I dont even like coffee.

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I was sitting on the floor next to the hole while Zack held a cable that was connected to a wire inside the wall while Temperance watched the images on the screen.
"So why am I here?"
"Ange thought it would probably be best to take you out of the lab for a bit since we've all discovered the situation with your father."
"I hate that high me is open. Just goes to show. No drugs are good for you."
"What about the drugs doctors tell you to take?" Zack asked
"I'm meant to go to actual doctors?" I asked making them both look towards me with a confused worried look. "Guys I kid. I do take them. Which reminds me I haven't taken my folic acid in like a month."
"You need to remember to take that. It's to help you." Zack told
"Why do you take folic acid?"
"It helps her for when she gets sick so it's not as bad as it could be."
"Yeah. Got a photographic memory but I always forget to take it once a week."
"Was it fun coming to the club?" Zack asked changing the topic.
"Yeah I took out two big buff guys. It was impressive."
"Yeah, before the drugs and the dead body. Tilt-tilt down." She told making him do so.
"Seems so primitive. Being in a crowd of strangers, gyrating to music." He told making me chuckle.
"You've never danced?" She asked
"I've been told I look like a marionette in a windstorm."
"Oh my hades that's sound so adorable. Can we do that once we get home?" I asked and I knew he was fighting back a smile.
"You would've fit right in last night." She told
"Really, bone boy. All the girls would have fawned over you."
"Footprints...in the dirt, and the termite shavings. Someone was on the other side of him." Temperance told as she showed the screen to us.
"Light. This leads to the outside." Zack told
"We need to get inside that wall." She told the rest of the team that was working around.
"Or take it down." One of the dudes told
"You know that would like, destroy evidence.... right?"
"One last look?" Temperance asked.
"Take 'em in, show 'em around." Furst told.
'This'll be fun.'

One of the FBI Forensic guys were leading us down the space behind the wall.
"Watch where you step." I told as I held onto the back of Zacks suit since I wanted to make sure I didn't lose them.
"Can we conform to as much forensic protocol as possible?" The forensic dude told
"We're better at this than you think." Zack told and I could tell he was slightly annoyed.
"Mad props Zack." I told and I knew I made him smile.
'How do I always know I've made him smile when I can't see his face? What if he isn't and I actually don't know.'
"Did I make you smile just before Zack?" I quietly asked
"Yes." He told making me smile.
"Did you guys know there was this killer in like the late 1980s who would kidnap ladies in their late 20s to early 30s and it was said he hid their bodies in the walls of some place. The police were never able to find out what he did with them since he was shot dead and the body's have yet to be seen for all these years. His name.... was Christian Wood." I told before a noise happened from a rat. "Yo that was fucken sick. Perfect timing."
"You know what those are?" The forensic dude asked
"Rats." Temperance told
"You trying to scare us with rats? We've been to places where the rats eat the laces right out of our boots."
"Take it easy there, Willard." He told Zack making me get annoyed.
'Oh he is so lucky I can't throw hands in this wall.'
We crouched down with me and Zack shining out lights on the ground to see a footprint.
"There are the footprints." Zack told
"Also marks on the wall, it's scraped." I added making Zack nod.
"So are you two a couple?" The forensic dude asked
"No. Why does everyone think that?" We both asked at the same time.
"Blood smear, dried. I see something, can I retrieve?" She asked as she trails her light against the wall where there was blood.
"Yes." He told as he hands her a bag.
While Temperance picked up the charm and made sure it was safe in the bag I whispered into Zacks ear so the forensic dude didn't hear.
"Is it just me or does the dude annoy the fuck out of you?" I asked making him chuckle.
"I agree with you." He whispered back.
"We should get lunch after this. What do you say to getting pizza or something?"
"I can get lunch. What about someplace where we can get chips?"
"Chips do sound good. I know a great place." I told making him smile.
Once we were done we all left the walls and Temperance told us we can head back to the lab.
"It's ok if we get lunch first right?" I asked
"Of course." She told
"You the best Doc."
As we went to leave I was stopped by the forensic dude. I told Zack to meet me upstairs making him give me a nod before heading off to my car.
"Since you two aren't dating I wanted to see if you would get a coffee with me sometime."
"I neither like coffee or want to go anywhere alone with you."
"I don't like people who are mean to my coworkers or friends. So no. Want it in Spanish? Nõ. See ya dick." I told as I flipped him off and left to see Zack waiting by my car.
Once I unlocked it and we put everything in the back, we hopped in the front and I began to drive us to the location for our lunch.
"You wore a short sleeve today?" Zack questioned.
"Yeah. I haven't had time to wash all my long sleeve shirts yet."
"I actually assumed you didn't own any short sleeves due to the scars and tattoos you have."
"What shirts do you think I sleep in when it's way too hot for long sleeves?"
"One of your singlets." He told
"Yeah that makes sense. I have my leather jacket in the back so I can put it over so no one else on the team finds out about them."
"Makes sense. What did the forensic guy want to talk to you about?"
"Oh right. He asked me for like a coffee date."
"What did you say?"
"I told him that I don't even like coffee."
"I get you coffee though."
"It was a nicer way of turning him down. I then told him I don't want to go anywhere with him, since I don't like people who are mean to my friends or coworkers."
"That last one seemed more mean." He stated
"Yeah. I just wanted to get food with my lovely Bone boy." I told making him smile.
"I really need to figure out a name to call you back when you call me Bone boy." He told making me smile back.
"We'll see then won't we."
'I can never let him find out.'

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