Santan did good this year.

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After I helped Zack a bit with his robot I took a quick break, and took my drawings to Angela's office so I could place them on the Angelator after I rolled them so it was a surprise, and I saw Temperance making calls.
'I wish I could help out there. But I know she will find her. She won't stop till she does.'

"Good. Okay, everybody. Stand over here." Angie told as she led us to the Angelator. "Close your eyes."
We all closed our eyes as she fiddled with the control pad to bring her tree up.
'I wonder how it looks now that it's complete.'
"Open your eyes." She told.
We all opened our eyes and were all impressed with the work she did. I gave her a hug which she returned as we continued to look at the tree.
"You did great Angie."
"Thanks Ash. I'm glad I got locked in here with you."
"Same. To think if it wasn't for that first case with the fed I probably wouldn't have been stuck in here with you."
"I'm glad you stuck around." She told making us give a chuckle.
They all were hugging and shaking hands, with me just giving salute to Seeley and a handshake to Goodman since I still wasn't fully comfortable with having any more then that for physical contact with them. But that quickly changed when Zack gave me a hug and Jack joined in on it making us laugh.
"What?! I never get hugs from you. I think it's unfair you hug Zack and not me."
"I was high the first time I did it.... no wait we hugged earlier cause of that kid case. Man that was rough." I told before we pulled apart and I opened my arms for Jack. "Come on I'll give you a hug."
He quickly wrapped his arms around me and I gave his back a few pats.
"I'm liked." He quietly told making us laugh as I began to pull away.
"Ok no more. I've reached peak physical contact of the day." I joked before holding my elbow out for him, making him do our usual bump as we both smiled at it.
Zack held his fist up making me quickly do it as Jack fought against it.
"Maybe I should have worked harder to keep you three away from one another, when we joined." Angie told making us laugh more when I noticed Temperance was no longer with us.
'Merry Christmas Temperance.'

Later we were in Angies office with them holding their gifts since mine was not there for some reason, which I didn't mind and Angie was working on getting the wrapping off of her gift that was from Jack.
"Look at all these gifts!" She told as she had some trouble making me pull my Swiss Army knife out of my boot to give to her.
"Thank you sweetie."
"You carry a Swiss Army knife?" Goodman questioned
"Never know when you'll get yoinked and tied up. I also have this pocket knife just in case the rope is a bit thicker." I told as I pulled it out of my other boot.
"Ash you are seriously odd." Jack told across from me and I put it back in it's spot.
"We should be drinking eggnog while we're doing this." Seeley told
"You wanna drink the same thing that is the whole reason we are stuck here?"
"I wonder what this is." She asked making us look to see her pull a framed picture out. "Oh my God. It's beautiful. What is it?"
"Just enjoy not knowing." I told
"It's... prettier if you don't know the details." Jack added as we shared a knowing look.
"That is beautiful." Goodman told
"Thank you." She told
Goodman was the next to go and began to open the box his gift was in.
"I wonder what it is." He told
"What did you get?" Me and Angie asked at the same time.
He pulled out an intricately crafted bird made out of paper.
'That's awesome.'
"Very impressive." He told as he looked it over.
"Dude that's hella awesome."
"Whoa..." Jack said as we all shared the same amazed look towards it.
"You made this?" He asked
"Yeah." Seeley told
"Thank you." He told
"I'm next." Zack told making me look towards Angie to see she was excited to see how he would react.
He slid the tie off of his present which was two rolled-up sheets of paper I got from Angies office.
'I hope he likes it.'
"It's my family and me." He told as he showed the group.
"Obviously it was Angie that got him then." Jack told
"Actually it's from Ash." Angie told making me give a smile as he unrolled the second drawing to see it was him when he was working on the robot.
"Wait hold up. Ashley drew that?" Seeley asked making me nod.
"Yeah. I thought you would have known how well I draw from all the times you force me with those interrogations." I stated.
"Did you do all those painting that are now hung up around the place at home?" Jack asked
"No that was Peter. He's an artist." Angie told
"Ashley actually has a BA in the arts." Goodman stated.
"I forgot you know about everything." I told before Zack finished up opening the second one.
Once he got a clear look at it he looked towards me with a confused look.
"This was what you were working on when I was working?"
"I haven't seen that one." Angie told making him show us.
"Where did you learn how to draw?" Seeley asked
"Partly from Peter. Partly from Angie and then I studied for the BA from Caltech." I told
"You went to Caltech?!" Jack questioned
"Yeah. Got in when I was 13."
"How much of a genius are you?" Seeley questioned.
"A lot." We all told making us laugh.
"Thank you Ash." Zack told making me smile.
"No problem Bone boy."
"Any time Bunny."
"I fucken hate you."
"I'm just gonna ignore the bunny thing you two have got going." Jack told before opening his gift and pulled out a replica of a beetle.
"Arabara sassar." Daniel told
"It's gorgeous."
"A sacred scarab. That is excellently rendered, sir. Thank you." Jack told
"That's cool." Angie added
"You're very welcome." He told
Seeley opened his gift and pulled the robot I helped Zack work on.
"Wow. Zack, that's, uh-"
"Self-propelled, nonautonomic unit." He explained.
"It's a robot." Me and Jack told at the same time making us bump fists.
"I thought if we get out of here in time today, you could give it to your son."
"Merry Christmas." He told as he gave Zack a vigorous and enthusiastic handshake.
"Oh, Zack." Angie said as she found the thought sweet.
"Thanks a lot." Seeley told
"You're welcome. Ash actually helped me work on some parts of it."
"Ye." I told as I showed a peace sign.
"Ok what BAs do you have?" Jack questioned as we chuckled
"I actually have a PHD in Engineering."
"We've got three subjects so far." Jack told making us smile.
"How old are you?!" Seeley asked
"I'm the same age as Zack. 24. Surprisingly I'm younger then him by a few months and I will not reveal it cause snitches end up in ditches."
"Well anyway. All this aside, we still have one gift left." Angie told as she got up.
"That's right. You haven't opened your gift yet Ash." Jack told
"Na. I wonder who it could be." I joked as Angie came back with my gift.
"It was a good thing I pulled your name, since I already had your gift."
"I feel like I should get two gifts." I joked making me and her laugh.
"Merry Christmas sweetie." She told as she handed the wrapped gift.
I opened it up and pulled the guitar out making my eyes go wide.
"Angie you didn't!"
"I did."
"I have been looking for one for ages!"
"I know. That's why I contacted one of dads buddies who hooked me up with it." She told
"She got you another guitar?" Zack questioned.
"Not just any guitar. A factory black 1966 Gretsch 6120. I love it."
"I knew you would."
"You know how to play?" Seeley asked
"She does." Jack, Zack and Angie told as one.
"She is quite the lovely singer." Zack told as I began to tune it.
"My dad taught her how to play when we were younger."
"Can you play us something?" Goodman asked
"Uh sure.... I usually don't like playing in front of people but it's Christmas and I'll make an exception." I told before finishing the tuning to see it was perfect. "Alright I'm ready. And I'm only doing this once so better enjoy it."
I cleared my throat before I began to play the notes on the guitar.
'Hope they like it.'

(Side note: I didn't add a guitar song because I could find one that fit it well. Sorry bout that, but enjoy.)

"It's Christmas Day.
And we're stuck in here.
All because, someone wanted nog.

So it's a quarantine Christmas!
We're spending our time together.
Giving each other gifts and having a jolly ol' time.
And learning things we wouldn't have, if we didn't get stuck.

Who would have thunked it?
That the bones had Valley Fever.
So now we wait and see,
If a needle gets stuck in our brains,
On Christmas Day.

We saw the family,
Through two way glass.
And saw Angie has a famous dad,
Who had five others weirdos with,
Who would have guessed that.
Zack has a big family.
Daniel has twins.
Jack has a hot girlfriend,
But we all knew that.
And Seeley has a kid and cousin,
Which no one knew.
But I will say this,
I called it on day one!
I will say for the kid part not the cousin one.

So it's a, quarantine Christmas.
We're spending our time together.
Giving each other gifts and having a jolly ol' time.
And learning things we wouldn't have, if we didn't get stuck.

We exchanged gifts and laughs.
Angie got a picture,
But she doesn't know what.
Daniel got a paper bird,
Which I must say, it's fly as hell.
Jack got a sacred scarab,
And Zack got some drawings.
Seeley got a robot,
Which means we are one step away from reaching,
Robot takeover.
And I got this sick ass guitar!

Now say it with me everyone!

It's a quarantine Christmas!
We're spending our time together.
Giving each other gifts and having a jolly ol' time.
And learning things we wouldn't have, if we didn't get stuck.

But let's not forget.
The reason we are all here.
It's because,
Jack couldn't follow protocols!

But I must say this.
At least we are all here together.
That's more then anyone can say.
And I must say....
It's one of the best I've had.
And that the only thing I know how to end this song is by saying....

I have a new family on this Quarantine Christmas Day, and thank you all for coming to this one night song. And that's the end of this, quarantine Christmas blue."

Once I was done they all began to clap with Jack and Seeley whistling making me smile as Angie gave me a hug.
"That was beautiful sweetie."
"Thanks. I do try."
"That was absolutely wonderful Ashley." Goodman told as they all slowed their clapping.
"Angie please tell me you recorded that?" Jack asked.
"I did. And I'll send it to everyone."
"I should have made sure it wasn't being recorded." I told making us chuckle.
'I'm glad they liked it.'

The young doctors.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang