Howdy y'all

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I walked into the large sterile lab to see some blond chick rush past me.
"Alrighty then."
I walked further in I saw Seeley and Temperance there over the body of the lady.
"Howdy. Any one wanna tell me why the crazy lass was rushin?" I asked making them look towards me.
"Yeah. I'm still technically your guys ride since I have all your thangs. So who the blonde gal or am I not allowed to know?"
"Your accent is coming more through." Temperance stated.
"I know. Hangin' out with my family kinda does that. Let me just reboot myself and it'll be right as rain."
"You did not make a lot of sense." Seeley added.
"Why couldn't you be busy as a cat on a hot tin roof?" I asked making him become more confused.
"Do you understand what she's on about?"
"I'm used to hearing this side of her. Your better at asking Ange or Zack." She told making him getting annoyed.
"Yeah I'm not asking him anything." He told as Temperance held up the skull to study it.
'What the fuck did I miss?'
"This is not good." She told
"Yeah thanks for that insight." He told
"No, I mean the architecture of the skull has been radically altered." She told
"Like surgery altered it or the coyotes that lurk about at night? Oh hey my maskin' kicked in.... dang it!"
"You mean by rotting and being eaten by coyotes and having the face ripped off by you?" Seeley added
"No, by surgery...lots of surgery. I'm not sure I'll be able to tell who this was."
"Hot diggity dog, that's a real problem."
"Ok where the hell did you grow up where they speak that?" Seeley asked
"Not telling you Seeley." I told before getting excited about the fact my brain rebooted. "Yes! Brain rebooted!"

I was on a rolling chair in the lab as I was on a call with Marcus and Temperance was now in a call with Zack on a screen she was able to get brought in as they spoke about the remains. However Zack did not know I was here.
"No Marcus let me relax, besides my boss and sadly agent that we work with is here for a case. Let me work with them for a bit."
"Fine. But you have to be here by 6 to get everything ready for what we gotta do." He told
"Thank you thank you!"
"Your lucky your one of my favourites." He told before hanging up.
'Love this!'
"Are you getting the feed Zack?" Temperance asked as I got ready to glide over.
"Yes, Dr. Brennan. I'm looking at the x-rays you beamed me." He told
'Can't wait to see my bone boy!'
I pushed myself so I began to make my way into view of the screen only to over shoot it and glide right past.
'Fiddle sticks!'
"I'm going to have the bones cleaned, but there are still vestiges of flesh." She told only to get no response. "Zack?"
"Sorry. Hodgins got the clothing remnants and silt this morning." He told.
'Did he actually see me glide past?'
I pushed myself again and was able to stop in front of the screen this time to see Zack had a confused look mixed with a surprise one at seeing me.
"You know this chair is real fun. Also I've got till around 6 so you've got me."
"That's good. Are you there, Ange?" She asked making the screen pull away from Zack to show Angie as she sat down.
"Is it sunny sweetie? Tell me it's sunny."
"Howdy Angie!"
"Sweetie! How have you been? Is it sunny?"
"Been good surprise surprise. Did you watch the thing?"
"I did. Loved it! But is it sunny I gotta know." She told making me smile.
"It's sunny. I sent you the entire skull." Temperance told making us focus on the case again.
"You want a reconstruction?" Angie asked as she gave I'm guessing Zack a confused look.
'What the hell is happening on the other side of the screen?'
"If you can."
"If I can? Have I ever failed you?" She asked
"This one's different. You'll see what I mean when you get it. Zack?" Temperance asked making him appear back on screen.
"Here, Dr. Brennan. Hey Ash."
"I make this a young woman." Temperance told
"Early twenties from the look at the x-rays."
"Cause of death?"
"I see evidence of stabbing. One hit to the sternum, two to the pistoli cartilages." He told making me look at the marks to begin my side of knowledge.
"Estimated time of death?" She asked as Angie pushed her chair closer to the computer so they were both visible on the screen.
"Degradation of the remains suggests the body was left out in the open between a week and ten days and the marks on the bones suggest carnivorous feeding beyond insects, birds, and rodents."
"Coyotes." We both told them.
"They have coyotes?" Zack asked
"We are known for having coyotes. Kinda gotta keep a look out usually for shit like that, especially with kids and small animals." I told making them look at me. "What?"
"Sweetie remember, they don't know about the whole thing you do." Angie told
"Oh right. I lived up here while shit was getting ready in Pennsylvania when I was younger." I told making them nod.
"That explains the dispersal of remains. A pack of coyotes finds the body, pulls it apart, and spreads out to eat in solitude. Also Ash when are you coming home? It's real quiet at home and everything." He told making me smile.
"I don't know yet. Sorry I can't help with that. But what's going on between you and Seeley? He looks like he wants to punch you." I asked seeing him also grow annoyed from it.
"That's because he does. But he needs to get over it, it's been long enough of him knowing." He told
"This doesn't help me understand what happened Zack."
"Neither of them will tell us." Angie told.
"Will you tell me Zack?"
"When you get home."
"Yes! Suck it!"
"You've seen or talked to your friends from Santa Barbra again didn't you?" Angie questioned.
"Yeah. Shawn heard I was here and came to say hey real quick. He's working at an ice cream joint right now."
"Oh nice."
"The teeth are veneered." Temperance told
"The jaw has been broken and reset, same with the right leg. Have you seen any movie stars yet?" Zack asked making me and Angie began to smile a lot.
"No, why?" Temperance asked.
'Oh if only they truely knew.'
"Apparently, it's a contest when you go to LA in which the winner is the person who sees the most celebrities." He told making me smile so much as he exited the screen and Angie took his place and moved to the centre.
"You have a whole skull, right?" Angie asked
"So why is this going to be so difficult?" She asked
"You'll see. Ange On the Iron Age project, Goodman does this thing; Hodgins isn't going to like it."
"Oh fuck I need to hear about this doohicky!"
"What thing?"
"He theorizes in a way. It sounds like he's making stuff up. It's hard to explain but it's going to irritate Hodgins." Temperance told
"I actually quite like this theories. I often tell them to Edgar since he likes to use them for his work. In a way... more like an inspiration for shit really."
"Honey, you're in California. Forget the Iron Age. Say these words, 'Sky Bar'. Go there tonight; tell me everything."
"Oh I've been there. Weird joint honestly, also lotta people kept asking me and the others out."
"Please tell me you said yes!"
"We said no."
"Why would you say no!" She asked making me go to answer only to close my mouth not knowing. "Your ex with the green eyes is in town isn't he?!"
"Yeah. I mean it works out well, cause no one is my type and often not they know me or my fam and just wanna use it to their advantage which I do not like."
"Sweetie, we need to find you a boyfriend when you get back."
"No." I told before Zack swung the camera around to show him and he put his face up to it making me smile.
"Dr. Brennan, one of these x-rays shows two dark clumps near the pelvis." He told
"Behind what's left of the spleen." She told as Seeley walked back in.
'Oh shit! It's a rat!.... I've spent too much time with Peter recently.'
"I got a list of missing persons, women in their early twenties." He told before seeing Temperance rip something out of the body.
"Nice pull Dr.B. Okay I know what I said I'm using this time to de-stress myself." I told before putting on gloves and took what she grabbed to examine it.
"Oh boy do I really have to be here for this part?" Seeley asked making Zack get an annoyed look.
"Do you think she swallowed that?"
"Definitely not. Too big to swallow." I told
"Could be because she was a drug mule." Seeley stated.
"That's basically what I referred to." Zack told
"You shut up."
"You need to get over it." He told back.
"Oh I am loving this." I told before seeing Temperance gave me a look. "Sorry."
"It's an implant, breast implant." Temperance told.
"You know I hate most plastic surgeons. Just cause they play into peoples selfs doubts and try to make them take the knife. I say most, cause a lot of some that I've met help fix shit. Like botched surgeries as well as do stuff like give implants for people who are transitioning or who feel incomplete if they lost them due to breast cancer."
"Wow that was a lot." Seeley told
"Mum being a doctor helps see the side of shit like this."
"Those come with serial numbers." He told to refocus on all this.
"We should be able to identify our victim in a couple of hours." Temperance added.
"Then let's get this show on the road! Cause I wanna do somethin' before I gotta meet up with my other boss at 6!" I told before looking towards Zack. "I will hopefully talk to you again later and I hope you are doing well. Also how is my baby Oak doin'?"
"She's doing fine. Drinking water when she needs to and sleeping the rest of the time."
"Please send me any photos of her if you catch her when she's drinking."
"I will Ash."
"So weird." Seeley told making me flip him off.
'What a weird team we are.'

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