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~(Episode 2: The Man in the SUV)~

I walked into the lab late and tried to hide the annoyed look I had as I headed onto the platform with our vic.
"Facial epidermis and the fingertips are completely decimated. We're not going to be able to ID anything from the flesh. It's basically carbon." Temperance told she told before looking up to see me. "Ashley your late."
"I know Dr.B. Sorry about that." I told making them all stop to look at me. "What?"
"You only call Dr.Brennan, Dr.B when your stressed out about something." Zack stated.
"I'm fine. Trust me I just slept in."
They all gave me another look before going back to the body and I let go of my breath that I didn't realise I was holding.
'Thank goodness for that.'
"We are missing the lower left leg and the lumbar spine." Zack told
"Here's the C2 and the right ischium." Temperance stated.
"Smokey here had access to the President. Why would he attack a café?" Zack questioned.
"Smokey?" She asked
"It's how I deal with the stress." He told
"Yo smoke ham sounds so fucken good right now." I told making Jack shake his head towards me before speaking.
"Targeting everyday places causes panic. People stay home. The economy is crippled. It's Terrorism 101, man."
"Also makes people feel unsafe and sometimes leads up to a bigger kaboom." I told as I made an explosion with my hands.
"Take samples from the clothes. See whatever you can find. Traces of cologne, laundry detergent, anything that we can link to Masruk's home. Ashley I would also like you to work out the bomb placement if you can."
"On it Temperance." I told as I gave a little salute.
"I will grab any particulates that we can identify the type of bomb." Jack told as we bumped elbows.
"Isn't that the FBI's job?" Zack asked
"Why even use the FBI when you've got me." I asked giving him a smile.
"What you trust the FBI? You realize those guys are going to suppress whatever they need to cover their asses." Jack told
"I found a portion of the clavicle." Zack told making Jack annoyed that he was ignored.
"Are you even listening?" He asked
"No. I listened to Ash but stopped when you started to talk." He told making me laugh.
"He likes me more then you." I told before sticking my tongue out to him.
"They have a separate division you know that way their hands are always clean. In 1970..."
"Jack! We're trying to work." Temperance told as Seeley came walking up the stairs and stopped to stand behind him.
"You know what Fed I would love to see get punched. Seeley.... feel like he has a very punchable face." I told earning a look from Temperance. "Sorry Temperance."
"Someone seems really defensive about the FBI lately. You realize Booth is just another Government stooge." Jack told as I bit my tongue to stop myself from laughing at the what was going to come.
"This has nothing to do with Booth." She told
"You know I don't enjoy having squints on my team anymore then you like me on yours but you know we're supposed to be working together. Okay?" Seeley told making Jack turn to face him.
"Sure. So what do we do, group hug?"
"Who's the other dude with you?" I asked making him give me an annoyed look, only for me to flip him off.
"Agent Gibson here will be over seeing things for Homeland Security." He told
"I'll try not to be in the way." He told making me roll my eyes towards him.
"No, uhhh ...we don't need to be overseen." Temperance told.
"So what's your first name dude?" I asked
"That's really not your call Bones. Okay how soon can we get the DNA match?" Seeley asked
"Bennet." He told making me nod.
"Cool beans."
"That'll take days. I can get a match much sooner then that I have all we need." Temperance told.
"You're going to be able to ID him from that?" Bennet asked
"Asking stuff like that is in the way." Zack told making me smirk towards the agents as Temperance walked away having Seeley follow after her.
"Remove any flesh and particulates you can and then macerate him." She told before turning to look at Bennet. "If that's alright with you?"
"Don't touch the table. Don't touch the table." Jack told Bennet once we saw he was leaning on the exam table.
"So how does this work?" He asked
"Why is it that you doubt our talents?" I asked
"I don't."
"Trust us. If Ash says you do then she knows you do." Jack told
"It's true. I have a gift finding things out that people don't want finding out." I told
"How are particulates....." Zack began only for me to interrupt him.
"We should have them all collected." I said making him nod.
"She can do that but I can't?" He asked
"Ash is allowed to do a lot of things that other people can't." Zack stated
"Like interrupting us." Jack told
"Yeah Bennet. I'm special." I told making him get a small annoyed look we became used to with Seeley.
'This is gonna be a long case.'

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