I can't talk right now Im doing hot girl shit.

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I walked outside when my phone rang so I could answer it.
"What you want?"
"Is that anyway to answer the phone sis."
"Peter what do you want?"
"Well Denis wanted to see where you were and what ya doin' cause he's wanting to do some stuff and ya needed."
"I can't come. I'm doin' things."
"Ya doin' hot girl shit?"
"I'm at court 'cause of my job. Look I can't come and tell him that."
"No! You were just slipping back into your actual accent!"
"Shut up. Also why the fuck didn't you answer my call two weeks ago?"
"Cause you didn't answer mine a month ago."
"I'm gonna kill you dude."
"No you won't. Ya love me too much."
"I gotta go. I'll talk to you later or somethin'."
"Yes I got the somethin'! Best day ever."
"You are so fucken weird."
"Love ya Bunny."
"Love you as well jackass." I told before hanging up.
'God I hate this.'
I was about to walk back inside when my name was called making me look to see the one person I didn't want to ever see again.

I walked back in and ran into Seeley as I rubbed my side.
"You good Ash?"
"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just gonna head back in early or something." I told as I kept walking back to where we were.
When I walked in I saw Jack, Angie and Zack were waiting in the row we claimed with my spot not being taken over.
'Gotta love them.'
I sat back in my seat but winced a bit when I did so.
"You ok?" Zack asked making me nod.
"Yeah. Ran into a bench by accident after I got off a call."
"I thought you stopped being clumsy Ash?" Angie asked
"Na. Still the clumsy kid I was when we first met Angie."
"Who was that anyway?" Jack asked
"Peter. Denis wanted me for something but cause I'm here he has to wait." I stated making them nod.
'This really hurts. Man it's gonna leave a bruise.'
Soon the court started up again and now Michael was testifying.
"In my opinion, the high levels of hydromorphone are more consistent with recreational use than for pain relief." He explained.
"Could you explain?" Meredith asked
"Well, I might not use all the technical language, but I'll try to make myself understood." He told making jury laugh.
"What's your opinion Ash?" Jack quietly asked
"He's playing the jury. Making them putty in his hand basically so they will be on his side of the thing." I quietly added before wincing slightly.
"Objection, Your Honor. The witness is impugning another witness." Levitt told.
"Are you sure your ok sweetie?"
"Sustained. Continue." The judged told as I nodded to what Angie said.
"Yeah. I've handled worse." I told making us focus back on the trial.
"I'm sorry. I, um, I don't do this professionally. People who need to relieve physical pain will stop after the pain disappears. It doesn't take more than an average dose to accomplish that. Drug users are trying to bury emotional pain, which means they'll medicate until they feel nothing." He told and I could tell the jury was understanding everything. "This is why they have a tendency to overdose like Maggie Schilling."
'I basically said that. Dumb cunt.'
"That's not accurate. Sometimes intense chronic pain does not respond to medication." Temperance quietly told as she leaned forward to Levitt.
"I'll bring it up in cross-examination." He told making her sit back in her seat more.
"What about Dr. Brennan's claim that her pain was somehow connected to the victim being bound for a length of time?" Meredith asked.
"Well, the Costello's have already stipulated to the fact that they bound Miss Schilling as part of their rather unorthodox sexual life, and Dr. Brennan agrees that Miss Schilling had hyperpara--- well, if I can simplify, a thyroid condition that could weaken her bones. No need to look for bondage scenarios."
"That's ridiculous. He's ignoring all the facts." Doc told Seeley.
I gave Angie a tap and signalled that I needed a pen and paper from Seeley.
"With respect to my former student, Dr. Brennan, with findings like these, I don't know why she became a forensic anthropologist. She seems to have ignored all but her preconceived notions about the case." He told hurting Temperance.
"I apologise."
I got the pen and paper from Angie and began to write down what I needed them to tell our buddy's in the front.
"Do you disagree with Dr. Brennan's data?"
"Well, sometimes doctors can use data to confuse a very simple situation. I mean, I'm a doctor and I could hardly follow her." He told making the jury laugh. "This case is about people. Not incomprehensible technical jargon. I don't think that these people should be convicted of murder just because Dr. Brennan sounds smart. Or the fact that Dr. Harper, doesn't explain her past with drugs or how she knows so many people involved with them for not being in the science field." He told as I handed the paper to Angie to give to Seeley.
"Your Honor, really?" Levitt asked as he stood up.
"The jury will disregard Professor Stires's personal view of Dr. Brennan, and Dr. Harper. Court will adjourn until 9:00 a.m. tomorrow." She told banging her gavel and people start to move around.
"Don't worry about a thing, okay?" Seeley told us.

I sat on the steps spinning the cigarette I got from my pocket when someone sat next to me.
"You ok?"
"I'm fine. Sore a tad bit, but I'm fine."
"Didn't know you smoke."
"I don't. I just carry cigarettes on me cause of Peter."
"You know you don't have to listen to what Micheal said right. You don't have to explain why you know the things you do."
"That's not why I gave you that note Seeley."
"That's not what you wanted to talk about?"
"Nope. Your just the only person on the team I can go to without the boys or Angie finding out."
"So what is it you need my help with?"
"I need to go to the police station quickly."
"Is this to do with you not caring I called you Ash?"
"Yep. I can't explain it, but I need a lift since I can't drive in the state I'm in."
"Let's go then." He told making us get up and head to his car.
'Not a bad agent after all.'

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