The show ending with hugs.

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We entered the room and Temperance had to quickly point towards them, due to her aiming away from them at first.
"FBI. Hands in the air." Seeley exclaimed making them turn and do as he says, while we all pointed our guns towards them.
"Yeah, hands in the air." Temperance added.
'We gotta work on that.'
"We're not armed." Duke stated.
"Everybody relax. They don't shoot people for trespassing." Kyle stated.
"Actually some people do shoot for trespassing. America is weird.... And very broken." I told.
"They do for murder. Put your hands on your head. Do it." Seeley told shocking Kyle more then Duke.
"Murder?! What murder?" Kyle questioned.
"Kyle, I'm throwing you these restraints. Put them on Duke. Now." He told tossing his cuffs towards them.
"How are we supposed to climb out of here in handcuffs?" Duke asked.
"Would you rather go out in body bags? Put on the damn restraints." Temperance exclaimed before looking towards Seeley to see he had his shut up look. "Let you do the talking. Got it."
"We tie rope around you and pull you out. How else?" I added making Seeley pull the same shut up look.
'I'm back to hating him again.'
"You think we killed Marni?" Kyle asked.
'Definitely Duke as the killer.'
"She was killed with a climbing ax." Temperance told.
"Duke, sit down. Bones, give me your gun. Take the restraints out of my belt, and put them on Kyle." He told making her put the gun into his pocket before going to get the handcuffs. "That's not cocked, is it? Because where that's pointed..."
"You're safe." She told.
"Marni was killed with a climbing axe?" Kyle asked.
"She knew about this treasure, she was going to put it in her documentary, would've cost you guys a fortune. So one of you killed her. Who's left handed?" Temperance asked as she walked over to him, causing me to internally face palm.
"Bones, you know, it's best to have this sort of explanation after the bad guys are incapacitated." Seeley stated.
As on que, Kyle pushed Temperance away and grabbed the heaviest artefact, and he lunged towards Duke with it.
"You killed her for this?" He exclaimed before hitting Duke in the head knocking him out and having him fall to the floor.
Temperance kicked him in the gut, causing him to fall to the ground so she could now cuff him.
"That's why." We both told
"Yeah, well, I'll try to remember that for next time." She told.
"Honestly though, I'd have done the same."
"Really?" Seeley asked.
"I can see her doing it for Angela or Zack." Temperance stated.
"Not Jack?"
"Not as much as the other two. Angela told me about the time you punched someone for insulting Zack, and that was when you two still hardly knew one another."
"I remember that. Was really pissed off from it."
"And you two aren't dating?!"
"Na. We just friends."
"What the hell is going on?!" Kyle questioned.
"Not yo business boi!" I told.
'I've got a show tonight.... Fuck what am I gonna play?'

"You feeling ok?" Angie asked as we sat at the bar.
"Yeah, you looking bluer then the colour blue." Daniel told.
"I'm a bit worried about Zack. The two of us just spent basically the whole time together working on the case together. And then leaving the lab with Seeley and Temperance, he looked worried at the fact I was going with them."
"And now your here with us." Daniel stated making me roll my eyes at him.
"I think he's just getting over the fact you nearly died sweetie." Angie told.
"Ya think?"
"I'm sorry. You nearly died?"
"Yeah, serial killer. Was gonna shoot me and our other coworker, he's dead now."
"Sick.... That he's dead, not the nearly being killed by him."
"Crazy world we live in!" I added.
"Totally." He told making us all laugh. "But I'm sure you both just need to reassure the other, that your still here and that everything is fine now."
"And now! The girl who gets told to perform more here, but won't. Who am I kidding. You all know who she is, just start clapping." Paul told over the microphone making us all laugh more as I got up and went onto the stage.
"Paul, what happened to introducing me?!" I questioned once I was on stage causing him to shout back at me.
"You don't need it!"
"I might be egotistical and like hearing my name over the speakers!" I shot back making us all laugh. "Well anyway. This song is written on someone I care about someone dear to my life. So enjoy."
'Love this song.'

"Lemme find another way to tell you that I'm upset
Moral of the story: life's a bit batshit

Got some damage from the past I'd rather just forget
I'm terrified of the future and stuff I might regret
I hate to say I told you so but goddamnit I guess I'll say I told you so
Guess I'll find another way to tell you that I'm obsessed
Moral of the story: life's a bit batshit
I guess that life is like a box of chocolates that I'm never gonna get
And I'm stuck tryna fix the nonsense thats in my head

So many ways that I could say it
So why can't I even think of one?
Just say something
And brеak the silence
It's not a lovе song but you're alright

Gotta find another way to make myself confess
Moral of the story: I'm a bit of a dickhead
If I dive too deep get lost in the deep end
Get myself out and try not to regress
I hate to say that I don't know
But goddamnit I guess I'll say that I don't know
Guess I'll find another way to tell you that I suppress
Every emotion I'm meant to express

So many ways that I could say it
So why can't I even think of one?
Just say something
And break the silence
It's not a love song but you're alright
So many ways that I could say it
So why can't I even think of one?
Just say something
And break the silence
It's not a love song but you're alright

I guess it is a bit of a love song but
Sounds a bit wanky
I dunno what to say

Lemme find another way to tell you that I'm upset
Moral of the story: life's a bit batshit."

After the show, I went back home to relax with Bone boy, which was good to do. We up relaxing on the couch and I realised that Zack was keeping hold of me as I leaned against his side while we watched tv.
"You ok Zack?" I asked looking up at him, causing him to look down at me.
"Really? Cause we've basically been joined at the hips for this case.... More so then usual." I told causing him to be silent for a bit before speaking.
"I'm still not over the fact you nearly died. Kenton was about to shoot you when Seeley killed him in time."
"I get that. I actually prayed to Soteria to protect you all as a last request."
"Why do that?"
"I accepted the fact I was going to die. So if I wasn't able to protect you and the others anymore, then maybe she would for me as my dying wish. I felt so bad not staying at the lab with you, I had wished I did." I told wrapping my arms around his waist, causing him to hold onto me more. "I didn't think I'd see you again."
"I was so scared you wouldn't return when you went into those tunnels. I'm just so scared now every time you leave the lab now and do field work with Seeley and Dr. Brennan during cases and I'm not there."
"One of the many reasons I love having you in my life Zack..... your a lover man. My very own mr.lover man."
'I wish he wasn't hurting. I wish Zack would never be hurt by the world or people. I just want him to be happy.'

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