They remind me of the hellhounds from Resident Evil.

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~(episode 15: Two Bodies in the Lab)~

(Ash p.o.v)

We were standing on the platform looking towards the skeleton on the exam table without Angie, Temperance and Goodman. As I examined the skeleton, he had cement blocks on his feet, and the boys were arguing about something quietly enough that I couldn't hear it.
"So Ash. Zack says you two went to the theme park together." He told making me look up to him.
"We did. It was quite fun."
"Really now?"
"Yeah. It's always fun hanging out with Zack, he is one of my best friends after all." I stated.
"Fair point."
'I feel like I'm out of the loop for something but I don't know what.'
Soon Temperance and Goodman walked up onto the platform to join us, and Temperance put her hair up.
"The bones washed ashore on Chesapeake Bay." Zack told.
"Judging from the algae," Jack began before I continued it.
"He's been fish food for quite awhile."
"They ate through both tibia." She stated as she looked at them herself before seeing me stretch my back. "You should stop slouching Ashley."
"I know. I think I need a new mattress." I stated before I felt a pop. "Oh that's the spot."
"The remains show evidence of bullet wounds." Zack told as there was a blush prominent on his face.
"Which would explain why he has all those holes in him." Jack added.
"Looks as though they weren't made by a thirty-two, maybe a thirty-eight?" Zack told.
"Oh my Hades. Your learning from me. Better slow down buddy, or I'll be out of a job." I told making us smile as Angela walked up to us.
"Heard you might need a face." She stated.
"The FBI is pretty certain this is James Cugini. They're looking for evidence that could lead them to the killer." Goodman told.
"Wow, Jimmy Cugini." Jack spoke confusing Temperance.
"I don't know who that is."
"Mob boss dude." I stated before Angie continued.
"He disappeared six years ago after his daughters dance recital."
"Cement shoes, pretty trite." Jack added.
"He went sleeping with the fishes, ya hear." I told putting on a mobster accent.
"Why mess with the classics?" Temperance asked.
"Hmmm." Angie told spoke agreeing with it.
"Did they find any of the bullets?" Doc questioned.
"No." Me and Zack told as one.
"They really are quite good at this."
"Should we really be involved in mob stuff? I mean they're really into to the whole killing thing." Jack questioned.
"I can provide you with a job description if you've forgotten what we do here, Dr. Hodgins." Goodman told.
"Besides dude. I am technically you guys bodyguard."
"They could be connected to the Winchesters." He argued.
"First of all, The Winchesters don't work with the mob. Second of all, they aren't gonna hurt ya if I have anything to do with it."
'Besides, we aren't their normal targets.'
"After you clean him up Zack, I want you to x-ray the bone for any bullet fragments. Be very careful cleaning the exit and entrance wounds. I want to recover any markings the bullet left as it passed through the bone." Temperance told.
"Yeah, I can have them ready about eight tonight." He told.
"Uhhh, can't work tonight. Tomorrow morning is fine." She told.
"You have a date tonight." Both me and Angie told as one.
"It's not a date, it's a meal." She countered.
"With a man?" Jack asked.
"Did you meet him on the website I told you about?" Angie asked as Seeley swiped his card and came up on the platform with another dude.
"You're dating online?" He asked.
"Well it's a practical way of objectively examining a potential partner without all the game play."
"That comes later if it works out." Angie told before looking towards the dude with Seeley. "Hi, I'm Angela, and this is my cousin Ashley, but a few of us call her Ash."
"Special Agent Jamie Kenton. Hi. Dr. Brennan." He spoke making me and Angie share a knowing look.
"You two know each other?" Angie asked.
"Well, I was at the Bureau when Booth took his coffee cup. Apparently their both the worlds greatest FBI Agents." She told making me raise an eyebrow towards Seeley.
"Really?" I questioned.
"That's right. Kenton is working the Cugini case. He's one of the original investigators. This is Brennan's brain trust." Seeley told having Temperance lead the two towards the table.
"Your victim is over here." She stated.
"So what if your computer date's a psycho?" Seeley asked.
"Only about a billion people date online." Angela told.
"Yeah, I have." Jack added.
"Eh I see no point online. Never know who you'll meet on there, there are some creepy people and things."
"You know, what ever happened to seeing someone across a crowded room, eyes meeting, that old black magic gets you in its spell..." Seeley asked only to have Temperance cut him off.
"There's no such thing as magic."
"Oh there's magic." He argued back.
"There's a lot more in the world other then magic Doc." I added causing me and Seeley to point to one another as we agreed.
"Are you here for a reason because Kenton is handling this." She questioned.
"We have some remains to look at."
"I'm already looking at them." She told.
"Nope, no, not the Cugini case. Kenton will baby-sit him. These are fresh." He told.
"Well I was told that our friend in the cement shoes took precedence." She argued back.
"You think if I just go fight fight fight, kiss kiss kiss, I won't get shot at?" I whispered to my buddies.
"It's Booth, you most likely will." Zack whispered back.
"Yeah probably."
"That was before we found someone tortured and ripped apart by dogs." Seeley told.

"Puppies!" I exclaimed as we surveyed the abandoned warehouse due to the gruesome crime scene.
There was a body with its wrists tied to a pole above of their head, and there were large dogs in cages all around the room barking and growling at us.
"Oh they are so cute!" I told before Zack pulled me away from the angry doggies and Temperance began to speak into her voice recorder.
"Ninety percent of the flesh is missing because of mutilation and post mortem anthropophagi caused by canine scavenging." She told into her voice recorder and we went over to Seeley since Zack didn't want me to get attacked by the dogs if they got out.
'Kind of adorable when he tries to protect me.'
"They have to stay here?" He asked Seeley.
"We're waiting to see if you need them for anything."
"No, not now. Ask him to save the excrement for Hodgins and Ashley."
"Lucky Hodgins and Ashley. What about the eyes?"
"Gouged out?"
"Yes, you can see the scrapings in the orbital cavities much rougher then the knife scaring. It was done with a different weapon."
"Oh I can work that out back at the lab." I stated as I collected samples for me and Jack to go over later for clues.
"Son-of-a-bitch." Seeley exclaimed.
"You remind me of my ex saying that. So weird.... Would be weirder if you guys were related." I stated only to be ignored.
"You've seen this before." Temperance told,
"Yeah, two years ago we found a seventeen year old girl in a tool shed bound, slashed, eyes gouged out, nothing for her parents to identify. Suspect was Kevin Hollings, everything pointed to him but couldn't get the hard evidence so the DA refused to prosecute. He's twisted, Brennan. You know, it's like a game to him." Seeley explained.
'He never calls her Brennan.... How dangerous is this guy for him to do that?'
"He used dogs before?" She questioned.
"No, he's making the killings more elaborate. It's like he's testing us." He stated.
"Until he goes to far and he gets caught. Isn't that the expected pathology." She asked.
"Well I can determine the kinds of weapons, time of death. Hodgins and Ash might find something useful in the dogs..." She began only to be cut off when her phone began to ring making her answer it.
'This should be fun.'
"Brennan? Just working." She told before the arm of the victim fell off, causing her to look towards Zack and me. "Bag that.... Yeah of course. I'm starving. Seven thirty, okay, yes. I'll meet you there. Okay. Bye."
'So weird.'
"My reservation just got pushed by a few extra minutes." She told looking towards Booth.
"Oh, a few extra minutes. Great." Seeley told being a smart arse.
"You disapprove?"
"I said great."
"With attitude."
"It's strange seeing them argue like parents." Zack quietly told making me chuckle.
"If only my parents argued like that. And you've seen my back, so you know kinda what was up."
"Don't go overboard with psychology. It's not your thing." Booth told her.
"Look, I am an adult Booth. I see men. I go out with them on occasion. I sleep with them."
"Hey, you know what? That's cool but you don't even know who this guy is that you're meeting."
"I have trekked through Tibet avoiding the Chinese army. I think I can handle meeting someone for dinner." She argued.
"Fine, you know what? You have fun with Dick431 or whatever his handle is."
"Yeah I will."
"They sound like when you and Jack argued who sat next to who when we first started to hang out." I told quietly to Zack making him laugh.
"Good." She told before going back to talking into her voice recorder. "Victim is female, late teens to mid twenties, knife mark on the bone evidence of deep cuts probably to open up the flesh make it more appetizing for the dogs."
'I feel like this is going to be more dangerous case then usual.... Also Zack is looking really cute in this lightning I love it.'

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