Box of pointy?

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I was with Zack and Jack in the Medico-Lehal lab, and Jack was looking over some medal thing.
"We got most of the skull. There's just a piece missing about the size of a quarter." Zack stated.
"Well that's not helpful.... If it is." I told making Zack give me a confused look.
'I love his confused look. It's adorable.'
"Why are missing pieces always the size of quarters? Why are tumors always the size of grapefruits?" Jack asked.
"Those are rhetorical questions I'm not supposed to answer, right? These are not simply random abrasions." Zack stated.
"What are they?"
"Not simple random abrasions." I told making them smile at my stupidity.
"Marni's skull was fractured by a midair impact during her fall. That's evidenced by the radiating fractures centered above her right temporal bone, but this damage is isolated on the left side of her skull." Zack explained.
"A girl can't bang both sides of her head as she falls down a shaft?" Jack questioned.
"Not like this." I told before Zack continued.
"From the fracture pattern, it appears to be a sharp, pointed weapon."
"Pointed weapons box for this, Bone Boy?" I asked.
"That's the one Bunny."
"Yeah I'm not gonna question the Bunny thing. Brennan mentioned that Harold said he had given the victim something he wished he hadn't. Could this have been it?" Jack asked showing the thing he was looking at.
"Fragments of Latin." We both told as one making the other smile.
"Roman numerals." Jack told.
"You know who knows about that kind of stuff?" Zack asked.
"He's your favourite person." I added.
"You show it to him." Jack told making us instantly know his pull.
"No. I am not taking possession of that piece of evidence. You show it to him." Zack told making Jack look towards me.
"Don't look at me. I'm not taking possession of it either. Me and my lovely bone boy have pointy things to test." I added making him groan before walking off to find Goodman.
"I was wondering when you were going to call me Bone Boy again." Zack admitted.
"Awww, does the robot miss when I call him that?"
"You are the only one that calls me that. Everyone else just calls me by my name, so it's nice knowing you have nicknames for me."
"And I will call you these nicknames till the end of time, Bone Boy." I told cupping his face making him smile.
"I wouldn't believe it any other way, Bunny."
"I hate you so much."
"No you don't." He argued back as we both smiled towards the other.
'I could never hate him.'

I was with Angie in her work area with Zack, and she was working with the 3D imager.
"Here's the recreation. Here are the wounds." Angie stated showing us.
"Those skull fractures are centered above the left parietal lobe." Zack told.
"20 bucks it's a 50-53 degrees for the attack." I quickly told Zack.
"Deal." He replied back making us high five.
"Okay, the lasers can measure the angle of the attack and the amount of damage that was done to the living bone of the skull; 3.3 millimeters indentation into the bone at the deepest point which trailed off to 0.04 millimeters." Angie explained as she got to work for it.
"A glancing blow." We both told as one.
"Yeah, she saw it coming. The angle of the attack was between 50 and 53 degrees." Angie told making me throw my arms in the air.
"Meaning the attacker struck from above. And from the victim's right."
"Which means left-handed killer." I told.
"She was only struck once." Zack stated.
"Sometimes that's all it takes." Angie pointed out.
"You know, I've always been curious what it was like to only be left handed." I stated.
"You are though." Zack pointed out.
"Somewhat. I'm a bit of an ambidextrous with things." I stated. "But, pay up Bone Boy!"
"I can't believe you got this correct." He told passing the 20 to me.
"Oh but you should cause I did." I told as I leaned on him, which caused him to smile.
'We are a great duo.'

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