The fight begins and we are live.

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(Zack p.o.v)

I was on the platform with Dr. Goodman pacing over the body and as Hodgins stood off to the side with me. I quickly looked over at Hodgins to see he was looking extremely annoyed at him, making me go back to watching Dr.Goodman trying to work out what was going on.
'I wish Ash was here to just quickly work out and tell us. I really miss hanging out with her.'
"Do you want us to do something or just stand here and watch?" Hodgins finally asked making Dr. Goodman speak.
"I'm getting a feel for the fellow."
"A feel?" I asked making him nod.
'I'm not entirely sure what's going on anymore.'
"Look, there's no bugs on him, haven't been for over a thousand years."
"There may be spores and pollens, correct?" Goodman asked
"Probably not."
"Dozen of species of pollens have been discovered from the crustaceous era. How long ago was that?" He asked making me raise my hand before answering.
"Sixty-five million years. That was a pretty good come back."
"When authenticating a find like this we have to be at the top of our game." Goodman explained.
"We all know that you're going to say I'm unable to authenticate with confidence." Hodgins told making me more confused.
"Why would he do that?" I questioned
"When you declare something authentic you run the risk of being proven wrong. That doesn't happen if you equivocate. As head of the Jeffersonian, Dr. Goodman will place the reputation of the institution over everything else." Hodgins explained making what was happening more clearer.
"I'm an archeologist. My findings will be congruent with the facts." Goodman argued
"With all due respect, you used to be an archeologist." Hodgins told making them glare at one another as I kept looking back and forth between the two.
"I have no idea what's going on between you two right now." I stated.
'I wish Ash was here. I wonder what she is doing?'

(Ash p.o.v)

One part I don't really enjoy with these meetings, is that I wear a vail. Which can be annoying sometimes. But what can I do?

"And we are back with four of the Monroe siblings, here to talk about the new movie they are all in." Janet told.
"Hiya." We all told as one.
"So originally we were going to do it in pairs but we were advised against that." She told making us try and hold in our laughs. "Why is that?"
"I blame Peter." I told making him look towards me.
"My fault?"
"Yeah. He would do this thing where...." I told before I pretended to pass out making us laugh.
"As my lovely twin was saying. We would...." he told before doing the same with Edith and Edgar joining in.
"Troublesome four you lot are I'm guessing." She told as we all went back to normal.
"Say we were pretty good when we were all younger." Edith stated making us nod.
"Yeah but you two didn't have to deal with this one and the chance of being covered in paint all the time."
"You could never understand my art."
"I have a ba in it, of course I can understand it." I shot back before we began to giggle.
"So tell us about the roles you all will be playing."
"So I am playing Luci, her role in the story is that she wants to watch the world burn since her father is a bit of prick, putting it lightly. But she ends up getting drag into this case that ties in with her and some other people that the detective she works with knows." Edith explained.
"I am playing Detective Dave Johnson, and his role in the story is to solve this mystery he had decided to take. Only he runs into Luci and now has to solve this case as well as try not have her destroy the world." Peter explained.
"You wanna go next Edgar?"
"Sure. I'm the creator of the series as many most likely know, and I also am playing Charles who works at the library and is the main base for them to work things out. And I actually took inspiration from Ashlyn and her Eidetic memory to have Charles be the person with all the knowledge since a) he lives and breathes the library life, and b) he helps the audience catch up to date on both mythology and the world this takes place in." Edgar told before it was my turn.
"Oh right I gotta talk now. I'm playing Dove, the famous musician that Dave knows and I help give intel to the case that I'm somehow apart of. I wouldn't know didn't read the book, I was working a case." I joked at the end making Edgar place a hand over his heart.
"Ashlyn, you wound me."
"Oh no. What ever shall I do?!"
"You have mentioned a few times you work another job and that's why you always wear a vail in meetings."
"I do. But surprisingly I believe they are wanting to show my identity for a few scenes. I haven't been told a lot on that."
"Oh how exciting!"
"Very." We all told
"So as everyone most likely knows, you are three sets of twins. How was that like growing up?"
"Well I love the fact that I'm not the only younger female of these two boys with us today." Edith told
"It's also quite interesting growing up because Ashlyn took on a big sister role even for me, which I mean it's cool and what not but sometimes I felt like I should have been the big brother that I am for certain things."
"Then he punched a kid." I added
"To be fair, I didn't know you guys were friends. I just saw you fall to the ground."
"It is quite strange sometimes. Cause I mostly live with Edith and Peter in our house, but Ashlyn somewhat lives there when she's in town and briefly before she moved into one of her old places. So I'm usually the more mellow one of us all since I'm the oldest and living with these two helps me be prepared for the fact you get more then one of us together we cause chaos." Edgar added making her laugh.
"That's actually quite sweet. So what's living like with you Ashlyn since you live somewhere else?"
"Well I have two roommates. Both guys and they are two of my best friends, though they don't know that I do this. Surprise! But I actually enjoy living with them and it's like a never ending sleepover type of deal. I also live closer to our cousin which is great since we get to spend time and hang out more then we were able to when we were younger. So everything is quite nice where I am honestly."
"How lovely. So a little birdie told me that there was a soundtrack album going to be released around the time of the movie. Is that correct?"
"It is." We all told
"Wait are we allowed to say that?" I asked
"Too late if we couldn't." Peter stated
"So we all know Ashlyn plays the guitar and can sing. Does everyone know something different?"
"Well we can all sing surprisingly. But I play the drums mostly other then singing." Edith stated.
"I think the three of us are the ones who mostly just play guitar and sing." Edgar told
"He's correct. But Ashlyn is the best out of us all, sadly." Peter added making me elbow him in the side.
"Now, is it possible we get a sneak peak at one of the planned songs?" She asked making us all look at one another before back to her.
"Of course!" We told before the camera cut to her and we were signalled to move towards the instruments that was set up.
"Oh wonderful. This is the Monroe's minus two playing California Friends!"

(Ash, all, just the siblings)

Will you come a little closer (Closer, closer)
I've got something to show ya (Show ya)
Look at my friend in California ('Fornia)
She really likes the freckles on my face
Won't you come and hold my hand now (Hand now, hand now)
I think that you might wanna (Wanna)
Do you ever listen to Madonna? ('Donna)
Yeah I really like the freckle on her face

If I think that you might like me (Like me, like me)
I might start getting lonely (Lonely)
When I think about how you can't hold me (Hold me)
Do you like the freckles on my face
And if I take you to a movie (Movie, movie)
Things might get groovy (Groovy)
Oh, but don't start thinking you can fool me (Fool me)
Yeah I know you like the freckles on my face

I think I love you but then I think, "No way"
I gotta go but I wanna stay, just stay
I guess I'll save it for another day, well, okay
I think I love you but then I think, "No way"
I gotta go but I wanna stay, just stay
I guess I'll save it for another day, well, okay

Will you come a little closer? (Closer, closer)
I've got something to show ya (Show ya)
Check out this band from California ('Fornia)
I can make you a playlist of their songs
Won't you come and hold me close now? (Close now, close now)
I think that you might wanna (Wanna)
But don't tell anyone, don't need no drama (Drama)
And then we can move it right along

I think I love you but then I think, "No way"
I gotta go but I wanna stay, just stay
I guess I'll save it for another day, well, okay
I think I love you but then I think, "No way"
I gotta go but I wanna stay, just stay
I guess I'll save it for another day, well, okay

I get mixed up in my head, you do too
But I don't forget a thing you've said, well, that's true, yeah, that's true
So hard to enjoy the time that you're in
'Cause when it starts getting comfortable, yeah, it's ending, yeah, it's ending

I think I love you but then I think, "No way"
I gotta go but I wanna stay, just stay
I guess I'll save it for another day, well, okay
I think I love you but then I think, "No way"
I gotta go but I wanna stay, just stay
I guess I'll save it for another day, well, okay
I think I love you but then I think, "No way"
I gotta go but I wanna stay, just stay
I guess I'll save it for another day, well, okay."

"What a wonderful performance. And you all have started filming already, is that correct?"
"It is. We are all filming the scenes we have with one another first just so we know where we may need to do reshoots first up." Edith told.
"Well I hope you all have a lovely filming process and thank you all again for coming on the show tonight."
"Thanks for having us!" We all exclaimed smiling.
"And we will be right back after the break." She told before we were all signalled that we could head off.
'Well that was exciting.'

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