Meet our cleaning friends.

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We were in the lab with Zack holding the jar of Dermestes Maculatus with Bennet, Seeley and Temperance as we stood around the container of the dead dude.
"All the trace evidence has been stripped. Hodgins and Ash scavenged as much as they could." He told
"Jack is figuring some stuff out for me first before I can get onto what you need Dr.B." I told making her look up at me.
"We're going to discuss that later." She told making me give a nod. "Okay, let's get started."
"What the hell are those?" Seeley asked as he pointed to the jar and as Zack dumped the bugs on the body parts.
"Dermestes Maculatus." Zack told
"Or as I call them, the cleaners." I said giving a smile.
"Flesh eating beetles. That's how we clean the flesh off of burn victims." Temperance explained.
Bennett's phone began to ring making him pick it up and move away so we couldn't hear the other side.
"Who do you think?" Zack asked making me look towards him.
"20 bucks that it's someone important. My bets on the President." I told
"Guess we will see then." He told making me smirk.
"What's that about?" Seeley asked Temperance as he pointed between me and Zack.
"It's a thing they do along with Hodgins. They make bets on what they believe it's a more probable cause. So far Ashley is on a running streak of wins." She told making me nod.
"We would let you in but a) you have that thing and I will not bring you back into that world and b) we don't like you." I told
"How did you know?" He asked as he looked at Temperance before looking back towards me.
"I have a talent." I told before Bennet walked back towards us.
"Yes sir. Yes sir." He said quietly before looking towards Temperance. "The President wants to know how long the ID is going to take."
"You owe me 20 Zack-attack!" I exclaimed making him shake his head.
"Why don't you ask them?" Temperance told as she referred to the beetles before leaving.
"I gotta see where Jack is on everything. Give me the 20 later." I told as I gave him a light tap before walking away to head to the office I shared with Jack.
I walked in to see him looking over some of the particulates and didn't see me come in.
"Any update?" I asked making him jump slightly.
"Found some crystalline."
"So the structure was aluminium based." I said making him nod.
"Yep. Is that enough for you to go off?"
"Should be. Also Zack owes me 20."
"What did he lose on?"
"Bennet took a call from the president." I told.
"Those cover ups." He told as we bumped elbows.
"This is why we don't trust them."
"Damn straight."

We were standing at Jacks desk with Zack looking over the findings we found as Bennet stood on the other side while he's 'not in the way' stance.
'I hate homeland security.'
"It could be a perchlorate. Would that be used in a bomb?" Zack asked
"It would but not this type." I told
"She's right. This is a crystalline structure, aluminum based." Jack told.
Bennet leaned over the top of the computer trying to see what we were doing only for Jack to become annoyed and pull the computer screen so he couldn't see anything.
"How do you know so much about bombs?" He asked me.
"One of my jobs here is weapons expert."
"How does that work?"
"Ashley has a bit of an eidetic memory so she uses that with studying weapons and the marks they leave." Zack told.
"Okay, I'm back. How are we doing?" Temperance told as she walked over to us.
"I have his detergent brand, cologne, shampoo. He died a well-groomed man." Zack told as he handed the paper to her.
"Meaning he was stylish before going kaboomly." I told
"Thanks." She told as she looked at the paper Zack gave her.
"Dr. Brennan?" Bennet said only to be ignored from her as she began to walk away.
"Are the bones done yet?"
"Yeah, I will check the beetles." Zack told before rushing off.
"Dr. Brennan, whatever you have there...." Bennet began with an annoyed tone before Temperance cut him off as she walked towards her office.
"It's a piece of paper that's all, with some writing on it. Also Ashley please come with me."
"You in trouble." Jack told in a sing song voice making me nudge him before heading after her.
I walked into her office and shut the door so we weren't interrupted. I went over and sat on her couch as she went on about doing what she was going to do.
"So why are you stressed recently?"
"Is this cause I called you Dr.B twice now?"
"Yes. Zack is correct. You only call me that when you are stress, all the other times you call me Temperance."
"It's nothing."
"It's something if you call me Dr.B."
"My snake got out of its cage the other day."
"Is she ok?"
"Oh 100%. She just found a warm spot and laid there."
"Then why are you stressed?"
"Cause Victoria the Bitch neighbour I have three rooms down from mine came over for some flour and somehow Oak got out of her enclosure, the room I've added blocks so she can't escape from under the door into the lounge. And suddenly I'm the one who has to apologise."
"It's your apartment."
"Does not matter to her it seems."
"Are you going to apologise?"
"Na I said to her face fuck that she isn't even dangerous. So my landlord came and said that we need to talk about things."
"Does anyone else know about this?"
"Nope. Not even Angie so don't tell her."
"I won't. But you are free to stay at mine if you need to."
"Thanks Temperance. I should be fine though."
"The offer is there if you need it."
"I know. Well I gotta start with da bomb, so have fun with the papers." I told as I got up and gave her a salute before leaving her office.
'Should be fine.'

The young doctors.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon