Off to the desert we go.

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~(episode 17: The Skull in the Desert)~

I was sitting next to Jack who was using a computer on the platform, while Zack and Temperance examined remains.
"The victim was stabbed upward of 30 times. Every rib is marked. Vertebrae sternal, vertebrae costal." Zack told.
"What kind of weapon?" Temperance asked and I looked at the computer to see he was just looking at pictures of Angie on vacation.
'Fuck sake.'
"Who vacations in the desert? It's like lunching at the dump." Jack stated.
I looked back over to Zack to see he was also distracted by Angies pictures on the computer, making me click my fingers and whistle at him. Once he looked at me I pointed towards the remains him and Temperance were working on making him focus on his job again.
'Sometimes I wonder my friendships and how they are mostly guys.'
"Uh, pointed, with no cutting edge. Like a giant ice pick."
"I've created a list of objects that could be the cause of the marks." I stated before Jack changed the pictures on the monitor to ones where Angie is in a bikini.
"Whoa. Angela." He told grinning at the picture making me smack the back of his head. "What the hell Ash?!"
"That's my cousin, I would like to know one of my best friends isn't perving on her."
"Or a sharpened screwdriver." Temperance told only focusing on the remains.
"We warned her about the sun, right? We told her to cover up, avoid melanoma?" Jack questioned making Zack look over to see that Jacks now switched the picture again to a picture of her and her boyfriend kissing in front of a rocky hill.
'I have a bad feeling somethings about to happen and it's not a good happen as well.'
"Who's the guy?" Zack asked.
"Her boyfriend Kirk." Me and Jack told as one.
"Angela has a boyfriend?"
"Every year for three weeks, Angela has a boyfriend and a vacation."
"Reminds me on all the times I get told off for not having vacations." I told.
"You have more coming up you know." Temperance added.
"I do. I've already got them filled out for like the next year." I told seeing Zack about to ask something. "A) figure of speech it's only up to a certain point, and b) some of them are here in Washington and some aren't."
"Got it."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Playing house in a post-boho rustic artist's cabin in the desert with her overpaid pseudo-celebrity photographer boyfriend-that is not a vacation." Jack argued as Temperance bends over the remains.
"Eight months to a year dead, correct?" She asked
"Correct doc."
"Yeah, yeah. Pupae casings, maggots, blah, blah, blah. Eight months of a year." Jack told distracted.
'This boy I swear.'
The computer began to get a call making Jack open it, with it turning out to be a videoconference with Angie.
'Definitely bad.'
"Angela, we're betting. Are you using Crisco or butter for sunscreen?" Jack asked not noticing she was looking troubled.
"Hey, Brennan, Ashley, could I talk to you in private, please?" She asked making take my gloves off instantly.
'She doesn't call me Ashley unless something is wrong. I hate this gut feeling.'

I was standing next to Temperance who was sitting at her desk, and Angie was now on Temperance computer for us to all talk.
"You're gonna think I'm crazy." She admitted.
"Angie, trust me the shit I've seen. You won't ever sound crazy compared to that." I stated.
"What's up? Boyfriend trouble?"
"No, I, I'd just send it to you, but the sheriff won't let me." She told.
"Send what?" We both asked.
"Somebody left a human skull in a box on the sheriff's porch. He says it was probably a Navajo who respects the dead, but doesn't want to get pulled into the whole white justice system. The thing is is that Kirk went out into the desert five days ago on a photo shoot, and he hasn't come back. Nobody can find him or his guide." She explained.
"You think the skull's Kirk's?" Temperance asked.
"No, no. Kirk's always going out into the desert for days at a time."
"You're really sending me mixed messages, Ange."
"Angela, it's fine if you do think it could be him. I've been there, you know this. You told me it's ok to think it might be them, and that when it isn't there's a little hope left for you." I told ignoring the confused look Temperance was giving me.
'Not gonna talk about this.'
"Yeah, well, I'm freaking out, I guess. I'm sorry. Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have called. Pretend I didn't call. I'll just, I'll talk to you when Kirk gets back. Sorry." She told before hanging up leaving us looking dumbfounded.
"We going to the desert?" I asked
"We are going to the desert." She told.

I was walking with Temperance with our packed bags as Goodman chases after us, with Zack and Jack quickly following after.
"You're taking a vacation in the desert with no notice?" Goodman questioned. "Ashley, you can't also be leaving."
"She's my cousin. She was there for me with mine, so don't you dare think Imma not drop everythin' and be there for her, Daniel!" I told before realising what I said. "Sorry."
"I don't get the attraction. I really don't. Snakes, scorpions-" Jack told making Temperance speak over him.
"It should only be for a few days."
"Buzzards and snakes." Jack continued.
"Already said snakes Jack." I told making him nod.
"What about the stabbing victim?" Goodman asked.
"Zack and Ashley identified the weapon and the victim. Our job is done." She told passing through the siding doors.
"Take care of Oak for me Zack." I told making him nod and I gave him a quick kiss on the cheeks as thanks before rushing off after Temperance.

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