Dear Winter.

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(Zack p.o.v)

I was going over the bones again to do something for the investigation when Booth came up.
"Hey, have you seen Ash?"
"You still can't call her that."
"Have you seen her?"
"She might be spending time with Oak."
"Oaks actually here? Like in the labs?"
"Yes. She keeps her here over the Christmas holidays since she often gets travel sickness."
"She owns an animal that gets travel sickness?"
"Yes. She's fine when you carry her, but it's only when she is in vehicles that she gets ill."
"What animal is Oak?"
"Just ask Ash."
"I have. She won't tell me."
"Wonder why." I told before going back to work.
"I get why Hodgins and Ashley don't like me a lot, and why Bones still doesn't fully like me. But I have no idea why you don't like me."
"You really don't remember do you?" I asked looking towards him.
"Remember what? Did I do something in the first case to upset you all this time?" He told making me shake my head towards him.
"The fact you don't remember is amusing all on its own."
"You know if you told me...."
"If I told you, you will then shoot me. And I don't exactly want to be shot, especially since Ash has been shot twice and say how much it hurts when she was hit. So I don't exactly want to feel that pain or try and go as long as I can without feeling it." I told before I began to head off to find Ash. "Now if you will excuse me, I'm going to look for Ash."

I went walking around the building till I came across guitar playing making me smile. I walked into the lab Jack and Ash share to see Angie and Jack also watching. Once they realised I was there, they signalled me to be quiet so we could listen.
"You know Oak, life is peculiar. You probably know this or don't, but originally I was gonna name you Winter. Cause I've always thought it was a nice name, but thought if I have a offspring of my own then I'm gonna wanna name them that and then it's weird you know. I actually wrote a song about it, and your asleep so you probably aren't hearing any of this. Might as well still play it since there is nothing else to do." She told before getting excited. "Oh you've come out to have a drink! So adorable."
'I like seeing her get excited. It's quite adorable.'
She began to play another melody on her guitar before she began to sing to Oak.

"Dear Winter, I hope you like your name
I hope they don't make fun of you
When you grow up and go to school, okay?
'Cause Winter is a badass name
Dear Winter, I hope you talk to girls
Or boys or anyone you like
I just hope you don't stay in every night
'Cause I wish I was out tonight

It really doesn't seem like there's anyone for me
But dear Winter, I hope you like your name
I'm hoping that someday, I can meet you on this earth
But shit, I gotta meet your dad first

Dear Winter, I hope you like this song
And even when you're thirteen
And you scream at me for parenting you wrong
I hope it's still a badass song

It really doesn't seem like there's anyone for me
But dear Winter, I hope you like your name
You know I cannot wait to teach you how to curse
But shit, I gotta meet your dad first

Dear Winter, don't move too far away
And please don't say I'm hovering
When I text you to ask about your day
I wanna hear about your day

Will we still hang out and talk
When I'm no longer in charge
Oh, dear Winter, I hope you like your name
I hope you let me take a shot with you on your 21st
But shit, you gotta ask your mom first

Dear Winter, I'm looking for your dad
I gotta find a guy that doesn't mind
That I'm inside my head a lot
Winter, it won't be too long
First, I just gotta find your dad."

'I like hearing her sing.'
"You know what's amusing. The fact you slept through the song but Angie, Jack and Zack watched on like creepers and thought I didn't know. Find it quite amusing."
"How long have you known?" Jack asked as we made our way over to her.
"Whole time."
"You didn't tell me you started to play music in front of the other two." Angela told as she gave Ash a hug from behind.
"Oh ok, we are hugging. Also they kinda just listen whenever they can. I mean the amount of times I've discovered Zack sitting outside my door just listening has gotten to the point I just invite him in." She told making them look towards me.
"I like hearing her sing. She has a lovely voice."
"Weird boy he is." She told before I began to get a call making me pick it up.
"Hey Zack. Are you able to face time?" Rio asked making me head to the camera and set it up so the others couldn't see.
"In a second, I gotta log in."
"Take your time."
I soon got the video call up and answered the call I was receiving from Rio to see the four of them making sure they were in frame.
"ZADDY!" Tim, Vix and Joe exclaimed a
"Stop calling him that."
"Hey guys."
"Hey Dude." Rio said and I knew she was upset about something.
"Rio what's wrong?"
"We aren't able to make it to your meeting thingy."
"That's ok."
"Yeah but we wanna see you man!" Tim told
"Well if someone didn't tell us to go down Wales street we would have been able to!" Vix stated
"I'm not the one who made us late to our own plane!" Joe exclaimed making Rio mad.
"Oh boys will you shut the hell up!"
"He started it!" They all told
"And I will end it by grabbing a broom!"
"Sorry Rio."
"But we can pick you up once your free to the world." Rio told giving a sad smile.
"I could have Valley Fever."
"You showing symptoms?"
"No. But I could be a symptomatic."
"It's a 50/50 with that."
"Yeah then that massive needle is in play."
"Tim you are not helping." Vix added
"At least I didn't do what he did at the zoo!"
"It was one time and I didn't know there was another one!" Joe exclaimed towards him.
"This is one of the many reasons why I left Washington." Rio told making me laugh.
"I've missed you four a lot."
"Hey you are always free to come see me in Virginia."
"But then we lose the boy!" The three of them exclaimed.
"You are always travelling!"
"I'm stuck with them till your free."
"You've known them longer then me."
"Longer then we may handle! Handle the way we love you!"
"That's new." We both told as the same time making us both smile.
"We came up with it on the plane home."
"I just read books."
"How many did you get through?" I asked
"6. But that's cause their flight was late and then someone led us down the wrong way!"
"I said I was sorry, alright!"
"I don't know what's worse. This or the zoo."
"You wanna throw hands Tim tam cause I will throw hands!"
"Bring it Joe Joey! You ain't got nothing on me!"
"BROOM!" Rio exclaimed.
"Sorry." They told
"I see they are still terrified of you having a broom."
"Dinner!" Seeley exclaimed making me look towards them.
"We'll see you when you get free Zack. I promise, cross my heart and hope to fly."
"Stick a needle in my eye. Maybe we can go on another call later."
"I'd like that."
"Bye guys."
"Bye Zack!" They all yelled before hanging up.
'Weird friends I have.'
"Dude, you have weird robot friends." Hodgins stated.
"The chick sounds hot though. She your girlfriend?" Ash added.
"Why do you guys always think me and her are dating?" I asked as I got up from my spot.
"She's the one that likes choking?!" They both exclaimed.
"We are a weird group." Angela stated as we walked to have dinner.
'That we are.'

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