "Carlos, death comes." 

He did not want his mother to know about the incident so he pushed the fear away. As he was driving he started to get slightly groggy so he turned on the radio hoping it would help keep him awake. The music was playing and Carlos started to sing along with it feeling much better. He jumped in his seat when his phone began to vibrate out of the blue. He held it up to see who it was and his mother's number showed up. He answered it quickly praying that his mother was ok. 

When he answered the phone he had a hard time telling it was his mother. She sounded very strange to him. "Carlos, are you ok? I got your text message and was worried to death." Carlos immediately told his mother he did not send her a text message and that someone must have sent it to the wrong person. Carlos did not understand what was going on but he reassured his mother everything was fine and that he would call her in the morning.

Carlos was disturbed by the events of the night but tried his best to relax the rest of the trip. About an hour before he arrived at his mother's house he received another call but this time it was his mother's next door neighbor. "Carlos, we are sorry to have to tell you this but your mother had to be transported to the hospital. We do not know the details yet but we knew we needed to let you know. Carlos to the best of his ability thanked the neighbor for calling him and drove a little faster to get the hospital where her neighbor said she was transported.

 After Carlos parked the car he walked into the emergency room of the hospital and asked about his mother. The nurse at the desk went to inquire with the doctor and the doctor came out to speak to Carlos. "Sir, I am sorry but there has been no one admitted by that name." Confused Carlos drove out to his mother's house and walked over to her neighbor's to see what was going on. Groggily an older lady answered the door. After Carlos spoke to her she had a confused look on her face. "What are you talking about Carlos? I did not call you earlier. Your mother is fine as far as I know."

Carlos walked over to his mother's house and knocked on the door. When his mother answered the door he immediately gave her a big hug. After she told him she was fine they walked into the kitchen and he explained everything that had happened. His mother was speechless. When she got over the shock of it all she told him that she was sorry about what had happened but that she was glad he had come out to surprise her for her birthday. As he sat there with his mother his phone began to vibrate. This time he received a text message. "Wrong time, Wrong Face," it said. Carlos showed it to his mother and neither one of them could figure out what was going on.

While they sat in the kitchen his mother stood up to turn the tv on. She always watched the news first thing in the morning and it was now 6 am. Carlos sat there in confusion staring blankly at the tv screen when he received a phone call. He answered it and his mother knew immediately that something was wrong. "Carlos, It was never your mother who was in danger as you can now see. I can give you a little clue as to who is." As Carlos sat there in disbelief he heard a familiar woman's scream. It was his sister who lived just a few miles from him. The last words he heard were, "Death Comes, you just had the wrong time wrong face." As the phone call was ended Carlos began to sob knowing no matter what he did that he would be too late.

Everyone sat around the campfire in shock. Jennifer asked Nathan if the killer had ever been caught because he said it was supposedly a true story." No", he answered. After getting chills from the response Jennifer volunteered to tell a story and told the group that it was going to be really creepy.

To Be Continued...

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