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(Ash p.o.v)

I was sitting in the lounge area with Angie and Temperance while I ate pineapple and did some work for Marcus on my break, while they talked about Temperance's dude.
"Do you really think he can handle your success?" Angie asked
"Because of today? No, we've always been competitive." She stated
"Kinda like me and Peter. Except I'll punch him if he goes way too overboard." I added only for Angie to continue like I never said anything.
"I know, but he's a man and his student, a woman, has surpassed him."
"Michael is extremely secure, Ange."
"Honey, when you stuck it to him today, he was upset."
"Even someone who doesn't have my skill set could see he was upset he got his ass beat." I told.
"It was a healthy debate between scientists. You don't know Michael."
'I can if I was bothered looking into him.'
"I know men. And I know what happens when two people start sleeping together." Angie told making Temperance start getting defensive.
"It's not like that. We're friends, colleagues, that's all."
"Colleagues with benefits." Angie added
"I don't know what that means, but Michael and I are not involved. I'm sorry if that's difficult for you to understand but what we have isn't traditional."
"Colleagues with benefits, is like friends with benefits." I stated before writing down a line that I thought might work.
"Don't talk to me about traditional. Okay? I've dated circus people. You and Michael, you have something, and that's okay. That's good, even. Just be honest about it."
"Also you don't need to get defensive Temperance. She's just making some points."
"Bones?" Seeley questioned as he walked up to the lounge at us. "The judge is holding them without bail. The U.S. Attorney is thinking about sending you flowers."
"The facts are facts." She told making me see he looked uncomfortable.
'He knows something.'
"Uh, Bones, I have to ask. How much have you been sharing with, uh, the professor?" He asked
"None of your business."
"I mean, on the case."
"Oh. I bounce everything off him. Why?" She questioned.
"Well, you gotta keep him out of it from now on."
"Out of it? Why?"
"Well, you know that appointment he had today?"
"Yeah." She told making him look really uncomfortable.
"He met with the Costello's lawyer. Michael is their expert witness." He told making us all shocked. "It's his job to tear apart the case that you've built."
Angie let out a sigh and I began to lift my hand up to ask a question.
"No Ashley, you can not shoot him." Seeley told.
"Dang it." I told before I began to raise my hand again.
"Or damage him in anyway to stop him from being their expert witness."
"What if I know someone?"
"No. You can not do that as well." He told
"Then what's the point of having me here?" I joked
"How's the writing coming along?" Angie asked taking my book.
"Meh. Dude better fucken be happy, cause imma fight him."
'Peculiar case this is becoming.'

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