My mind is like a murder board.

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I finished working away at converting one of the less used rooms in the lab into a murder board for me when there was knocking at the door. I turned around to see the team there confused at what I had done and I gave a smile.
"Ash, what the hell did you do?" Jack asked
"A murder board."
"You made a murder board?" Seeley asked.
"Yes. I just stated that."
"And this makes sense to you?" They all asked.
"Yes. So my brain is very very complicated. This is an accurate representation of how it is like and how I work things out. So red is proven links, green is links that can't be worked out yet, blue is same place they all have in common, and purple is false leads or theories, and orange is just theories."
"And this makes sense to you?" Doc asked
"Yeah. This makes so much sense to me and actually clears things up for me."
"What have you worked out then?" Seeley asked
"Ok so Devon was murdered because he wanted to reveal how they covered up Kent's death. By that ruling, we can rule out Devon, Jimmy and Hank for obvious reasons. Which leaves us with the rest of the team. We just need to work out who has the most to lose, which could be any one of them actually. We just have to find the person who does just a little bit more. And to figure that out, Angie has to show her brilliance with what she recreated."
"Impressive." Doc told smiling.
"Why does this help me understand why you speak your mind?" Seeley questioned as he studied it all.
"Because in a way, this represents how I think. I mean, you got all this shit going on in your head, you ain't walking on eggshells for people most of the time." I told.
"I'm good at what I do, and what I do is find what people want to stay hidden." I told before leaning against the table smirking. "And someone sure as hell, wanted this kept hidden."

I ended up joining Angie and Doc got the Angelator while the others did stuff to help the case move along, though Seeley had to question someone again. Photos from Kent's death showed and Temperance leaned a bit to see the pictures more.
"I wanna see all the walls. Can you scan them for bullet holes?" Doc asked making the computer beep as it did so and showed them on the screen. "Okay, single out the ones that came from Lefferts' weapon. This is hard for Booth. He's idealistic."
"Well, it's nice to know somebody that wants to keep honour and responsibility alive." Angie added.
"I mean what don't we have if not honour. Besides, I can name better criminals that actually keep honour and responsibility then do shit like this. And one of them are definitely on the fbi wanted list, it's one of my informants when I was a P.I. Doc." I told making her nod.
"I feel like Booth thinks I'm taking that away from him." She stated as she looked down at the files before focusing on the screen again. "Okay, it says Insurgent 'A' opened fire when he saw Kent and Kent took him out. Let's see 'A' again."
The photo changed to the Iraqi man with his hands held out, and the gun was in his lap. Of course I tilted my head to the side and could tell things didn't add up in this.
'The gun.... It wouldn't have fallen in his lap and land like that....They staged more then Kent's death.'
"You're just doing your job. He knows that." Angie stated.
"I guess." She told frowning. "Magnify his hands."
"What are you looking for?" Angie asked as the computer zoomed into the photo and focused on his hands.
"Well his hands are splayed like he was shielding himself from the rounds coming at him. Cadaveric spasm. The muscles became rigid when he died. He might not have been holding that weapon." She explained before looking towards me.
"I know Doc. Like I said, I know when people try to hide facts. And they did a shit job at hiding the truth."
"What do you mean?" Angie asked but Temperance didn't answer.
"Show me Insurgent 'B'." She told and the photo changed to a man who was lying face-down on the carpet and his gun was by his side, and Doc gave a sigh.
'I hate government coverups.'
"I tell Booth we're on the same side." She told flipping the page. "I'm not the one who's disillusioning him. It's my findings. But when I look at him, I--I don't know what else I can do."
"I do." Angie told.
"Ange." Temperance told making Angie huff at what she thought she had meant.
"As a friend, Brennan."
"Yeah, that whole 'friends with benefits' thing, that's-- that's not happening." Temperance told.
"I don't like the whole friends with benefits. Too much to risk in that area." I stated.
"I'm not talking about that. I'm-- I'm talking about being there for him. Knowing when a simple touch is enough." She explained.
"Maybe I can write him a note. I can be very articulate on paper." Temperance told and Angie conceded in defeat.
"Then you write the best letter you can Doc." I told making her nod before focusing on the case.
"Zoom in. Okay, magnify the blood smear."
The computer zoomed in on the blood smear that was on the carpet and evidence was clear that this was all faked.
"I mean, you can see by the smear he was moved, turned, that gun placed next to him. Okay, show me 'C'." She told and the photo changed to show Kent lying in the foreground dead, and then behind him was a woman who was on her side.
"Okay, this is the third insurgent woman, about 40, holding the unexploded grenade in her hand." Angela explained and I saw what she was lying on.
"Magnify her torso." Doc told.
"Wait, she's lying on a dinner plate." Angela stated as she saw it.
"The serving spoon is next to her. She'd been holding it when she was shot." Doc told.
"And a grenade?" Angie asked as she looked skeptics.
"I know exactly what happened here. Like I said, I hate government coverups." I stated before Seeley walked in.
"Found anything yet?" He asked.
"Yeah." Temperance told before turning to face him. "None of these people were armed when Kent went in there. All of the weapons were plated on them after they died. Fuller's unit killed an unarmed family."
I looked at their faces to see Seeley and Angie were stunned at that fact. Which makes sense, they murdered an innocent family and covered it up.

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