Pull my finger just got dangerous.

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I rushed over to Seeley since we worked out how the finger was severed but I waited till he was done with the call.
"Did you kick the ball? How far did it go? Backwards? Yeah I can kick a ball. Daddy's gonna show you on Saturday. I'm gonna see you Saturday, okay Parker? Okay, I gotta go bub. I love you. I'll see you Saturday, bye." He told before hanging up and looking towards me.
Before he asked I gave a small nod before we both rushed back to where Jack and Zack were.
"What do you got?" He asked
"The finger was severed using a hatchet on a wooden service." Zack told
"Cutting board?"
"No, older unsealed-pine." I stated before Jack chimed in.
"I'm thinking like work-bench in a mechanics shop."
"Why?" He asked
"Cause of what we discovered." I told
"Well, there's traces of lead and methyl tertiary butyl ether on the bone. The nail was bitten to the quick, by the way." Jack added
"The kid was nervous, you would be too." Seeley shot back.
"M.T.E.B.'s have been added to gasoline since the 70's." Zack told
"But there's lead here as well." Jack continued before I jumped in.
"Lead gasoline was phased out between 1975 and Phased out between 1986"
"Asbestos from brake pads, leaded gasoline, mechanics bench. You know, plus the mother was electrocuted by current from a generator. We're looking for an abandoned gas station or mechanic shop. You know you guys are geniuses." He told getting his phone as he began to walk off.
"Does that mean you two aren't arguing anymore?" I asked
"I don't know." He told before asking Seeley something. "How do we find that?"
"I work for the F.B.I., idiot." He shouted back
"Way to go Zach. We went form genius to idiot in 3 seconds." Jack told patting Zack on the shoulder.
"Usually takes us five." I added before my phone began to ring. "Dumbass."
I grabbed my phone to see it was Shawn making me pick it up.
"Hey babe. What's up?"
"Shawn I told you. I'm working a case you can't call me." I told walking off leaving the two boys behind.

(Zack p.o.v)

I watched as Ash walked off on the phone making me have to hide my emotions again.
'I wish I was still unaware of me feelings for Ash.'
"Dude just tell her." Jack told.
"She's in a relationship."
"No she isn't."
"She's single."
"What about Shawn then?"
"Apparently they aren't dating. She said she was single herself."
"I think it's best to wait. They may be working things out with one another."
"You sure?"
"It's upsetting but it's best for the moment. Besides if I do and they are working on everything, then it may ruin our friendship."
"Alright man. Just do better at hiding feelings. She will work it out due to her skills on finding out what people want hidden."
'I don't think she will.'

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