*Rawr* XD

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(Disclaimer: the reason this chapter is titled like this, is because I'm quoting Vine since whenever I watch this show I always think of the vine. Anyway, continue on with the story.)

~(Episode 4: The Man in the Bear)~

I've taken up one of the empty autopsy tables on the platform so I could help with my loud days while I wore headphones to help drown out most of the noise, as Zack looked at the computer with Angie at his desk near the edge of the platform .
"These are false start kerfs, which suggests a hand saw. The cut marks on the breakaway spurt...here...should give me the number of teeth per inch, but to me it just looks broken." He told
"I could work it up to a three dimensional image, see if that helps and once Ash is able to handle loud noises she can take a look."
"Dr. Brennan could do it from this." He told and I could tell he was frustrated.
"Not when she was lowly grad student, Zack. Upload all the ditigal info Brennan sent you to my mainframe and lighten up Z-man." She told before giving me a light squeeze on my arm before heading off.
"You know most of the time Doc doesn't actually need me to work out weapons." I told
"I thought those were to help you not hear until you were comfortable with noise?" He asked
"It helps make things more easier to handle. Temperance thought they would be useful after the forth time, where I had a loud day and was just locked in her office for most of the day."
"How are you able to work it out so easily? You don't even have a bone forensic degree." He stated as I could tell he was getting more annoyed at not being able to work it out.
"I may not have a bone forensic degree like Temperance or what you are getting, but I do have life experience. Back when I was a PI, I have seen my fair share of decomposed bones or from my mother being a doctor."
"Your mother also has a PhD?" He asked
"Yep. She was a medical doctor and I've seen my fair share of bones and x-rays from it." I told before getting up and heading off the platform.
"Where are you going?!" He asked
"I'm hungry and want a drink." I told before leaving.
'Hate loud days.'

I was sitting next to Jack as I ate my eclair in the break area as him and Zack were drinking coffee and looking over the case.
"All I'm saying is why cut somebody into pieces."
"Easier to yeet?" I questioned making him give me a confused look.
"Pack 'em up tighter maybe. Say, in a suitcase." He told as he sat down next to me and looked over the pictures as well.
"How did a bear open up a suitcase?" Jack asked as he took the photo from Zack.
"Bears are smarts." I told
"I saw a documentary once where a bear got into a car and drove away." He told before looking over another photo.
"That was not a documentary, it was a cartoon." He told as they exchanged looks.
"Question, which kind of bear is best?"
"Ash don't start this." Zack told as he went to have some of his coffee.
"False. Black bear."
"That's debatable and you know it. There are two school of thoughts." He told as Jack enjoyed watching over it.
"Fact, bears eat beets. Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica."
"That's not correct." He told as Jack began to laugh.
"Now I know why he went on that massive rant about bears." He told in between laughs.
"You are welcome for that." I told
Soon our attention was brought over to an attractive lady with a box most likely from Temperance.
"Hello, I'm looking for a Zack Addy...got a package of human remains." She told
I looked towards him to see he had frozen, which made Jack quickly get up to do it.
'Boys will be boys.'
"I can sign for that.Where's Jimmy?" He asked as he took the signing device from her.
"Tahiti...Fiji...who knows? He won the lottery." She told.
"Is it too much of a line to say 'no, we won the lottery.'?" He asked making her smile awkwardly "It is, I take it back... just compared to you, Jimmy...you know ..."
"The third nostril." She told as they both laughed and Zack looked on.
"That whistling sound when he sneezes." He told making them both laugh.
"So what's the name hot lady?" I asked making her look over towards me and Jack gave an annoyed look only for me to give him a wink.
"Toni." She told as she smiled.
"Lovely name." I told before Jack got her attention again.
"Unfortunately it is too soon to ask you to have coffee." He told as he handed back signing device.
"It is?"
"Yes...yes...coffee is the third delivery capper."
"So what's the first delivery capper?" She asked making him smile more towards her.
"Initial contact, me cute, light flirting."
"Then I'll catch you in another couple of deliveries." She told before handing the box over to Jack.
"OK...bye." He told as we watched her go.
'Nice ass.'
Zack stood up and went up behind Jack and continued to watch her leave before speaking.
"You bogarted my package." He told
"You panicked and froze my man, thus the package came into play. Also incorrect use of verb bogarted." He told before handing the package to Zack and then leaving.
"I thought you had that thing with Niaomi?" I questioned as I went back to eating and reading a book I got from my haven't read yet collection.
"She still won't talk to me. Rio suggested I take a break from it so I can try and find someone else who isn't a 'terrible human' as she said." He told as he came and sat back next to me.
"I mean I agree on the whole don't go back to Niaomi, she doesn't seem nice. She said you didn't have friends."
"No, she said if you had any."
"Zack.... she was saying you didn't have friends."
"But you and Jack say my friends from university are robots. How is that different?"
"Because unlike her, we know you have friends, we just joke and say that they were robots since Jack says your an alien and what not. We know you have friends and I want you to be happy with someone who doesn't treat you the way she did."
"Why is it you understand me more then the others here?"
"Probably cause we are alike.... despite it not seeming like it." I told making him smile towards me. "I'd take a look at the hand so Temperance doesn't get mad."
I grabbed my things and walked off to let him think things over.
'Man he is cute when he smiles.'

The young doctors.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن