The power of Voodoo. Who do. You do. Do what? Remind me of the Babe.

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I was lying on the examination table in the bone room, while Angie and Zack continued to look at the x-rays.
"You know, I feel that we live in an unjust system."
"Why do you think that sweetie?" Angie asked
"Cause why the fuck is Jack not here? I mean, I know this isn't his field but like come on! He's all about being a rebel against the government and the higher up cover ups, yet where the fuck is he?! Like Boi! Help!" I told before the phone in the room rang. "Probably the Doc and Fed."
"Zack Addy." He told after he picked it up and put it on speaker.
"Zack, it's me. Anything else on John Doe 361?"
"Called it." I quietly told.
"Yes, Dr. Brennan. We found some damage to the pubic bone. Some kind of strike marks." Zack explained.
"Hard to tell if they are from a weapon and what type of it is yet! I'm leaning towards it don't be a weapon." I added.
"Did you get Angela to reconstruct the pattern?" She asked making Angie speak.
"Yeah. Hi, sweetie. I'm here. Uh, I tried to make a digital positive, but it didn't work."
"Voodoo probably." Seeley told making me nod.
'Man, I wanna watch the Labyrinth now..... now I've got the song stuck in me head.'
"The extrapolation protocols can't resolve the gradient fluxes in the bone shadings." She told before the voice I recognised to be James spoke.
"What's that?"
"That's mumbo jumbo. It's scientific voodoo." Seeley told
"Be nice Seeley. Voodoo is a respected culture and belief, especially in New Orleans." I stated.
"Can you do it manually?" Doc asked ignoring anything that didn't do with the case.
'Of course.'
"Off an X-ray?" Angie asked quickly answering the question herself. "Mm, not really."
"Can't you send the actual remains?" Zack questioned.
"If she could, think they'd be here by now. So I doubt she can." I told before Temperance answered it herself,
"They don't exist."
"That makes no sense." Zack told
"Na it does actually. I had a whole business on finding the lost things of people wanting to stay lost." I stated as I closed my eyes to help relax me.
"Voodoo. It's probably voodoo." Seeley told
"Someone could have salted the bones and burnt them. Common practice. More common then one would think, mostly used with one particular group, that I can't think of the name at the moment."
"Voodoo?" Angie asked
'Wonder if they'd realise I just left the building? How long would it take for them to realise? Seems I'm pretty ignorable at this point. Giving facts and reasons but nothin'.'
"Okay, quit saying voodoo." Temperance told.
"Yeah, because, you know, it's not a factor." Seeley argued.
"Okay, let me know what you find. Bye." Doc told before they hung up again.
There was some silence in the room for a bit till I could feel there was someone over my head, but I decided to ignore it.
"You ok?" Zack asked making me open one of my eyes.
"Why'd you ask?"
"You seem a bit upset no one was listening to what you were saying." He told making me let out a sigh as I opened my other eye and noticed Angie was also gone from the room.
"I'm knowledgeable in this field. I also bring up counter thoughts that people wouldn't think of, like someone salting and burning the bones. But they get ignored.... Just reminds me how much I was listened to when I traveled with Shotgun. He would let me go on this rants about the topics I liked, kinda why my family like him so much. He would understand what they were on about and believed in the same things as them.... Makes me wonder sometimes if I'm meant to be here at the Jeffersonian or not."
"I believe you're meant to be here. You think differently, which allows us to think of other possibilities we wouldn't have gotten to sooner or at all. I believe Dr. Brennan and Booth listened to you, but just didn't say anything for time."
"Thanks Zack." I told giving him a small smile and he returned one back.
'Guess I know for sure Zack was listening. Don't know how I'd go if he wasn't around.'

The young doctors.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora