Dude just no.

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I was dropped off at the lab since Temperance wanted me to update her on things and I went straight to Angie.
"What up?" I asked as she was filling something out for reconstruction of the death.
"Hey Sweetie. Did you just get back?"
"Yeah. Temperance and Seeley are off doing something and she wanted me here for the time being."
"You know Zack came and asked me if he did something wrong."
"With what?"
"He might think it's his fault you are coming over anymore."
"Why would be think that?"
"I have no clue. Maybe because he's been asking about Naomi."
"Na she a bitch. But seriously it's not his fault, I'm just working things out with my Landlord."
"You've been doing only that for the last couple of weeks, Sweetie."
"We are just sorting things out. Also why does people think I'm upset about him and Naomi?"
"Who else thinks that?"
"That's probably because of me."
"What did you say to her?"
"I may have asked her what Zack thought of you."
"Because it's obvious you have a crush on him."
"I do not. We are just friends."
"If you say so." She told before giving my head a kiss. "You should go find Jack. He probably has some insect of fungus."
"Thanks. Your the best." I told as I gave her a hug.
"I do try sweetie."
I walked off to my lab I share with Jack and saw him working away.
"Hey dude."
"Hey Ash. Have you spoken to Zack?"
"Not yet. I'm guessing he has also asked you if he has done something wrong as well."
"Yeah. Could you feed all the insects?" He asked
"I can do that. Also he hasn't done anything wrong, I'm just busy sorting stuff out with my landlord." I told before going to feed them all.
While I was feeding them Zack came in and began to talk to Jack not knowing I was there.
"What did Naomi mean when she said take a hint?"
"Ooooo..." Jack said making me smile.
"What did I do wrong?" He asked
"It's not what you did wrong. It's what you didn't do."
"Where do you learn this stuff?"
"There are some things you learn by doing... riding a bike, driving a car, pleasing a woman." Jack explained.
"I can't ride a bike or drive a car."
'That boy is a wonder to anything vehicle related.'
"Or apparently please a woman." Jack added making me shake my head.
"I need specific instructions, a list of techniques to implement or a sequence of moves." Zack explained.
"I'm not really the guy to talk to about that."
"Why not? You've slept with like, ten thousand women." He asked
"Because our relationship is all about what's up here. What you need to do is talk to someone more earthy. Like the cousins of the team. Ask Ash."
"Ash is upset with me right now."
"She's not upset with you."
"She has stopped coming to movie and tv show marathon nights. I must have done something wrong."
"Dude. She's working things out with her landlord. Seriously she doesn't hate you, I actually think it's impossible for Ash to actually be mad at people."
"It's not impossible. I have been mad at people, I'm just more go with the flow of things." I told as I walked past to feed the other insects on the other side of the room.
"Hey Zack-attack."
"Oh yeah. Ash has been here the whole time." Jack told and I knew he was smirking. "But you can always ask Ash about all this. She's been with a few females."
"I have. Can't help though."
"How come?" He asked
"I may know how to please a woman, but I am lacking in something." I told as I came and stood next to Jack.
"A dick." I told making Jack laugh. "But in all seriousness Zack, if she is being a Bitch do you really want to go with her again?"
"I have an idea." Jack told making us look towards him.
"Wanna share with the class?" I asked
"Why don't you hook up with Ash and she can give pointers?" He suggested making me punch him before leaving.
"Tā mā de nǐ de chòuchóng nánhái!" I exclaimed as I left.

(Zack p.o.v)

We watched as Ash left, and I turned back to look at Jack to see him holding the left side of his face.
"Maybe you shouldn't have said that." I told
"Ya think?! Damn she is strong."
"You haven't seen her place have you?"
"No. She's secretive about her life you know this."
"Yes, but I have seen her place and she does have a room dedicated to working out."
"You've been to her place?!"
"Multiple times. Sometimes when she goes out of town for a small vacation she has me feed her pets and what not."
"How did I not know this?!"
"Because you never asked."
"I've always wanted to see her place. I just image books and weapons and her animals."
"She has several walls dedicated to showing her guitar collection off, she also has pictures hanging around, she has about five bookshelves filled with books and in her room she has a collection of something she has told me to never tell."
"HE SAID WHAT?!" Angela exclaimed as we could only presume to come walking towards where we are.
"I'm dead." He told
"Could you give me advice before you die?" I asked only for him to give me a face that I took as a no.
Angela came rushing in and Jack instantly went into a stance of running if he is able to.
"I didn't know she was going to react that way! It was just a joke."
"You are such an idiot Hodgins!"
"She punched me I think it's fair trade."
"You're lucky I punched your face!" Ash exclaimed as she walked back in.
"I am!"
"What is the meaning of this?!" Dr.Goodman exclaimed making us all look towards him.
"Nothing." They said making him look towards me.
"A disagreement of sorts." I told
"Well knock it off. We have a case and you four arguing won't help us solve this. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes sir." We all told before he walked off.
"Well that went well." Ash stated before heading off with Angela.
'I should ask Angela when I'm able to."

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