We've got you... Darling.

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I was in the interrogation room since by the time I finished my call Seeley said I was going with them again. Let's just say I drew pictures again.
"What would help me Camden is if you told me why Nestor killed himself?" Seeley asked
"Then we can close the murder investigation." Temperance added.
She looked towards me before looking at the screen to see Tucker on it.
"Why is Tucker here?"
"Same reason as you darling." I told as my accent shown through how I spoke.
"Oh, Tucker, he said some things." Seeley added
"What things?"
"Well what Tucker told us doesn't make you look good."
"I believed him but Agent Booth and Ashley said it was only fair to hear your side."
"I mean I still believe him but it's unfair to not hear your side." I added
"If your stories match up I'll be able to drop the murder investigation." Seeley stated
"You know, I find it hard to believe that it was your idea for Tucker to seduce your mother." Temperance told
"I mean, to pimp out your own mother? Such a strange occurrence."
"It wasn't. She hit on Tucker." Camden told
"No. Wait. Wait. Can they do this?" Her mother asked
"They're fishing. Don't say a word." The lawyer told
"I wasn't fishing? Were you fishing?" She asked as she looked at Seeley.
"No, I wasn't fishing." He told
"What about you Ashley?"
"Well I only fish if there are fish around and I don't see any fish. So I couldn't have." I added
"Tucker was all 'Stacy's Mom' about it. I just sort of gave him permission. It was funny." Camden told
"Please stop this. Stop it." Her mother spoke.
"Mom deal with it, okay? You're the one that's the perv, so. When my mom gave Tucker money to keep him quiet we got the idea to blackmail her with the tape. I was mad at her I guess. Then Tucker said it was my turn."
"Nestor was rich, lonely, Catholic and he had a thing for you." Seeley spoke.
"And he was cute. People didn't notice because the way he talked but he was really cute. I liked him. We made the tape and showed it to Nestor. It made him really upset. Really upset."
"Because you threatened to show it to his mother." Temperance stated
"Or because I broke his heart? I still can't believe he killed himself. I'm really sorry he did that." She told
I wrote down what I thought and gave it to Seeley.
*She is sad about his death because she did like him. But they both covered up his murder and also blackmailed her mother and attempted to on him. Arrest them.*
"What Camden did was wrong which she's acknowledged but she can't be held responsible for an unstable boy overreaction." The lawyer told
"I said I'm sorry." She told
"You know a guy I once knew, wasn't a great guy. He abused me and his two other children. He would say sorry act like he was getting better and then it would start again. You can be sorry, but it doesn't change the fact that you didn't it. That you hurt another soul." I told
"Yeah, Camden Destry I'm placing you under arrest for the murder of Nestor Olivos." Seeley spoke as he stood up and got the handcuffs.
"What? She's admitted to blackmail and attempted blackmail that's all." The lawyer stated.
"Oh but exactly." I added
"Nestor was going to go to the headmaster and expose you so you dosed him with Ketamine and hauled him up into the tree. The DNA traces in the rope will prove that." Temperance added
"Plus, you've already confessed to the motive." Seeley stated before I spoke.
"You will be most likely be going away."
"If I cooperate and tell you everything Tucker did, do I get some sort of deal?" She asked
"That depends on what else you got." He told
'Oh this is good.'

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