Into the thick of it.... Ugh!

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Welcome to Senator Corman's house in Chevy Chase, MD. Gardeners were working outside while Seeley and Temperance talked to the two Corman's on the lawn.
"Because of my husband's official work in El Salvador, we've found a bond with the country and the people." Mrs. Corman stated.
"In fact, we have several Salvadoran immigrants working here at the house. I've actually sponsored quite a few for citizenship." Corman explained.
'Can I punch these cunts?'
"Citizenship screening would keep out members of death squads." Jack told making me chuckle quietly.
"Hodgins." Seeley told after a fake cough.
"Just because I'm antisocialist doesn't make me pro death squad." Corman stated.
"Dr. Brennan has found evidence that a gang member has been on your property recently." Seeley told trying to get us not kicked off.
"We employ twenty staff members, give or take." His wife told.
"All of our staff members are either legal aliens or citizens. Our house manager's in charge of hiring them and managing them." He continued making Seeley show a sketch of the suspect.
"Do you recognize this man?"
"No, I assume he did something worse than trespass on my property?" Corman told.
'This is boring. I miss hanging with my Bone boy.'
"House manager, is he from El Salvador?" Seeley asked.
"Yes." She told but her husband was wanting answers.
"Agent, you didn't answer my question."
"We're investigating a death, Senator Corman. You understand why I can't talk about it."
"Perhaps we could show this picture to your house manager?" Doc asked.
"Of course. They start to walk over the grounds." He told before Jack pointed at a plant.
"Franklinia alatamaha. It's beautiful." He told.
"Yes, we're the only people cultivating it privately." The wife explained.
"Must be lucky then to have it like that." I told putting on a cheerful tone and expression.
"I guess we are." She told smiling towards me before seeing something on my face and went to reach for it. "Oh you poor thing."
"What?" I asked leaning away from her hand and Seeley, Jack and Doc quickly put a stop to her hand.
"Dr. Harper actually doesn't like physical contact with people." Seeley told making her pull her arm back towards her.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know."
"It's fine." I told.
"Senator, do you have a pond on the property?" Doc asked trying to take the focus off of me.
"Yes, on the other side of the shrubs. It's small." Corman answered.
"Could Dr. Hodgins and Dr. Harper take a look at it?" Temperance asked.
"Of course, be my guest." Corman told making us quickly rush off since we wanted to get away from them.

"Is there a reason you've been quiet?" Jack asked as we made our way to the pond.
"I want to punch them, so I'm focusing on not doing that then talking."
"Thought you were missing Zack."
"I mean yeah. I like hanging out with bone boy."
"You crushing on Zack?" He asked smirking.
"No. I mean yeah he's cute, but I don't have a crush on him. We are just friends, but I can also see why people think we are dating or have feelings for one another." I told making him pull a thinking face.
'Why do I feel like there's more to this?'
We soon came across the pond and instantly found what we were looking for.
"Back to the others." I told as we rushed back to wherever they'd have gone now.
Once we found them are new person was talking and we caught the end of it.
"You know, wife and kid." The dude told before we emerged from the trees.
"Guess what!" I exclaimed before Jack spoke.
"We found both backswimmers and water boatmen." He told.

We headed over to the pond as a group and I instantly thought we looked like a bunch of school kids on a school trip to a zoo.
"You know this reminds me of a school trip I had once when I was younger. We went to the zoo."
"How'd that go?" Jack asked.
"My mate Shaun had a ball that a girl stole and tried to throw at him. She ended up missing and it went into the ostrich enclosure, and one of them began to choke on it. Not a fun day that was."
"The more I learn about you Ash, I am never not surprised." Jack stated.
As we neared, Temperance veered off to examine a patch of glass.
"¿Has plantado allí recientemente?" Temperance asked to Hector.
"Ash? You know Spanish?" Jack asked.
"She asked if they planted there recently." I told as Hector replied back in Spanish. "He says yes."
"What is it?" Seeley asked. "Also you know Spanish?"
"There's a Spanish show back in one of my old home towns, and my friend Gus is into it and got me into it so he had someone to talk to about. Kinda picked the language up pretty quickly."
"¿Puedo pedir prestada una paleta?" She asked.
"Trowel. She's asking for one." I told making Seeley and Jack nod.
"Con alegría." He told before grabbing one and passes it to her.
"Gracias." She told before she began to dig around while we watched, and she ended up revealing another body. "Looks like we found the second body."
"Are you also thinking of Dora the Explorer for this shit?" I quietly asked Jack so no one else heard.
"Literally, yes. She's just missing the Monkey." He told
"Na. That's Seeley." I told making us bump fists.
'This is peculiar.'

The young doctors.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora