Jesus lost his sandals, and a lot more at that.

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We were travelling down a desert road in Angies jeep. I stayed in the back so I could stretch out a bit and was wearing a dress that I got when I was 20 and is known for being worn by lady's who need maternity outfits.
'I should wear this dress more often. I forgot how comfy these were.'
I mostly kept one headphone in, just so I could properly hear what they were saying over the rock in roll music I was playing.
"I mean, it's not like I actually think that the skull is Kirk's. But, I mean, if you could just look at it and just tell me it isn't, then I could stop worrying about him being dead and just be mad at him for being a flaky artist." Angie told.
"You know, I once dated this one person, they were always late to things. Broke up with them after two weeks, cause they said they'd pick me up from classes and didn't. To which I got rained on."
"I remember that." Angie told making me point to her, before Temperance turned on the radio and was greeted by static.
"You won't get anything out here. We're about a hundred miles past where Jesus lost his sandals." Angie told as Temperance turned the radio off.
"Hey, that's my favourite song of theirs." I joked making them smile.
"I assume that's a way of saying we're extremely isolated?" Doc asked.
"Yeah. That's why we come out here every year. It's like you stand still, and the whole universe just comes at you." Angie explained.
"At 110 degrees." Doc added.
"My hair is not gonna agree with the heat. Good thing I put it in a braid." I spoke seeing Angie give a small smile in the review mirror towards me quickly.
"You know, Kirk was out with a good guide. Our friend Dahni. I mean, he said he'd be back. He said we'd go out for nachos and beer. And this is a man who's serious about his beer."
"Like Shotgun!"
"Definitely like Shotgun." Angie told as I sat up and got the aux cord for Angies jeep.
"What are you doing Ashley?"
"Giving us some music to listen to. For everything, is on the eye of the tiger." I told before plugging it in and the exact song began to play, causing them to both smile.

We were standing in the Sheriffs office, and Ben Dawes was being reluctant to include me and Temperance in the investigation.
"I got the Navajo police looking between Dano Ona Canyon and the Otero Bluffs." He told into the call, making Angie get frustrated and interrupt it.
"Hey, Ben. Dr. Brennan is a forensic anthropologist with the Jeffersonian Institution." She told.
"I spend most of my time helping the F.B.I. conduct murder investigations." Doc added.
"And this is Dr. Harper, she prefers Ashley though, and she also works at the Jeffersonian Institution with Dr. Brennan."
"I also used to be a private investigator."
"She's really good at finding things people want hidden."
"Call it a gift."
"Angie, I kinda got my hands full getting searchers out to look for Dahni and Kirk." He told
"Can I punch him?" I whispered to Doc and Angie.
"No." They told back in the same volume.
"The state police said they would lend us a chopper, but only if we narrow down a search area." He told before hanging up and sighing. "They gotta be running low on water. I don't give them more than a couple of days."
"Ben, if you could just show Dr. Brennan and Ashley the skull." Angie told before Doc cut in.
"Or point me toward the morgue."
'There's definitely no morgue here.'
As on que, Ben bends down and retrieve a cooler box from under his desk. He placed it on his desk and removed a plastic bag from inside of it, before placing it on top of the bow for us to see it.
"Welcome to the Merville County Morgue." Ben told.
'Called it.'
The three of us exchanged a look before I shrugged at it, and Temperance adjusted her gloves and reached to open the bag and remove the skull from it.
"Prominent brow ridge indicates the victim is male." He told before gesturing for the plate. "You mind?"
"Be my guest." He told holding his breakfast out for her.
"No, no. She wants the plate, Ben. Not the muffin."
"What type of muffins?"
"Blueberry." He told making me grab it.
"I will gladly be the guest, best not waste not." I told breaking some off and eating it.
He handed the dish to Temperance, who in turn took it and flipped it before placing the skull onto it to analyse it.
"Cranial shape and nasal features suggest Caucasian." Temperance told.
"Died in the last several days." Angie added.
"Critters been at it pretty good." Ben stated.
"Makes sense. Large feast like a dead body, would make any animal drool." I told before having more of the muffin.
"Pattern of basilar suture fusion puts age 30 to 35." Doc stated.
"Well, it doesn't look like Kirk." Angie told.
'I feel bad. I know what this is like, and I wouldn't even wish this on my worst enemy's.'
"It doesn't look like anyone, Angie." Ben told and I handed Doc the tools she needed, allowing her to scrape a bit from the skull before sniffing it.
"Putrescine. Early stages of decomp." She told.
"Makes sense of they've only been dead for only a few days." I stated and Angie looked uncomfortable.
"Cause of death?" Angie asked.
"A man gets caught unawares out in the desert, he could be dead in a few hours." Ben told as we examined the skull, but Temperance used a magnifying glass.
"Uh oh." We both told seeing what we were hoping we didn't find.
"What?" Angie asked.
"The base of the skull here detached from the spinal cord. See these little bevel marks? Para-mortem contact gunshot. It wasn't the desert who caught this man unawares. It was someone with a gun."
'Not good. Not good one bit.'

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