All the bats!

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~(episode 13: The Woman in the Garden)~

The new case we had was a strange one. This dude got pulled over for running a stop sign. Of course the police found a body in the boot so that's where we've come in.... And Seeley lost the guy driving said car due to a drive by. Which leaves us to now, being at the lab with said body.

I was next to Jack going through some of the evidence while Temperance, Angie and Zack were on the platform examining the remains.
"Uh, decomp, insect activity, volatile fatty acid levels in the soil due to putrefaction suggest she was buried for approximately six months." Zack told as he went through his notes.
"Typically, gravediggers are necrophiliacs looking for a little action." Jack told next to me, making me have to hold back my gag.
"Um, ew." Angie stated which I agree with.
"Ok I'm not one for kink shaming. But that fucken deserves to be shamed on. That shits fucked up." I stated.
"Dental exam shows shoveled incisors and striated enamel." Zack added
"Indicating?" Doc asked.
"Malnutrition. Which is consistent with anthropometrics suggesting the victim is from Central America."
"The body was found in a Salvadoran neighbourhood."
"She must have been buried around the area then." I stated before Jack spoke up.
"In Pikeville, Tennessee, a guy dug up the graves of all these people because he wanted to make sure their bodies were still there. They weren't."
"I hate that." I told before Doc spoke towards Angie.
"Make a sketch of the face. I'm not sure we'll find a match, she might have been undocumented." She explained picking up a tray with a rosary on it to give to her. "Goodman is an expert in religious iconography, maybe he'll be able to determine where this rosary was made."
Angie takes the tray off of her, and Zack spoke up.
"Depression fracture on her occipital bone straddling the left lamdoidal suture. Looks like one hard hit congruent with, say, a baseball bat."
"Oh I've been wanting to use my new bats for tests. The possibility's."
"She was religious; she should've had a casket, a proper burial with her name on a headstone. We are going to find out who she is, and we are going to give her that." Temperance told ignoring my bat induced excitement.
'I've got so many bat to test for this. I'm so excited!'

'I'm upset I'm not allowed to test my bats. They got me excited all for nothing.'
Probably wondering what the hell happened. Well, I'm not allowed to tests my bats yet. Instead I've gotta help Temperance examine them and sketch out any marks she wants.... Which I guess is fine, but I'm upset I can't give the bats a whirl. Soon Seeley walked up onto the platform since he did his own thing.
"K, I have it on good authority that the guys who shot at our killer were doing it so he'd have a chance to escape." He told as Doc held a bone.
"The victim was pregnant when she was hit over the head." She told before placing it back down.
"Yeah, five weeks along. Get your hands off there." She told pointing at his hands that were on the table.
"You know that's the one thing being pregnant makes me feel uncomfortable. I'm growing bones in me, only to not keep them. Like da fuck I spent 9 months growing them I wanna keep them."
"Why does that not surprise me coming from you?" Seeley questioned.
"Because I don't really have a filter and have said much more stranger things." I stated as Temperance nodded, before Jack spoke up from the workstation adjacent to said platform we were on.
"I ran samples from the body, shovels and burlap through the gas chromatograph and it all came back full of organic compounds. Plant detritus, root remnants, fertilizer." He explained.
"Sounds like stuff you'd find in a cemetery." Seeley told.
"Well, I also found this." Jack continued holding up a dish. "Fernaldia pandurata...."
"Otherwise known as loroco buds." I continued cutting him off.
"Loroco is an edible flowering plant, it's native to El Salvador. It's grown in vegetable gardens, not cemeteries." Temperance explained.
"Oh I could go for some. They can be quite a nice snack to have."
"She was buried in a vegetable garden?" He asked making us nod.
"Mmmm." We both told him.
"Ok, can you recognize this loco plant?"
"Loroco. I've eaten it, but I wouldn't recognize the plant." Doc admitted.
"Probably. I was like 17 when I first had it though so might take longer to work it out."
"It's quite distinctive. I'm also analyzing the dirt and particulates on the shoe you got off the suspect. At first glance it matches the vegetation we've already found but with a couple extras I'm still checking out." Jack told making Seeley clasp his hands together.
"Ok, Hodgins, suit up, you're coming with us. We're going to the barrio."
"Field work." He told getting excited. "Cool! Do I get a gun?"
"You can't arm Hodgins and not me."
"What is with you people and the guns, huh?" He asked
"Seeley, do any of them look like someone who'd go out and just shoot a gun?" I asked.
"Just go talk to your boyfriend!" He exclaimed walking off.
"I thought you hated Zack? And we aren't dating!" I shouted back.
'Strange world we are in.'

(Zack p.o.v)

I was working away on my part of the case when I felt someone hug me from behind and rest their head on my back. I got a confused look, before turning slightly to see it was just Ash.
"You ok?" I questioned.
"I'm still not allowed to test bats." She told making me laugh.
"Do you need a hug? You have been more comfortable hugging me." I told as she nodded and I moved slightly so she could sit in my lap and be hugged while I continued work.
"Your the best. Any girl would be lucky to have you do stuff like this for them."
"And yet, no one is interested in me."
"Na, there's always someone. You just gotta look for it sometimes."
'And yet, I'm here having feelings for you..... and you don't even know.'

The young doctors.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt