I just needed a hug.

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I was sitting in Zacks office with him looking at the boiler since he was waiting for it to be at the right temperature and I just felt broken.
'I should really call to see if they are doing ok.'
Soon Temperance walked in and I gave her a small wave, which had her nod in return.
'Love our interactions.'
"You about to clean the bones?" She asked
"Yes. I'm warming up the boiler now." He told
"Something wrong?"
"These are the smallest remains I've ever worked on." He stated as he moved to stand across the table where the body was.
"That's a valid observation, Zack, but it's not helpful to the investigation."
"Sorry, Dr. Brennan."
'I'm definitely going to get him to get a cookie with me. Cookies make everything better.'
"I was at Waco, Branch Davidian compound. I helped identify children who had been killed in the fire. Seventeen of them." Temperance told
"So, you're saying I'll get used to it?"
"No, I'm saying you'll never get used to it. We're primates. Social creatures. It's coded into our DNA to protect our young. Even from each other."
"So, I'm always going to feel terrible?" He questioned.
"What helps me is to pull back emotionally. Just... put your heart in a box."
"I am not good with metaphor, Dr. Brennan."
"Focus on the details." She told
"I'm gonna go check on Angie." I told before getting up to leave.
I walked to Angies office to see she was also having a hard time with it. I walked over to her and gave her a hug from behind making her smile.
"You doing ok?" I asked
"Somewhat. I just look at him and think what if he was my kid, or yours.... or even Tyler or Flynn. That they didn't get to live out their life and experience the things that they should be able to."
"Tyler and Flynn are ok. I'm even gonna call them later to check in on them. But I feel the same way Ange."
"Why are kid cases harder then others?"
"Because as Temperance would say, it's in our DNA to protect our young. It's also harder on us since Tyler and Flynn were that age once and our brains are linking that and going what if it was them."
"Are you sure they are ok?"
"I'm sure. They sent me this video the other day." I told as I opened another tab on her computer and showed the little video they sent.
"And on other news, did you know married man are killing single man at an alarming rate." Flynn told making Tyler laugh.
"Flynn it's the other way around."
"Damn it! Definitely a blooper."
I looked towards Angie to see she was smiling at it.
"I'll leave it with you so you can look at it when you need to."
"Thank you."
"No problem Angie. I gotta get back to Zack though, so just come get me if you need to talk or hug."
"I will. And you do the same if you need to." She told making me kiss the top of her head. "Hey that's my thing."
"Don't worry I will come to you if I need it."
I let her go and headed back to Zack to see Temperance wasn't there anymore and he was looking at the boiler again.
"Found anything you didn't know before?" I asked
"A chemical was used to render the boy unconscious." He told.
"I see you already took samples." I told as I went next to him.
"Dr.Brennan told me to." He told before asking me something I didn't think he would. "Are you ok?"
"Kid cases are never the easiest Zack. I just imagine they are a small adult. That way it's less painful."
"I see."
"Do you wanna get a cookie with me once you put the bones in and what not? Cause from experience, I've learnt cookies help." I told as I slightly looked towards him to see he had a small sad smile.
"I would like that."
"Cool beans."

We were sitting on the steps of the Jeffersonian with our cookies and drinks, trying to cheer up before we continued with our work.
"How did you handle cases with kids?"
"I would feel really bad if I had to give the parents the bad news that I found their kids body dead. Kid cases are never easy because we know they didn't get to live life. And it's a sad thought."
"I'm the youngest child with my siblings." He told. "I've wondered what they would do if it was me."
"Our brains do that sometimes."
"I know Angela is the closest form of a sibling relationship you actually have. But if you went missing like that.... I don't think she could handle it well."
"That's where you are wrong Zack." I told making him give me a confused look.
"No I'm positive she wouldn't be able to handle loosing you."
"No not that part Zack." I told before grabbing my wallet and showing the picture I kept behind Oak before handing it to him.
"Who are these people?"
"Meet my siblings."
"You have siblings?"
"Yeah. I'm the third youngest."
"Why didn't you tell us about them?"
"Because of who they are. I don't really like that side of my life all to well, if that makes sense. I don't even talk to my twin anymore."
"You have a twin?" He questioned with a small smile making me smile as well.
"Yes Zack I'm a twin. My family is made up of three sets of twins. Edgar, Edith, Peter, me, and then Tyler and Flynn." I told as I pointed to them in the photo.
"Which one is Tyler and which one is Flynn?" He asked as he pointed to Tyler and Flynn.
"That ones Tyler and that one is Flynn."
"You all look happy there."
"We were. But whenever I got a case that involved kids.... I always, always had to call the younglings and make sure they were ok. Because I love them and I just have to make sure they are ok when I'm on cases like this one."
"Have you called them yet?"
"Not yet. But I will."
"I know you will."
"Can I ask something stupid Zack?"
"Is of the bear one you do?" He asked making me laugh.
"No it's not that one. Could you possibly hide that you know about me having siblings?"
"I can."
"Thanks. Only Angie knows them and the whole picture. Temperance knows I have siblings as well as Seeley. I just would rather keep it hidden for awhile till I'm ready."
"I understand. My friend Rio is kinda like that with their family."
"Something to do with their past. So you don't have to worry about me telling people. They probably wouldn't believe me anyway." He joked making me laugh.
I gave him a hug which I knew confused him.
"You don't do hugs." He told
"I know."
"Why are we hugging Ash?"
"I.... I just needed a hug."
He soon wrapped his arms back around me and rested his head in the crook of my neck making me smile.
"I think. I also needed a hug."
"Now we are just two idiots hugging." I joked and I knew I made him smile.
'Your one of my favourite people Zack.'

The young doctors.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant