Four artist in a room sounds like a bad joke.

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(Ash p.o.v)

I ended up meeting Angie outside of Amy's room and we were just waiting for my idiot brother.
"Where is he?"
"Last I heard. Gift shop."
"Man he has a weird for those."
"It's Peter. Honestly though, I'm kinda curious what he's gonna be wearing."
"Same." She told before we saw him looking for us.
"There he is." I told making her give a nod and go to talk to Amy while I waved him down.
"Hey Amy. We've got a surprise for you." Angie told as Peter came rushing towards us.
"They don't have the cigarettes I like." He quietly told me making me roll my eyes.
"That's why you stopped by the little gift shop?"
"Yeah." He told as I took the unopened packet I carried around and tossed it to him. "Sweet. Love ya Bunny."
"Yeah. Me and my cousin Ash." She told as I walked in to stop me and Peter have a slapping fit.
"Hi.... Your the girl I've seen around the place."
"Yeah that's me. Ashley Harper, but Ashley is fine or Ash if that's easier for you. Angie has told me all about your art and how amazing you are."
"Thanks. She says you make great art as well."
"Eh. Not as good as my twins. Now he's a good artist, and he doesn't care if your in the way of your canvas, he just makes you apart of it and names it after you. I have like 25 I think named after me."
"That's kinda what Peter Monroe does. He takes great risks with his art to just sees what happens.... My favourite piece of his is the one where he painted his mother who's missing, as well as the one he did of his sister Ashlyn or Ashley I guess. It's the only painting where people got to see what she looked like even though it was through his eyes. All the fiery colours in her hair to symbolise her passion for what she loves as well as the temper she can have.... And used blues around her face and eyes, to show how much pain she went through protecting him and their younger siblings from their father. He said that she is the most inspiration for his work and I hope I get to create something like that and to thank him." She told.
"Your in luck then." I stated making her give me a confused look.
As soon as that question was asked, Peter came in and gave a wave towards her. But she was just shocked at the fact he was here causing me to smile.
"I hear you are an amazing artist." He told
"Your Peter Monroe."
"That's just my artist name. My actual last name is Harper." He stated making her look back toward me.
"Peter is my twin and Angela's cousin."
"Surprise." We all told
"So those painting are for you?"
"Yeah. He's been meaning to make me a copy of the one he did for me but he'd rather throw gravy on me while I stand in front of a canvas."
"Did you really set a canvas on fire while you were inside?" She asked making him pull a confused face while he bit his lips.
"Not one of my proudest moments I will admit." He told making her laugh. "Come on. I wanna make some art with you. See how much you will show me up." He told as he took the seat next to her and we surrounded the same side.
"I'm doing landscapes right now. Other then you I'm really into Rousseau." She told making him inhale some air.
"Can we be best friends?"
"You've just signed the contract to our doom. He will not shut up about him now." I joked making her laugh.
"Don't mind her. She's just being a Debbie downer, because I had no one else to talk to about art when we were growing up, until we were like 13." He told
"Well at least I don't throw things on people when they are standing in front of a canvas."
"I named them after you!"
"You still shouldn't do it!" I argued back causing Amy to laugh at how ridiculous we were being.
"Is it always like this between you two?" She asked before laughing some more.
"Pretty much." We told as one.
"Are you wearing one of my skirts?"
"Hell yeah I am. I make looking good, my bish." He told making sure he didn't swear in front of her.
"I can not believe you still steal my clothes."
"Actually I think this is Edith's. Due to it being a baby blue and you don't wear any light or pastel colours."
"Yo true." I told.
'This is probably the most happiest I've been all week.'

Amy was drawing a portrait of her parents due to having trouble on mine so we decided on a break from that one. She looked through the window in her room and we all saw that they got some bad news from the doctors.
"She's telling them the treatment didn't work and they're nothing else they can do." She told as we saw her parents break down into tears at the news. "I hate seeing them so sad."
We weren't able to saw anything, but she grabbed ahold of Angies hand and me and Peter joined in on it.
'If I could save her I would. But I know from experience I can't.'

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