I hate bomb cases.

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I was working something out with Zack in mine and Jacks office when Jack spoke.
"The insulation they used is gypsum based with plaster and lead mixed with asbestos." He told
"Pyrobar, it's a fire proof tile developed in 1903 by the United States gypsum company." I stated
"It was only used for a few years though." Zack added
"So probably came from the building where the bomb was constructed in." Jack told.
"We find the building...."
"We find the bomber, boys." I told

Zack called Temperance and put it on speaker so the three of us could talk to her and Seeley when we needed to.
"How much would I have to pay you to fine stuff on Seeley?" Jack asked
"Who's to say I haven't already?"
"What you find?"
"Nothing. I haven't done it. Not gonna."
"Brennan." She told once she picked up.
"The bomb insulation was made from Pyrobar which was used by an architect named William Allard." Zack told
"He was known for developing the Woodley Park neighborhood around 1910." I added
"Hang on a second Zach." She told before speaking to Seeley "The bomb was made in Woodley Park."
"That's were Farid lives. Hold on....... No wonder we couldn't get his medicals. He already knew what was poisoning him. Alright, just stay in contact with your boys and tell them we're going to need them. Alright, Listen Brennan, we're heading into a very unknown situation. I think it's best if you just stay in the car. Okay, then. You know, if you have to come in with me you just stay behind me. Fine, just be careful, Alright."
"Were you ever careful?" Jack asked
"Na fam. People shooting at ya cause of this and that, I got shot at a minimum of 50 times a month."
"What the hell did she do?"
"I've been told by her to not tell you. Says if you were truely smart you'll find out." Temperance told
"Thanks Temperance!"
We heard something break open on their side before Seeley spoke again.
"Okay, Anybody asks that door was open. Stay right here! FBI Farid. Show yourself....Okay, Clear!"
"Okay, give me Hodgins and Ashley." Temperance told
"What you need?" I asked
"Farid was making something here. Okay I got uh, melted plastic, bottles of chlorine..." Temperance began
"Dioxin." Jack told as he looked over towards me.
"That's how you would make it." I stated
"Insulation. Farid definitely made the bomb. He killed his brother." Seeley told
"Who would have thought to use the shit inside your walls to make bombs." I stated
"Alright, Stay with me Hodgins and Ashley."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Jack told
"We ain't going no where till we gotta."
"Hamid must have been killed because he found his brother making dioxin, alright, and that's probably how they got contaminated. C'mon, A mechanics guide for Hamid's SUV. Page on the odometer, dog-eared." Seeley told
"He wasn't a Christian. Deceit in the service of Allah is holy." She told
"The Koran?" He asked
"No, Imam's twisted interpretation of the Koran so that mass murderers don't have to feel guilt."
"Temperance just say the word and I'll do it." I told knowing we were running out of time.
"No not yet."
"He's made another bomb. It's out there, Right now." Seeley told
"I'm convinced. What's the dispersal rate for a bomb packed with say... two liters of dioxin?" She asked
"Ahhh, homemade device similar to the car bomb that could be ...three to five hundred meters." He told
"And if the victims weren't killed they'd develop cancer, blindness, lesions, diabetes.." I added "Temperance we don't have time if he's already made another one.
"Ah, no. Today's day is marked. Call Homeland Security they'll secure the apartment." He told
"Ashley go do your thing!" She told
"On it!" I told before rushing out with my helmet and leather jacket.

I drove around to the closet bus stop near his place and quickly asked people if they saw this guy, and some said he got on a bus. I checked the timetable on the one they said he got on and I checked to see which bus. I quickly worked out where he would be going and called Jack using my Bluetooth piece.
"How's the hunt?"
"Where's Temperance now?" I asked
"I'll ask Angela."
"Hurry. I know where he is heading."
"Heading towards downtown."
"On it!" I told before he hung up.
I kept rushing through the streets till I found Seeleys car. I drove up next to it and knocked on the window making her wind it down as I pushed my visor up so she could hear me.
"What you got!" She asked
"Out of everything going on today, he'll go for the conference!"
"It's what Angela thinks as well!"
"Want to destroy the peace, head to a peace conference! It's what I would do if I was a terrorist!"
"Peace Conference. Hamilton Cultural Center." She told looking towards Seeley.
"That's it." She told
"It's the most logical one there! Speeches will be done by Arab Moderates and a Congressman!" I exclaimed towards him before moving so I didn't hit some people bicycling.
By the time I got back to Temperance window he was already on a call.
"Okay Gibson, just get your boys over to the Hamilton Cultural Center and just keep them back when you get there. You understand me? If you spook this guy he will blow himself up before we can take him out. Fine, bye." He told before hanging up.
"Thanks Angela." Temperance said before doing the same and turning to me. "Ashley meet us there and if you see him about to set it off, you know what you need to do!"
"On it Doc!" I told before pulling my visor back down and speeding off to the scene.

I snuck in through the back and stole a jacket a badge from some animal preserve group as I grabbed some flyers.
'This'll do nicely.'
I felt my phone go off and I looked to see Temperance sent a picture of the dude. I looked around to see he just came in and was heading towards the crowd.
'Let's see if I'm still great at this.'
I headed over and made sure I was standing in front of him.
"Hello my good man. My name is Stacy and I'm here to talk to you about animal welfare!"
"Not interested." He told as he tried to get past me only for me to stop him.
"But you haven't even heard the perks. It will only take a few moments of your time, you won't even miss anything of the conference if that's why your here."
"Ok. Fine."
"Wonderful!" I told before handing him one of the flyers I collected. "The world is becoming a complete mess. Humans are taking away the land that belongs to the animals. But with your help and everyone's we can help them. Sadly with climate change rising and deforestation, along with coral bleaching we are destroying the only earth we have and killing the wild and sea life. But you can donate a small fee of 20 dollars for a monthly catalog and with this perk you also get a calendar with important dates on them. It costs money to save animals lives. You understand."
"That all?"
"Basically, unless you want to hear more and what animals have gone extinct already."
"Still a no from me." He told before pushing past me.
'Oh how I wish I could shoot him.'
I looked up to see Temperance and Seeley looking for him and I sent her a text.

"He's limping. Bomb is on him!"

She looked down at her phone before looking towards me and I got my laser pointer and pointed it to his back so they knew which one he was. I saw her point and I quickly rushed out as I shed my disguise since I didn't want the homeland security coming after me. I quickly got on my bike and got into my gear before driving back to the lab and got to decontaminating just in case and got into the spare clothes I had just in case something like this happened. I walked over to Angies office and gave a peace sign.
"What up!"
"Sweetie!" She exclaimed as she rushed over and gave me a hug.
"Oh ok. We are doing hugs." I told before wrapping my arms around her.
"Brennan told me what happened. Booth is apparently pretty annoyed that you did that." She told as she pulled away.
"I needed to stall him."
"I'm just glad your safe sweetie."
"I know."
We walked over to the platform to see Jack and Zack doing something. Once Jack noticed we were heading towards them he began to smile and walked over with Zack following after him.
"Mad props Ash!" Jack exclaimed as we bumped elbows.
"Still got it."
"I don't think you will be in a good mood when Agent Booth comes and you get in trouble." Zack stated.
"Here's the thing, no evidence." I stated.
"Oh. Seems they are back now. Anything I should know?"
"Booth shot him, and the bomb didn't go off." Zack told
"Cool beans." I told before turning around to see him standing right behind me looking pissed. "Hello."
"What you did was stupid."
"I have no idea what you are on about."
"I saw you there. You talked to him."
"Doesn't ring a bell."
"Ashley, you could have died."
"We all die. You either kill yourself or get killed." I told and noticed his expression changed briefly.
'What happened in your past Seeley?'
"How were you able to do that anyway?" He asked
"I used to have to go into disguises from my job before this. I'm used to having to jump into a job and get the info I needed."
"We're you a cop?"
"Na fam! Cops work for the government. I don't do government."
"Look, Ash is safe when it cause to things like that." Angie told
"How would you know?"
"Because I've known her since she was 12, and the only time I've known her to actually get shot was when she was around 18."
"It went through my shoulder."
"She kept trying to stick her finger in it while she was drugged."
"I did do that. Don't forget the leg incident." I told
"That too. Seriously, if she knew the situation wasn't going to end well, she would get out of there." She added.
"Look, I did what I did to give you guys time. Now if you don't mind me. I have to talk to my land lord." I told before leaving.
"But movie night!" Jack and Zack exclaimed.
"Fingers cross we can still do that!" I told before leaving.

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