Driver picks the music and shotgun shuts their cakehole.

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Seeley was driving down the sunny streets of California in the Mustang they were able to rent with Temperance being shotgun.
"Scenario number one, prostitute gets breast augmentation from plastic surgeon in return for sex. She threatens to tell on him." Seeley told
"Plausible." We both told as one.
"Scenario number two, jealous boyfriend...well yada yada know the rest. Which do you like?"
"She's gonna say neither."
"She won't say neither."
"Neither." She told making me smile.
"And she said neither. Man I miss my boys."
"Because there's no real evidence. Also your boys?"
"Unless you count a volleyball. Sounds like you're getting ready to quit. And it's what she calls Zack and Jack."
"Quit? No. It's just the Deputy Director wants me to hand the case over to the LA field office. We're supposed to give Agent Finn what we've got and go home."
"You mean you two will bounce I still gotta stay here." I told
"What? Forget it. You don't even like Agent Finn. You think she's an idiot. You look at her the way Ash looks at you when your starting to get on her nerves and she begins to think about punching you."
"Zack tell you that?" I asked making her nod.
"Bones, the whole case is a bust. It's a blank. I mean we don't have anything. We checked her apartment, nothing. There are no pictures, nothing. We don't know what she looked like. We don't know her name."
"It's like she lived on the world instead of in it. Cullen is calling you back because he thinks I'm at a dead end. You have to tell him he's wrong." She told making him pull the car over and park it before he looked towards us.
"Is he wrong?"
"High chance." I told before Temperance continued.
"We know we're looking for someone who grew up in New England and moved here about eight years ago. Her leg was crushed in a car accident when she was thirteen. She was on a boat shortly before she was murdered. We know some of her names and some of her faces."
"That sounds like a great song title."
"That's all your stuff, okay. Usually by now we know more about my stuff." He told
"We have separate stuff?"
"Lab work and cop work there's a clear area for what belongs where and another section where the parts that link go." I told making her give a nod.
"Yeah by now I usually have a feel for the person. What they wanted. How they felt. What was going on in their lives? With this girl, nothing."
"She thought she was ugly. She did everything she could to make herself beautiful and all she did was make herself more invisible."
"I actually quite thought Claude Rains and Gloria Stuart were very attractive in the invisible man movie from 1933. Sorry got slightly sidetracked."
"Everybody in this city thinks they're ugly, huh, and nobody is. I'm starting to get why you hate anonymous death so much."
"You do realise no one in my family thinks we are ugly right? Except my father, ugly soul equals to an ugly human."
"We were born unique. Our experiences mold and change us. We become someone. All of us and to have that taken away by murder, to be erased from existence against our will, it's just..." she told making Seeley cut in.
"Unacceptable. These bones you bring me, I give them a face. I say their names out loud. I return them to their loved ones and you arrest the bad guy. I like that."
"So do I."
"I third that notion." I told.
"I feel like we should be arresting these doctors because whether they killed her or not they...they still erased her."
"Well, maybe I could hold off calling for a day." He told .
"It's not good enough." She stated as he started the car again.
"You're welcome." He told as he pulled away from the curb and began to drive again.
"Is there any plastic surgeon or practice in it you accept?" I asked Temperance.
"If it's to help fix scars or what not as you have said then I agree to that notion. Like if you were to fix the scar on your eyebrow or the back of your neck, it would be understandable."
"You have a scar on your eyebrow and the back of your neck?"
"Yeah I have a permanent slit in my eyebrow cause of a scar I've had since I was about 10. And then the scars on my neck are from another thing which I won't disclose."
"I never saw them. I'm surprise bones was able to."
"I only saw them here and there but we all know not to asked Ashley about stuff like that."
"I don't like talking about myself and my past a lot." I told before Temperance phone began to ring making her answer it.
"Brennan." She told before I heard Zack on the other end, signalling for her to put it on speaker for me to hear.
".....a larger version of the surgical implement used on the victim's jaw." He told.
'Murder weapon got it.'
"You compared the bones to the marks left on her jaw? That's brilliant Zack."
"Good job Bone boy." I added and I knew he was smiling.
"It was Hodgins. Well Hodgins quoting you so it was us. Go team. But get this according to the National Plastic Surgery Association, there's only one surgeon who does this procedure." He stated
'He didn't call me Bunny.... why?'
"Tell me he's in LA."
"He's in LA." He told before she hung up.
"Dr. Henry Atlas, Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills. Go." She told making Seeley hit the gas.

(Zack p.o.v)

Once Dr. Brennan hung up I had to take the beaker from Joe.
"Will you three stop touching things. You all aren't meant to be in here."
"Your just showing us around." Vix stated.
"Yeah especially since Sniper isn't here." Joe added.
"Where is my idiot cousin anyway?" Rio questioned as she looked at some of the chemicals.
"He's in Hollywood."
"Fancy." They all told as one.
"I just have to ask Dr. Goodman and then we can get lunch."
"Is there a reason you didn't say anything to the girl that called you Bone boy?" She asked as she looked towards me.
"I'll explain over lunch. But I really must get you out of here before Hodgins or Angela see you." I told as I began to push them all out.
"Like Hodgins from the Cantilever group?" They all asked.
"Yes. I rent from him." I told as we all began to walk out of the lab.
"Yes yes very interesting let's go." I told taking Rios hand since they will move quicker this way.
"If you wanted to hold hands you could have just said so."
"Can we hold hands?" The other three asked.
"No." She told making them whine.
"We are a strange group."
"That we are."

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