The confession.

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I walked into Hodgins and Ash's lab since I wanted to talk to Ash to see her resting at her desk with her legs on it and her back to the door.
"Ash there you are. I wanted to talk to you, and please don't say anything while I do so." I told and she stayed silent.
'She's really giving me the silent treatment.'
"Now I know you've been really upset not being able to test out your new bats. Which I understand, you've been really looking forward to testing them out. But I don't want you being upset with me for finding the bullet before you could. I also don't want you to be upset with wasting time collecting bullets before we realised it wasn't needed because I don't like seeing you upset. You mean a lot to me and I don't like seeing you anything but happy because it upsets me when you do. Now your probably also wondering why, though we are friends so it makes sense with that. But.... It's because I have feelings for you, which I actually didn't think I would tell you, especially since you have a thing with Shawn but I don't want it to go left unknown. So I'm taking a chance as you tell me that I should do." I explained only to be left in silence. "Should I have kept my feelings a secret? I just don't want to lose you and we can just pretend that I never said anything like the other thing we pretend I don't know about, it's even now when thinking about it."
She continued to not say anything making me panic more.
'I didn't think she'd be this mad at me that she's giving me the silent treatment.'
"Ash? Please say something, I'm really freaking out now since you aren't. So can you please say something?" I asked moving closer. "Ash?"
As I got closer I saw that her music book was opened and she was in the works of drawing a picture of me surrounded by some lyric suggestions that she might use. But what I also discovered was that Ash was asleep so she didn't hear anything that I had said.
'Well this makes more sense.'
I crouched down next to her and gently placed my hand on her arm, lightly shaking her awake.
"Ash wake up." I told.
After I shaked her arm more she jolted awake and fell back in her chair landing on the ground.
"Are you ok?" I asked leaning over.
"Yeah. I just didn't expect it is all." She told before offering her hand for me to help her up so we were both sitting on the ground together.
"It's all good Zack. So what you doing here?"
"I wanted to say I'm sorry for upsetting you."
"Upsetting me?"
"About stopping you from using the bats from finding the bullet, and then finding out it wasn't the bullet after you spent half an hour collecting bullets to compare."
"Oh. Na it's all g. I was never mad.... Well I was mad about spending that time collecting bullets only for it to not matter in the end."
"Your not?"
"Na. Your just doing your job, and besides... I'm not fully capable of being mad at my bone boy." She told giving me a light punch on the shoulder as she smiled causing me to smile as well.
"I don't think I'm capable of being mad at you as well, Bunny."
"And that's why, we are better friends with one another then Jack." She told "Man he can make me mad sometimes."
'Yeah. Just friends.'

(Ash p.o.v)

I was sitting with Temperance in her office and sketching possible weapons that could have caused it, while she worked. As we did so, Angela came rushing in.
"You beat up a gang leader?" She asked
"Alright Doc. Mad props!" I told
"Booth told you that?" She asked
"You did." She spoke before sitting down next to me. "You got into a fight with a gangbanger."
"I'm still impressed."
"You're mad at me?" Doc asked since we both couldn't tell if she was mad or upset.
"The guy's a killer, Brennan."
"Angela, relax. We were in the FBI building."
"Sick!" I told making Angela give me a look. "Sorry, my bad."
"Look, I know you're all about self-reliance and fighting your own battles and standing up for yourself, but now, as your friend, and knowing how much you hate psychology here, you need therapy." She explained.
"I'm sorry I upset you. It's just that I've dealt with him before."
"With who?" We both asked.
"People who get what they want through fear. Gangbangers, members of death squads..." she told causing Angie to cut her off.
"I know it's psychology again, but you said 'him', like one guy."
"I didn't mean Ortez specifically, I meant people like him. On my last trip to El Salvador..."
"Yeah, I remember, I tried to get you to go to Italy with me, Ash and Zack since she dragged him along."
"It was fun." I added before Doc continued.
"I was in a tent set up by one of the grave sites. I was working with the remains of a young girl, maybe 13. She'd been shot in the head and dumped into a well. This cop shows up and he might've been a's not easy to tell. I thought he was there to guard me, but he told me to stop. When I refused, he called in two others. They put a bag over my head and tossed me into a cell with a dirt floor and no windows." She told making us become upset.
"For how long?" We both asked.
"Later I found out it was three days. But, I thought it was a week, maybe more. He came in every day and made me believe I was going to die. He said that he'd shoot me and toss me into a well and that no one would ever know who I was or what became of me. I promised myself if I ever had the chance, I'd get even." She told causing us to nod in understanding. "That doesn't mean I need therapy."
"If that meant going to therapy, I'd have a punch card where I got free coffee twice. Shit like that isn't fun." I told making her nod before Jack walked in.
"I identified the type of wood in the weapon that killed Maria." He told before looking around at the three of us and saw the mood we were sitting in. "Am I interrupting a female moment?"
"No, what was the wood?" She told shaking her head first, before she asked.
"Quarter-sawn cumuru. Definitely not from a shovel handle." He told.
"Oh fuck."
"What is made out of quarter-sawn cumuru?" Angie asked.
"Very expensive furniture." We both told
"Mostly used for bed frames." I told.
"Senatorially expensive?" Doc asked causing us both to share a smile.
"Most definitely." We both told as one again.
'Well this has gotten more interesting.'

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