A shocking discovery.

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Temperance was back with us as Zack showed Temperance something on a computer screen.
"I found cuts in the victim's upper Incisors. There are also bilateral fractures in the femoral necks." Zack stated.
"There's similar fractures in the bilateral humeral heads."
"Yeah it's quite bad what this means, if that's the case." I told.
"The result of the body going into spasm as it burned?" Zack asked.
'Something seems wrong here.'
"If she was burned alive. I'll have Angela run some scenarios." Temperance told as she went to go do so.
"Angela's in her security review." We both told as one.
'What else would have cause this to happen to her?'
"You ok?" Zack asked.
"I don't think she was burned alive. There are other ways to cause this happening."
"P.I. days?"
"Yeah. Come on let's work it out." I told getting a pen and paper so we can both work on it.

I was working on other ways this could have happened to her on the platform with Zack, when Temperance joined us. She held one of the bones ip to look over and Zack ended up joining her.
"According the F.B.I. Pathologist there was no smoke in the victim's lungs." Zack stated.
"Meaning?" She asked him.
"The victim was already dead when she was burned. There was clotting in the lungs as well." He told.
"That's troubling." She told before looking towards Zack.
"If the fire was hot enough..." he began to trail off since he was unsure.
"This type of case it's not possible." I stated before Temperance jumped in and put the bone down.
"For clotting to occur superheated air would have to be drawn into the lungs."
"Which wouldn't have happened if she were already dead." Me and Zack told as one.
"Something else caused the clotting." She told before Seeley began to head towards us.
"Angela is ready with the tapes." He told
"The broken teeth could have resulted from particularly violent seizures." Zack told making Seeley turn back towards us.
"Epilepsy?" He asked and I noticed Samantha was heading towards us.
'Here we go.'
"There are alternative causes of acute muscular contractions. Poisoning, precipitous drop in blood sugar-" Zack began before he was interrupted by Samantha.
"This a good time to speak with Mr. Addy?" She questioned making us all annoyed.
"So tempted to fight her but imma hold off." I told making Seeley chuckle.
"Considering you had to interrupt him to ask, probably not." Temperance stated as Jack joined us on the platform. "Take Hodgins."
"I demand a lawyer." He told as Temperance grabbed another bone.
"I don't need Dr. Hodgins I need Mr. Addy." She told.
"If I demand a lawyer will it get me out of it too?" Zack asked making us bump fists.
"We all demand a lawyer." Temperance told.
"Yo I have a great hook up for lawyers. You guys have gotta love having me on the team for shit like this."
"I'll wait for Mr. Addy." She told.
"What are you? A creepy pantomime villain who forgot their mark in theatre?" I asked.
"You know theatre?" Seeley asked.
"I really like broadways and musicals." I stated.
"No kidding."
"They are very enjoyable."
"Why aren't you interviewing me?" Jack asked making her speak.
"It won't be necessary." She told before leaving.
"The lady has been defeated! Vindicated!" I exclaimed.
"I knew it. They think my dossier is complete. They think they know everything about me." Jack stated before turning back towards where she walked off. "Well they're wrong!"
"Be happy they're leaving you alone." Zack stated.
"Yeah apparently mines one of the most mandatory ones that has to happen." I stated only for it to go ignored.
"Yeah. I'm happy. Don't worry, I'm happy." He told though it was obvious he was annoyed.
"Now the ear you found. There's no way it's her own ear, right?" Seeley questioned making us focus on the case again.
"How could it be her ear?" Temperance asked.
"That's what I'm saying." He told
"It's definitely not her ear?"
"How could she bite of her own ear?" She asked.
"What the fuck is happening here?" I asked before Jack jumped in.
"Chromosome tests make it male."
"Seizures." She spoke looking towards me and Zack. "Seizures could be due to low blood pressure, electrocution, infection, head injury," I began before jumping it to Zack.
"uh brain tumor, uh sudden lack of oxygen to the brain."
"But I'm thinking some zapping has happened." I told confusing some of them but Temperance.
"What?" Seeley asked as him and Jack looked towards Temperance.
"The broken teeth, the fractures, the clots in her lungs. She was electrocuted." She told
"That much damage to the teeth could only result from multiple violent spasms." Zack added.
"Dozens. She was tortured. For what?" She asked focusing on me and Seeley.
"Rule number one of torture. The person they love and care for to use. They used her for one reason." I stated.
"To find out where her husband was." Seeley told
'This case is really shocking.'

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