Sleep Over!

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(Third p.o.v)

In an office located in the forensic lab Goodman was in a blue sleeping bag, and is laying across the couch as Booth lays on the floor next to the couch with his sleeping bag on top.
"What are those little tiny lights dancing on the ceiling?" He asked Goodman making him smile.
"For the third time, those are minute firings of neurons on your optic nerve due to your reaction to the antifungal cocktail." Goodman explained making Booth smile.
"Wow. They're beautiful." He told making the doctor on the couch chuckle.
"You are stoned, Agent Booth." He stated making the agent join in on the laughter.
"Oh, good. Let's hope it lasts long enough to keep this from being the worst Christmas of my life."
"What are you complaining about? I don't like to boast, but I am the spirit of Christmas at my house. I have a wife, and twin five-year-old daughters." He told as he pulls a photo of them out of his wallet and passes it to the man on the floor. "We have family traditions, most important of which is being together for Christmas."
"Wow. They're beautiful." He told before passing the photo back to the man on the couch, before pulling out a picture of his own to hand to him.
"You know, I have a kid too. His name's Parker. He's four years old." He told as he passes the photo of his son to Goodman. "His mother wouldn't marry me, so my parental rights are totally-"
"Vague?" Goodman asked as he realised there was another photo on the back.
He turned the photo around to see a girl in her late teens with her looking like seventeen could be the latest in it. She seemed to be wearing a nice dress and was smiling as she hugged Booth in the photo with them both being so happy in it.
"That word's just a little bit Christmasier than what I was thinking."
"Who's the girl in this photo?" He asked making the man on the floor give a sadden look at just the thought of her.
"That's no one."
"She a younger sister?"
"My baby cousin actually. But I guess she could be a younger sister at this point."
"Do you two spend Christmas together?"
"We don't do a lot of spending and talking. Not since she was 16 and out of the academy."
"Academy? Like the FBI Academy?"
"Yeah. She's a genius. Iq of 189 and a photographic memory as well, got into university when she was 10, knows how to fight and use different weapons. Not as much as Ashley in the weapons but enough. She has four phds that I know of and five ba's. I call her Brains." He told as he gave a bright smile talking about her only for it to change into a sad one.
"She an only child?"
"No. She has an older brother, but.... he hasn't been in her life since she was 8."
"Why don't you call her?"
"I've tried. Multiple times over the years. She never picks up."
"I'm sure it's the season of giving. She might talk and fix what ever caused the drift in the first place."
"The only time I get to know about her is when she sends a snow globe for me and I send her one as well."
"She seems like a fine woman."
"She's the best. Don't want to see her mad with a broom. I do miss talking to her a lot. She actually lived with me while she went to university. I sometimes wish I can go back to those moments and just tell her that I'm sorry and that I love her." He told as Goodman passes the pictures back.
"I'm sure she already knows. And he's a fine looking boy."
"I get him part of Christmas day. I get him an excellent present every year, something really cool. But, uh, this year..."
"Yes. This year." Goodman added cutting in.
"What are those little lights on the ceiling again?" Booth asked making Goodman just smirk and shake his head.

In another office Brennan and Angela are laid out on the floor in their sleeping bags with their heads lying next to each other as the rest of their body's faced the other way.
"I know it's against your nature, but I need your help." Angela confessed only for Temperance to be confused.
"For what?"
"To make Christmas." The artist stated like it should have been obvious.
"Why? Because we're the girls? If that's the case then why isn't Ashley here with us?"
"Yes, and because she wanted to hang with her boys as she said. We have to decorate and we have to make our own Secret Santa."
"You called it Secret Satan before."
"It's all so tragic. A cheap wedding ring sewn into his suit, two tickets to Paris. It makes you wonder. Who was the girl? Can you imagine what it was like for her, waiting and wondering, never knowing what happened." She told making her best friend get a saddened look at the thought of that.
"I don't have to imagine."
"What do you mean?" She asked only to have it be ignored.
"I'll tell you what I'm gonna do for Christmas."
"Good, thank you. At last you decide to take part." She told before Temperance cut in.
"I'm gonna solve a murder." She told getting out of her sleeping bag and leaving the room.

In an autopsy room, Zack was tucked into a blue sleeping bag, with Jack lying in the opposite direction as him and Ash took the third table on the other side as Zack but was lying the same way as Jack.
"Tomorrow I was supposed to leave for Quebec. You wanna know the true meaning of Christmas? It's being inside a 300-year-old inn with a French Canadian masseuse when there's ten feet of snow outside."
"Sounds nice." Ash told as she read a random book she got making him nod.
"It truely is."
"Christmas is going home to Michigan and heading into the woods with your brothers to cut a twelve foot Christmas tree, and you all decorate it together. Brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, as well as Tim, Vix, Joe and Rio spending time with us as well since we really are the only family they have. Forty people who all love you and are happy to see you. That, my friend, is the true meaning of Christmas." Zack explained making the bug boy think it over for a few seconds, and as Ash smiled at what he told.
"Nah, I'm gonna have to go with the masseuse on this one."
"How do you spend Christmas Ash?" Zack asked making her look towards them.
"I spend it with Angie and her dad, as well Edgar, Edith, Peter and Tyler and Flynn."
"What about your mother?" Jack asked sitting up a bit to look towards her more.
"She's often too busy to join us. Been like that since I was a kid really. So ever since I could I would spend Christmas with Angie. To me Christmas is about spending it with the people you love." She told making the boys smile.
"That's really nice." Zack told.
"So how come your not with Angie and Brennan?"
"Girl talk. Not for that." She told making him chuckle.
"You are strange Ash."
"That's what everyone tells me Jack a' boy."
"So what was the side effect you already have?" Zack asked as he sat up making her laugh seeing him look like a cocoon. "What?"
"You just look amusing like that." She told before giggling more.
The two boys looked at one another and Jack joined in on how amusing he looked as Zack held a confused look on his face. She soon calmed down and let out a breath before speaking.
"And to answer your question. I have insomnia sometimes. It's not as bad as it used to be, kinda actually got better cause of this job."
"Is this from when you were a PI?" Zack asked
"No I've had this since I was around 7 I think."
"Surprise you didn't tell us this before." Jack added making her shrugs
"I don't really like people knowing. They worry too much."

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