Those are one hell of a drug.

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I was sitting in a chair looking over the skeleton that was now encased in a plastic dome that also covered the examination table. With Temperance and Zack on opposite sides of him.
"I zapped the bones with ultraviolet light and arranged them on the isolation table so we won't have to worry about spores. In addition, I found this sewn into the lining of his clothing." He told as he passes the small baggie to Temperance, making her examine it to see the ring it held inside.
"A woman's wedding band."
"I think if someone was going to propose to me, I would want them to do it with a ring pop." I stated.
"Why a ring pop?" Temperance asked.
"Cause I will most likely be hungry when they do it."
"Two tickets to Paris, a wedding band, a picture begins to form." Zack told
"We don't form pictures. We accumulate evidence. Dental work?" She asked
"Acrylic resins in the interior fillings from the 1940s. Childhood tibia break. Bad enough that he walked with a limp." He told as he pulled out another baggie and gave it to her. "Also, he wore a toupee."
He passed the bag to Temperance and she looked over the new sample got her and seemed slightly confused.
"It doesn't seem to have degraded." She stated
"That's cause it's made of a synthetic called Dynell. It couldn't have looked good." I told before looking towards Zack to see he had his mouth slightly opened to tell what I just did. "I wanted to be involved. Should have been done quicker Bone Boy."
He went to say something but couldn't when a smile began to form on his face from when I poked my tongue out to him.
"Has anyone stated you are a peculiar being Ash."
"All the time.... by my closest friends and family cause no one else is game enough." I told giving him a smile which he quickly returned.
'I'm so glad he's in my life.'

We were standing in front of the platform with seven needles laid out on a tray with us being assisted by men in full-body protective suits.
"You know, this is probably someone kink." I quietly told Angie making her chuckle as I stood between her and Zack.
"This is a cocktail of four antifungal drugs, including amphotericin B. Orally, you'll be taking ketoconazole, fluconazole, and itraconazole." Hal explained.
"That's great. Then we can leave?" Seeley asked.
"We won't know for a couple of days if the fungus took hold in your system." He told as the men in the suits to proceed to administer the shots to the whole team while made me uncomfortable.
"Let's go drugs!" I exclaimed making them all look towards me.
"Remember she doesn't like people touching her without her permission, and is also trying to lighten the mood." Angie explained.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're saying that we're stuck here over Christmas? Look, you know, I have... places to go, you know? I have obligations." Seeley told
"We all have obligations." Daniel explained.
"Yeah Seeley. Just cause your a higher up doesn't mean you are the only one who has special treatment." I told as we all began to put our pants back on properly.
"I'm supposed to go to Quebec." Jack told
"Hey, whose fault is this?" Angie questioned him since it was his fault.
"Who forced me to go to the party where I drank to much and had to hide from Crystal?" He shot back.
"Hey, I told you don't hook up with her and you still did it. Do not blame Angie or me for this drunken mess you caused Jonathan."
"Who never should have cut into a bone with a drunken fool in the room?" Angie asked directing it to Zack.
"Don't blame Zack for this, Angela. He told Jack to put the mask on, but him being the idiot decided against it and began drinking the nog!" I exclaimed
"She's playing favourites." Jack told making me flip him off as Angie brought my hand down to stop it.
"I am not really complaining here. I mean I was gonna get dragged to a party with a lot of people getting drunk by Miss. Hot stuff here and you, cause you wanted to spike the drinks and you wanted me to help. This way I get outta doing that and get to spend time with the cute Bone Boy." I told as I gave him a wink making him blush.
"Who brought us human remains just to ditch a little paperwork?" Zack asked.
'Probably hopes no one points out the fact he's blushing.'
"Oh, you're saying this is my fault?" Seeley asked
"You knew Dr. Brennan could not resist." Goodman stated making Temperance cut in.
"I'd have been able to resist if I was in Niger, where I wanted to be."
"You're blaming me." He stated.
"Pretty sure that's the case here Daniel."
"You said I can call you Daniel once a day, I'm cashin' in that once a day right now. Fight me Boss man, I'll win. I'll break your wrist!" I told making Zack quickly pull me into his arms since we all know he's one of the only people I won't hurt.
"Ladies and gentlemen, we'll have sleeping bags delivered. Please have your loved ones call me and we'll set up some kind of safe, quarantined visit on Christmas Eve. Oh, and be prepared for side effects." Hal explained cutting off our arguing.
"Nausea, fever, insomnia." Temperance told before Hal continued it.
"In very rare cases, euphoria, dream state, mild hallucinations."
"I'll take that, please." Angie told as she raised her hand a bit.
I raised my hand making Hal give a confused look towards me.
"Yes Dr. Harper?"
"Hal, seriously just call me Ashley. But what if we already have one of those side effects does it like double in it then?"
"I actually have no clue with that."
"Rats." I quietly told
"What do you have?" Zack asked
"I'll tell you later." I told making him give a nod.
"Early symptoms mimic a common cold." Hal told
"What if it manifests?" Goodman asked
"Lots of owies." I told
"First treatment protocol involves extremely painful injections into the base of the brain." Zack told
"See. Owies."
"You know what?" Seeley said making us all turn to face him, to see he was staring up towards the ceiling. "I never realized how pretty all this shiny stuff is."
"That is so not fair." Jack told making me laugh as the people in Hazmat suits leave.
"Honestly, I love this Christmas so far." I told making Angie smile along with Zack.

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