What was it you wanted to ask?

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We were back in the Medico legal lab with Booth leaning on the railing playing with a lighter he had.
'Must be one of the family ones they all got.'
"If the bones don't belong to Max Kane, who's our dead guy?" Hodgins questioned.
"We can send out a description of the chondroma to area hospitals. See if it leads to any missing patients." Dr. Brennan told.
"Yeah, we can do that." Booth began before looking towards me. "List the pertinence."
"Me? Are you talking directly to me?"
"Yeah, you can tell because my eyes are looking at you. My mouth is aimed in your direction." He stated
"But what about our guy thing? If you're speaking to me, then does this mean I'm not on the team?" I asked.
"Bone boy you are so smart yet ask things like that. I find it quite adorable." Ash told before Dr. Brennan spoke up.
"Zack, lets concentrate on the work."
"Pertinence..." I began as I tried to work it out.
"Pertinence." He repeated to try and speed the process up.
"The victim died. We...we don't know how. He was then frozen, dismembered with a Heidal carving knife, and pushed through a black mantis 1200 wood chipper." I stated.
"The exact wood chipper you fed the frozen pig through." Angela told.
"The exact wood chipper that Ray Sparks had access to." Booth and Ash told as one.
"But Ray Sparks was in jail." I stated.
"No he wasn't." Ash told.
"Sparks was in jail when Max Kane disappeared." Hodgins told.
"But our victim isn't Max Kane." Dr. Brennan stated.
"Well who else would Ray Sparks have motive to kill?" Angela questioned.
"The victim is a middle aged male..." I began before Booth interrupted
"His brother."
"What motive?" Hodgins asked.
"They both inherited the house. Okay, you guys, you look at that tumor and Brennan and I will go talk to Sparks. Come on." He told before he began to leave.
"While you're there, look for a large freezer." Me and Ash told as one.
"Why?" He asked
"The body was frozen." Angela stated.
"Polyurethane is a common insulating liner in freezers." I explained.
"We found it under the victim's finger nail, like he was scratching to get out." Hodgins added.

It seems we were correct in what happened, which allowed Booth the arrest the guy. But it also left me with the one thing I didn't know how to do so.
"Ash?" I questioned as I looked into the shared lab she had with Hodgins.
"In the corner!" She told making me head over to see she was setting something up.
"What are you doing?" I questioned.
"Well the old timer was broken. So I've made a new one, and if I'm correct it should turn the lights off and on for the times they are set." She explained before trying the device causing all the enclosures to have their lights turn off and then back on by themselves.
"It works."
"Thank god. Now just gotta set the times for the on and off."
'It's now or never Zack. You can do this.'

Once Ash was done I offered a hand to help her up and she gladly accepted, causing us both to have identical smiles.
"So you finally gonna ask me what you wanted to ask me earlier?" She asked.
"I wanted to know if you wanted to spend time together.... Just the two of us?"
"Always Bone Boy. I love spending time with you. What you wanna do?"
"I don't know. I didn't get that far into thinking about it, I was worried you would say no."
"I could never say no to you Zack. Besides we hang out just the two of us all the time, we are friends after all it would be weird if we weren't and just spent time together."
'Yeah. Friends.'
"How about the theme park?" She asked making me smile.
"I would love to."
"Then let's go Bone Boy." She told wrapping her arms around one of mine. "You know, you just might be my favourite person ever, after my fam of course."
"Yeah. I'd say you're one of my best friends at this point."
"As how you are one of mine." I told making her smile grow.
'I even fail at asking her out..... at least it's not Justin asking her out again. Hate that guy.'

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