Morning sleepy head.

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Dr. Brennan was working with some evidence under a microscope that we had extracted from Kent's body we were able to unburied.
"Their stories don't line up." Booth stated.
"You said the events seemed consistent." Dr. Brennan told.
"Exactly. We got a group of traumatized soldiers who all managed to say the same words to describe the first shots. 'Pop, pop, pop.' It was rehearsed." He told making Dr. Brennan look at him with a curious look. "They're hiding something."
"That makes sense." She added.
"I mean, something that rehearsed and it's not for anything special like a play or something, mostly leads to bad news." Ash told as she walked towards us with a yawn.
"How was your nap?" Dr. Brennan asked.
"It was good. Helped make me fighting ready." She joked as Dr. Brennan pulled a bullet out from one of the entry wounds and squinted at it.
"There's something Devon knew about."
"I'll study the bullets." Ash told as she put gloves on and began to look them over.
"And someone else didn't want to get out." He added as Dr. Brennan pulled another bullet out, and studied it before placing it in the tray for Ash to look over it.
"That's all of them." I told.
"Oh this is not good. I can already tell shit went wrong on this mission." Ash told as worry took over her face.
"What do you mean Ash?" Booth asked
"The way the blood pooled around the bullets these three were the ones that killed him." Dr. Brennan explained showing them on the screen for him to see.
"That's why this is bad." Ash added before Booth spoke.
"These rounds aren't from an AK-47." He told before gesturing to the other tray. "These are."
"Well, they didn't kill him. Circulation had stopped by the time these bullets hit." She explained.
"Wait. The ones that killed him are from an M-14." Booth told before pausing and realising something. "Those are from our weapons."
"It wasn't the enemy that killed him..." Ash told before Dr. Brennan spoke knowing what they were referring to.
"Friendly fire."
"Oh, God."
"I didn't know how to explain it." Ash told and Booth gave a nod that he understood.
'Ash knew the moment she saw the bullets.... She just didn't know how to tell the news?'
"Booth--" Dr. Brennan began only for him to interrupt her.
"You know what? Let's just find out who did this. All right? Not all personnel in a unit carry the same weapons. We have to find out who was issued the M-14." He told making her nod and look down as he crossed his arms and looked to the side.

(Ash p.o.v)

We were looking for anything we could find to help us with this death when Jack spoke up.
"Got something. A splinter pattern. Particles of wood were blown back into one of the exit wounds from the AK-47s." He told
"The missing bullet." Doc stated
"Not missing anymore I guess."
"But he wasn't leaning against wood when he was shot. He was in the middle of the room." Zack stated as Jack went through images on the screen.
"No. He was on the floor." Me and Jack told as one.
"Someone stood over him and squeezed off some rounds from an AK-47 after he was already dead." Temperance told.
"The missing round passed through him and into the wood floor." Zack told
"Yeah, but all the insurgents had already been killed and they were the only ones with AK-47s." Angie told.
"I hate to say conspiracy, but, my peeps, we've got a conspiracy." Jack told grinning.
"Dumbass, it's not a conspiracy." I told
"What is then?"
"Government coverup. Military falls under the government, and anyone that helps cover up the truth is apart of my list of Government coverups, and I do hate those types of coverups." I told
"Someone wanted to cover up the friendly fire incident by making it look like he was killed by the insurgents." Temperance told and Jack was looking gleeful from the news making me elbow him in the side to signal he needed to show some respect. "Angela, enhance all the pictures of the aftermath so we can see body positions, bullet holes, damage to the house. I wanna reconstruct what happened that night."

I was hanging from the roof in my lab thinking when I recognised the shoes of the person who came to join me, making me look up a bit to see Zack there with a confused look.
"Can't work out a new song?"
"Na, I'm good in the song department. Thinkin' on some other thangs."
"Like what? Maybe I can help."
"Well for starters, who would have the most to lose if word got out that Kurts death was in fact not only friendly fire, but also a cover up. The suspects are the people alive from that team, minus of course Jimmy. Just Gotta figure out who. Second of all, do I actually belong here. Like yeah I'm smart, I've got phds and other degrees, I'm also a weapons expert that can speak seven languages that's not including English. Half of the time I'm not even listened to with what I know because I'm a wild card that often doesn't think before I speak my mind. When I was a private investigator I didn't have people to talk to, and when I did they listened. Then I started working along side Shotgun and yeah at first his father didn't like me a lot and didn't listen on the few cases we did work with him on, but after proving to him I'm no one to fuck with, he listened. Do I actually belong here?"
"Are you thinking of leaving?"
"I don't know..... maybe. It's complicated." I told before swinging up to grab ahold of the bar so I could hop off.
"You would tell me if you were going to? Right?" Zack asked and I could tell he was panicking a little.
"Zachary, chill. You'd be one of the first to know if I was going to leave."
"You called me Zachary.... You never call me Zachary." He told making give his cheek two light taps.
"I felt like full one would help calm you if it distracted you. It worked. Zack, is just me thinking. It's not something that's definitely gonna happen, but it's also just something that is a possibility. A small possibility. Besides, even if I did stop working here, I'd still be living with you. And if I went out and started my P.I business once again the Jeffersonian and FBI would hire me to help with cases, I'd just do more of my things. Things wouldn't change that much sweetie, trust me."
"But I like working with you here. That wouldn't be the same."
"I know." I told before wrapping my arms around his waist and gave him a hug making him do the same.
'He's right. I like working with him too much to give that up.'
"It's gonna be ok hun, I'm not going anywhere. I think I've just solved that problem."
"So I'm guessing I did help in some way." He told making me chuckle.
"Yeah you did. Because you actually are probably the only person to actually always listen to me."
"I like hearing what you know..... no matter how strange you are sometimes."
"Stranger things have happened I guess." I told before realising something making me pull away from Zack. "Holy shit!"
"What?" He asked making me look towards him.
"I need a lot of yarn." I told before rushing off.
I quickly turned back around and cupped his face so I could give him a kiss on the cheek.
"Thank you for helping me honey bee." I told smiling before rushing back off to get the yarn.

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