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Me and Zack were on the platform but there wasn't a lot for me to do, due to the bones not being here for me to figure things out. While I wrote in my music book, Zack was looking through a magnifying glass to see if he could find anything. Of course though, Jack soon comes to joins us and was looking defeated.
"I've been over every inch of these X-rays." He admitted but neither of us looked towards him.
"Me, too." We both told as one.
"There's evidence of particles on the bones, but there is no way for me to know what they are." He added with an annoyed tone.
"Probably dirt." Zack stated.
'That's gonna make him mad.'
Of course I was correct. I took a glance towards Jack to see he was not pleased with Zack using the word dirt.
"Yes, thank you, Zack. But dirt is a meaningless word." Jack stated as Zack just continued to concentrate on the x-rays, to the point he doesn't reply to what Jack had said.
"You can't see air on an X-ray." Zack told to himself which just confused Jack,
"What? I never said you could. I'm not even talking about air."
'God he is so stupid right now.'
"You can see a space where air might be like a cavity, but not the air itself."
"What I'm saying is that yes, there are flecks on the X-rays that might be dirt, but that doesn't tell us anything." Jack told as he got more mad that Zack wasn't paying attention to him, causing him to jerk Zacks chair around so they were now face to face. "Is it sandy? Hm? Silty, "humusey"? Is it clay? Is it more organic than mineral? Is it soil? Is it pulverized gravel? What minerals are in it? Are the minerals crystalline? See, these are all details a person cannot get off an X-ray no matter how long he stares at it."
'It's so obvious that Zack drifted off during Jacks speech. Sometimes I question who I've become best friends with, but then I remember I'm best friends with Shawn and it makes a little sense.'
"Sometimes a person should look for things that aren't there instead of things that are there." Zack told confusing Jack.
"You mean me? In dirt?"
"No. Me. On the X-ray. I've been looking for anomalies which exist instead of anomalies which don't exist." Zack told before turning back around to continue looking at the x-ray.
"Zack, if you are ever going to successfully mimic being human, you have to stop making everything about you and feign interest in the other guy." He told only to get no response from him causing me to chuckle. "Zack!"
"I've noticed that you try to look taller." He told as he didn't look away from his work causing me to laugh more.
"Around Dr. Brennan."
"I do not."
"And Angela. Because they are both taller than you. Also Ash, but you only succeed in that due to her slouching all the time." He told annoying Jack,
"You know what? I take it back. Don't take any interest in the other guy."
"Thank you for your help." He obviously told.
I looked towards Jack to see he was on the verge of killing Zack and pretended to strangle him from behind.
'Love my friends.'

(Zack p.o.v)

I was staring at the x-ray still to work it out, and Ash had actually gone to get some food and drinks, while Hodgins was standing behind me.
"I can identify this guy." I told.
"You know, Angela isn't that much taller than me." He told but I just ignored him.
"Spina bifida. He had a shunt from his brain stem down to this heart. It was removed more than a decade ago." I told mostly to myself.
"Ash also isn't that tall."
"She is. She just slouches a lot, we've been over this."
"We both like brussels sprouts." He told referring about Angela.
"You don't like brussels sprouts." I stated.
"A man can change, Zack." He told making me five him a sideways glance to tell him that he isn't fooling me causing him to groan in frustration and walk away.

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