Hate cases like this.

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~(episode 11: The Women in the Car)~

(Ash p.o.v)

"You know I hate cases where cars are burning." I told Zack as I leaned against the van while he got things ready.
"Why is that?"
"Because it's terrible for the environment. I mean all the burning rubber and shit goes to the ozone layer and that hole might get bigger like come on son."
"Makes sense. You know my friend Rio, she runs a bookshop in as what she calls it the Hipster area so she's always reusing when she is able to. It's quite fascinating how much you can get out of a book if you just know the right people." He explained making me smile.
"Jack told me that you had a bunch of hickeys on you." I told moving his suit slightly causing him to lightly push me away.
"I already explained to him. My friends, especially Tim created a drinking game called take a shot or get a shot."
"Sounds fun."
"It is especially once you hit the third episode of the series we watch with it. You know anything one of us says especially when we are drunk has us laughing for almost half an hour."
"Now I definitely wanna see drunk Zack."
"Apparently I'm more honest then normal. I've said a lot of things about Seeley."
"So why are you two arguing and why have you joined me in calling him Seeley?"
"He found out who I'm friends with and how long we've actually known one another."
"How long?"
"Long enough that he's acting like a child." He told before they pulled up making us head over to the car.
"State troopers called in the Fire Department to put out a burning car. They found a body in the driver's seat. License plate and the V.I.N. are missing." Seeley told as I got my gloves on.
"Why is the F.B.I. involved?" Temperance asked.
"One burned backpack, child-size sneaker plus the right side of her seat belt went missing, sliced away." He told
"Not another kid case. This sucks." I stated as we shared the same look.
"You think it was a kidnapping?" Temperance asked as we got to work.
"I have to act that way. The first 48 hours after a child abduction are crucial. That's why you're here. You I.D. that victim, that tells me what kids I'm looking for. Did you get a hair cut?"
"Yeah. I kinda had no choice in the matter. Thankfully though, I had done what I needed to do before it happened so it's whatever I guess."
"Looks nice." He told as Zack began to take photos and Temperance examined the body.
"Thanks. You still can't call me Ash though."
"Even though you got us back stage passes to the Monroe project?"
"Yep. How did you two like that anyway I forgot to ask."
"It was amazing. Though I was curious why the younger three weren't there for it." Temperance told.
"Ashlyn was getting ready for a different scene while they filmed that. I just saw her getting her hair done off to the side of where we were and she was wearing a vail. I'm not sure about the younger two though."
"They probably weren't needed for the scene." I stated.
"I think they are playing the demon duo Chaos and Mayhem. Which would probably explain why they weren't there." Zack stated.
'It's so weird acting like I don't know anything about it. Weird.'

We were on the platform with the body and the missing child's shoes.
"Shoe size, four. That's a school bag, but he contents are burned beyond recognition."
"I hope they are ok." I stated.
"What about the human remains?" Temperance asked him.
"The victim was female. Her skull shows Caucasoid and Mongoloid features. Also, Preauricular Sulcus to the pelvis shows the victim gave birth five to eight years ago."
"The kidnapping victim could be her child. Ashley what do you see?"
"Doc bones are not in my job description."
"Yes but you have a PhD in bone forensic I would like to see you use it."
"I told you that when you needed help with the Hollywood chick. I didn't think you would bring it up here." I stated
"Why would you think that?" She asked making me point to Zack and Jack who was working at a desk near the platform, since they held a confused look.
"When did you get a PhD in Forensic anthropology?" Jack questioned.
"And why didn't you want us knowing?" Zack added.
"Because I was extremely bored in Hollywood. I had enough knowledge on the subject that it took a couple of weeks to do. It was quite simple really."
"Your up to five doctorates now?" Jack asked.
"Six. It was very easy to do."
"I haven't even finished my two and you're already gotten two more." Zack stated.
"I'm just extremely quick at working shit out. Only way I got them in the short amount of time if because learning shit like doesn't take long for me.... especially when bored."
"Focus you three. Ashley please." She told making me sigh.
"The maxillary molars have been pulled and then replaced with removable dentures. I really would like to leave this section with you and Bone boy right here." I told as Zack removed one of them from her mouth.
"Lots of gold." He told.
"In parts of the Caucasus, when girls from wealthy families turn 16, there given good teeth to display of affluence." Doc explained.
"I'll dissolve a Bicuspid in Nitric Acid and do a chemical workup."
"There's something lodged in the larynx." She told making me put gloves on and help hold the head for Zack.
"Part of her tongue?" He questioned as he pulled it out and Temperance held a flashlight on what he pulled.
"Freaky deaky."
"It's not fleshy enough for tongue. This is cartilage." "Must've been terrible hearing in her mouth then." I told as Goodman made himself known.
"Dr. Brennan, Dr. Ashley, Mr. Addy. This is Miss Pickering. She's performing a security review for the state department." He told making us look to see a lady in a suit.
"One man's security review is another man's witch hunt." Jack told making me laugh.
"That would be Dr. Jack Hodgins." She stated and I could tell she wasn't amused.
"It would be, yes."
"Oh I wish I was still on holiday." I stated.
"We would have just done yours when you got back." Goodman told.
"You know us all, don't you, Miss Pickering? Or is it 'Agent' Pickering from the national security agency?"
"What's your first name cause I ain't calling you Pickering?" I asked only for it to go unanswered.
"I don't yet know you as well as I will, Dr. Hodgins. Is something burnings?" She asked
"Not anymore. She's pretty much extinguished by now." Zack stated.
"Goodman?" I asked since I knew he would tell me.
"Miss Pickering will require a few minutes of everyone's' time to perform a routine security review. I expect everyone to be cooperative. And it's Samantha Ashley."
"I'm not swearing any damn loyalty oath." Jack told
"And civil." He told mostly directed at Jack.
"Is telling someone your gonna punch them and then do so civil?" I asked
"Do not punch anyone Ashley."
"It's a simple question Goodman."
"No it is not."
"Thanks dad. I know what I called him it's a joke I'm going with since he admitted that he goes into father figure mode for me." I stated making Zack smile.
"Send this to Dr. Chen in Pathology. Ask him to identify it as soon as possible." Temperance stated.
"Roger that doc."
"Dr. Brennan?" Goodman questioned since she didn't say anything to him about this.
"Yes. Security check. Civil." She told before turning her attention to Jack and me. "Zach will grind a segment of the femur so you two can perform trace element analysis."
I gave a salute as Jack nodded and sadly Samantha was still here.
'I do not like her.'
"Didn't I see you on Television this morning, Dr. Brennan?" She asked
"How could I possibly know what you watched on television?" She told before we both saw Seeley. "Booth. I have to talk to you."
"Yeah, it was definitely her." She stated.
"Maybe work your way up to Dr. Brennan." He stated as she rushed off the platform to talk and I stretched my arm out to them.
"Wait! Take a me with you!" I joked making us laugh minus Goodman and Samantha.
"Ok you have to admit Goodman. You missed having me around."
"Nice haircut."
"Thanks. Wasn't my choice, but what ya gonna do."
"Has Angela seen it yet?"
"Na I haven't been able to see her. But once she sees the hair she's gonna be surprised. She hasn't seen my hair this short since I was about 15."
'Weird first day back.'

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