I dont know what to do.

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We walked back into the lab when my phone began to ring to see it was my landlord again.
"Doc. I gotta take this."
"It's ok Ashley. Go do what you need to." She told making me hang back.
I quickly picked it up and began to talk to him once there was no one around me.
"I need more time Steve. This is too short notice don't you think?"
"Ashley I'm sorry but I can't do that."
"It's not even my fault. Oak didn't get out of the apartment and she isn't venomous, she is one of the sweetest snakes you could meet because of how I raised her."
"Ashley I know that. But it was decided that it was to be you."
"That is completely unfair don't you think?! I'm a model tenant, the only problems that I have is with Victoria cause she didn't like the fact I own a snake and a few insects."
"Look Ashley. I tried to get you more time, but I couldn't. The end of the month you have to be out."
"That's three weeks. That is not enough time to find a place."
"I wish I could do more but I can't. I'm sorry." He told before hanging up.
'Just hold out a little more and then you can go hide in a corner to cry or something.'
I rubbed my eyes a few times to make it seem like I got an eyelash or something in them and masked my emotions before walking back to join up with them to see Angie and Zack were talking. About Naomi again.
'I need to talk to her.'
"I had sex with Naomi in Paleontology." He stated
"You mean actually in Paleontology." Angie said as she quickly looked me over to see if I was ok from a quick glance.
"Baller dude." I added
"No, at her place. I thought it went great but I could be wrong because apparently what I think is wild and kinky is basic and since she never called me back I'm wondering if it's because I lack imagination in the sack." He explained as he swiped his card so we could get onto the platform.
"Maybe, now just maybe Zack. You don't go back to her like Rio suggested before the whole chocking thing." I stated before Angie spoke.
"You know what Zach? I'm thinking this is more of a guy, guy conversation."
"Yeah, I was wondering..." he told as we began to walk up and was interrupted by Jack burping.
"Dude cover your mouth." I told
"Dude, minty burp, still burp." Seeley added
"Yeah well who took me to Wong Salmonella's?"
"Boy I will beat the crap outta you if you dis Sal." I told
"Also I believe it was Ash who took us there." Zack added making me give him a confused look before I quickly realised he was looking at my eyes and seeing that they were red so I looked away from him again.
"She only took us there cause Booth was there." He told
"Alright, you know what? Just go back to Sid. Let him bring you you're meal. Heartburn will disappear." Seeley explained.
"Also why you don't really order for yourself." I stated
"Heartburn!" Temperance exclaimed.
"What?" Seeley asked obviously not getting it.
"Hodgins has heartburn because stomach acid is rising into his esophagus. The Ketamine plus choking could have caused Nestor to regurgitate. The rope would hold the gastric juices in the upper throat weakening the hyoid. Digestive juices are basically hydrochloric acid." She told as she showed us on the screen.
"Sometime when you're not busy, I wonder if I could ask you a few questions about sexual positions." Zack quietly asked Seeley even though I was close enough to hear it.
"If you even try, I will take out my gun and shoot you between the eyes." He told back
"And then I'll shoot you in both balls first before your dick and then your head." I told
"She actually will do that." Angie added since she heard what I said.
"These marks here and here that's scaring consistent with hydrochloric acid." Temperance explained
"I don't like where you're going with this." Seeley told
'I don't like where I might be going after this.'
"I need to run a few scenarios through the Angelator." She told before they headed off to Angie office.
"Sweetie. Your eyes are red." Angie told as she lifted my face to look at them.
"Yeah I got an eyelash or something in them so I rubbed my eyes."
"Don't rub them anymore ok."
"Ok." I told before she walked off to help Seeley and Temperance.
"Ash. Please don't say no to movie night." Jack told
"Sorry. Cant."
"You haven't been showing up to movie or tv show nights anymore. In fact you hardly spend time with us now once work is done." Zack told
"I'm just sorting things out with my landlord that's all."
"You know this all started because of Victoria. Ever since they you haven't spent time with us like you usually did." Jack told
"Trust me. She hasn't bothered me since." I told before my phone began to ring. "I need to take this."
Before they could say anything I rushed out of the lab to take the call and find some place to calm down in case it wasn't good news.

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