Wait what?

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I was working away with Jack as we both tried to place what went where when Seeley walked in.
"Ashley your with me."
"Fuck that."
"Fuck that. I'm not some dog you can go, 'here puppy puppy!' And I'll wag my tail and follow you." I told making me and Jack bump elbows.
"Besides we are working." Jack added
"I've been told you are able to find things that people want hidden."
"Who told you that?" We both asked
"Bones and Zack."
"Did you work out what I did before?"
"Still a no."
"Ha! So why do you need my skills?"
"They are hiding something, and I saw how you acted towards them. If your able to find what people want hidden, it's useful."
"So basically, you just want to use my talents for some prissy pricks who want to sweep this shit under the rug like it never happened?"
"Yes, that is exactly what I want to use it for."
"I can do this by myself."
"Yes but he is a fed."
"And he still doesn't know what you did before this." He told as he came to my level as we looked over at him.
"Not a clue."
"You can scoop the place to our amusement."
"And find some secrets."
"It would be useful."
"Alright Seeley. I'll go with you." I told as I got up and took my coat off, switching to my leather jacket.
"Sweet." He told as we left.
"Update me on things Jack a' boy!"
"I will."

We were in the bureau and I was drawing random pictures on a notepad as they talked till Santana said something making me annoyed.
"How hard can it be? A kid hanging from a tree obviously, it's a suicide."
"Just because someone says it's a fish, doesn't always mean it's a fish." I stated
"Don't mind her, she's a strange squint. Sir, Has Hanover Prep been stirring the pudding on this?" Seeley asked
"Of course they are stirring the pudding. Every mover and shaker in this town is connected to that damn school. Apparently the very future of this country is at stake."
"Hold up. Why does a school get to dictate if our future is at stake or not? That seems very politically corrupt." I told
"Ashley please." Seeley told before speaking. "I would like to declare it a murder just to shake those little bast..."
"I'm not gonna declare it a murder so you can shake things up." Temperance told cutting Seeley off and making Santana sigh.
"The evidence is ambiguous at best." Goodman told
"Well unambiguize it. Please Dr. Goodman." He told before looking towards me and Temperance. "Look, you're very experienced within your field with bones and such, right? Doesn't your gut say suicide?"
"I don't actually use my gut for that, Sir."
"She really, really doesn't." Seeley added
"Like all of us at the Jeffersonian, Dr. Brennan prefers science to the digestive track." Goodman stated
"What about you Harper?"
"Starters. Don't call me Harper, I hate it. And it depends."
"How so?"
"Say the kid actually did kill himself. The school is still hiding something real shady. And if you guys want the truth found then I'm your gal. But if the kid didn't and was murdered, then they want to hide it. Because if word gets out that their students or faculty are killers, then bye bye prep school."
"What about your gut?" He asked towards Seeley.
"My gut says it stinks."
"If he smells with his gut what does he use his nose for?" Goodman quietly asked me and Temperance making us laugh.
"Alright, Alright, alright. In order for an investigation to occur, You, Dr. Brennan have to declare it a murder." Santana stated
"Without an investigation we can't find out if it's a murder but there will be no investigation unless Dr. Brennan declares it to be a murder. Shall I send for a philosopher?" Goodman asked making me smile.
"They're saying it's my call." She stated
"You see it's how you talk to these people." He told Seeley
"Like regular people?" I asked making him give me a look.
"She doesn't like the government."
"But your previous job?" He questioned making me laugh.
"Boy you know?! Don't tell Seeley. But just cause I don't like the government doesn't mean I couldn't do that." I told before Temperance spoke.
"My official finding is that Nestor Olivos...is a victim of a homicide."
'This is gonna be interesting.'
My phone began to ring making me leave the room since it was my landlord.

I was in the back of Seeleys SUV texting Angie.
"Sweetie they keep asking me when you were coming back."
"Awww the boys miss me! Tell them I got no fucken clue."
"Hold on for a sec while I do." She told before Seeley spoke.
"Thank you."
"For what?" Temperance asked
"For going with my instincts in there."
"I did not back up your instincts. If I was to back anyone's instincts it would be Ashley."
"Suck it Seeley!"
"I bought time to find the facts I need to tell me what happened to Nestor Olivos. What's with you and the private school?"
"I thought we understood each other." He stated
"Seeley is a very open book written for very dumb children." I told making him give me a look in the review mirror as I flipped him off.
"Oh that it's bad?" Temperance asked
"I don't...I don't like people who think they're better then other people." He told
"Some people are better then other people. I mean Ashley is an example of that."
"Ughh, you know what you said right there that is so Un-American. All men are created equal either you believe that or you don't." He told
"If all men were created equal then why don't females get equal pay or people of colour get killed for no reason?" I questioned only to get ignored by him.
"Some people are smarter then others there's no use being offended by the fact. What are we going to tell Nestor's parents?"
"Sorry for your lost." I told making her give a small nod.
"It's sad. Try to remember that." He told
"Uh, I'm not a sociopath."
"You're bad with people, okay. No use being offended by the fact. Try and pull an Ashley."
"I have to insult you?" She asked making me laugh.
"No. Be kind."
"But Ashley is very good at masking her true feelings."
"You get pretty good at it, when you grew up like me." I told before I got a text from Jack.
"Ash, tell me you can make it for tonight?"
"What's tonight?"
"New episodes of our shows that we all watch together."
"Oh yeah. Might not be able to."
"You can take one night off with your landlord."
"I would love to but I can't. It's important."
"Your gonna make the alien upset."
"He will understand."
"Still going to be upset."
"I gotta go. We are nearing the school."
"Your talking to Zack about this."
"I will when I get back to the lab."
"See ya when you get back."
"Same to you Jack a' boy."
'I gotta get this whole thing sorted.'

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