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~(Episode 3: A Boy in the Tree)~

I was sitting in the back of Seeleys car texting Angie on what Zack was doing that was taking him so long.
"Bones, Where's the kid?" Seeley asked
"Getting the intel." I told
"Shouldn't you know since your always with him?" He asked
"I'm not always with him."
"I thought movie night was last night?" Temperance asked
"It was. I couldn't go."
"Still working things out with your landlord."
"Yep." I told before Angie texted me back.

"He's talking to Naomi, from Paleontology. Doesn't look good."
"Thanks. Any important details?"
"Slept together a month ago and she hasn't returned a single call since then."
"So imma fight a bitch?"
"Ash do not fight her."
"I make no promises."

"Have you found out Ash?" Seeley asked
"I will punch you if you call me Ash again." I stated "and yes I do. He's talking to Naomi again."
"Who's Naomi?" Seeley asked
"She works in Paleontology." I told
"Are you ok?" Temperance asked
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"
"Because as one would say, you have a crush on Zack."
"I don't have a crush on Zack, Doc. We are just friends."
"Wait! You have a crush on Zack?!"
"No. I don't. Can we please drop it?"
"People who are hiding something always ask to drop topics."
"Ok then. Wanna play this game Seeley, cause imma play this game. Who's the person that hates psychology yet has a PhD in it?"
"Someone that I know."
"But who?"
"None of your business."
"Oh but, people who are hiding something always ask to drop topics."
He didn't answer me and gave a look towards Temperance.
"She doesn't like talking about herself and her family. It's why the team only knows who her cousin is. From what Angela has told me about, it's best to leave topics that makes her start attacking back." She explained. "Besides if you make her extremely mad, she might decided to find the things you want hidden. She's really good at that."
"Fine. We will drop the topics." He told before my phone went off.

"He's heading towards you guys now."
"Cool beans."
"Also some warning. Naomi told him to 'take the hint' and he doesn't get what that means. He might ask you or Booth."
"Oh I so hope it's Seeley! That shits gonna be so funny."
"Have fun on the case Sweetie."
"I will Angie. Love ya."
"Love you as well."

"He's on the way." I told
"How do you know?" Seeley asked
"Angie was updating me on things."
"Weird people."
Soon Zack came to the car and placed what he had in before he joined the seat next to me. We began to head to the crime scene and I just focused on my music but made sure I was still able to listen to case details. About half way through the ride Seeley began to speak.
"We got a dead body at a prep school out in the sticks."
"Good morning to you too." Temperance told
I noticed Zack lean forward towards Seeley and I knew it wasn't going to end well.
"You're successful with woman, right? I mean they like you?" He asked
"Okay, look, it's a very prestigious prep school with a lot of rich kids." Seeley told trying to avoid the topic.
'I thought it would have been more funny. Guess not. What am I meant to do about my home situation?'
"If a woman said, to you, 'take a hint', what would that mean?" Zack asked
"Could we just concentrate on the job?" He asked in return making Zack lean back into his seat next to me. "Thank you. Now, I know the sheriff out there. She's mostly okay but the school got a lot of pull with the county and she's probably trying to scrape the whole case off on us. Look, what I'm trying to say is... it's not just a crime scene but it's a political situation, so when we get out there you follow my lead and you pay attention."
'God, I hate when cases got political. I always made sure to work slow on them, just to piss them off.'
"You call after every sexual encounter, Right? Because that's the good thing to do." Zack asked Seeley again making me smirk.
"Look, this is a work mode. This is a work zone. Do not talk sex at work."
"First, you tell me I'm too task oriented. Then when I say 'Good Morning', you say that I should concentrate on the job." Temperance added.
"All right, look, we've got about a forty-five minute drive. What do you say we pass it in quiet meditation. Ashley hasn't said anything since we began the drive." He told making Zack tap my shoulder and signal for me to take my earphones out.
"Yeah?" I asked once I did.
"Are you having one of your days where everything is too loud?" Temperance asked
"No. I'm just very focused trying to figure out about my living situation. Victoria is being a real hassle lately." I told before putting my earphones back in.
"Loud days?" Seeley asked
"Ash doesn't like loud noises when she wakes up and sometimes that continues through the day." Zack told before we all fell back into silence.

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