He's done what?!

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I was getting a cupcake from one of the cafes in the Jeffersonian when Seeley rushed past with Temperance.
"Ashley your with us!" He told
"Ok. Keep the change." I told quickly taking the cupcake and paying before rushing off after them.
"Were you hungry?" Temperance asked
"Yeah. Working out weapons took a lot out of me and I couldn't find Zack for the chocolate he carries.... So cupcake."

We were now in the car, travelling to wherever as the two talked.
"All this kid wants is to feel like a hero. Suddenly he's facing a damsel in distress." Seeley stated
"Lucy McGruder is 10 years older." Temperance told.
"Age didn't matter for his purpose." I told before Seeley jumped in.
"That's not that damsel part that matters. It's the distress that appealed to the kid. You know? I mean, look. It wasn't about the sex or the romance. It never was."
"He wanted to make a difference in the world before he died." She spoke before looking towards Seeley. "I told you he was more like you than me."
"22705, Dispatch." A woman on a radio.
"22705." Seeley told into the radio.
"Unit sent to suspect's residence reports the domicile is empty."
"There's no one there? What the about the wife?" He asked
'What the fuck have they not told me?!'
"Negative. Search time is inside the house. It's empty. Signs of flight."
"Affirmative, uh, Dispatch."
"What? He beats her, but she takes off with him anyway?" Temperance questioned.
'Oh he is dead.'
"Spousal abuse syndrome." He told before going back to the radio. "Dispatch, 22705."
"Can you send a backup unit to Capital Bowl, 1123 Sea Bolt?" Seeley asked making them agree.
"I'm fucken sorry. He's abusing his wife?!" I exclaimed making Seeley nod.
"Oh you made the wrong fucken decision bringing me with you then."
"Why?" They both asked.
"There is no one I hate more, then people who abuse others. 'Cause I sure as hell, beat the shit out of 'em for hittin' someone, when it's not self defence. Finding abusers was one of my most requested choices when I was a PI." I told and I knew they were both questioning what the hell happened in my life for me to react like this. "And to answer your question Temperance. People in abuse situations, have their confidence and will for their life whittled down to nothin'. So much to the point the brain will rewire it's self sometimes to thinkin' this is normal and that, that's how they are gettin' shown love. And even if they know that their life is in danger and that, their significant other is a danger to 'em.... They won't leave due to the fact that their brain makes them believe they are just a burden to others."
"I didn't know you knew so much about abuse." She told.
"My mother was a doctor where her most common patients were people healing from abuse. There's also a lot about my life no one knows about." I stated.
'Wish I didn't know what it was like though.'

We slowly made our way to head inside the Capital Bowl, and the place seemed empty. But we didn't want to risk it, so we chose to whisper.
"Domestic disturbances are always weird, okay? The woman gets beat on by her husband. The cavalry turns up to save her. You know, you'd think she'd be on the same side as the rescuers, but- sometimes-" Seeley tried to explain but not knowing how.
"You're saying watch out for the wife." Temperance stated before we slowly made our way in.
"All I'm saying is just stay alert. Okay, Bones?" He asked
"And Ashley, don't kill him."
"I don't kill criminals unless I have to. They won't rot in jail if I do." I explained before we heard their voices.
"Ted, why are we doing this?"
"Shut up." A male told.

"Why won't you ever shut up! Your such a disappointment!"

'Your safe now.... Your safe away from him.'
"You didn't do anything."
"Lucy, I swear to God. If you don't shut up-"
"No. I know you wouldn't hurt Warren." She argued only for Seeley to jump in.
"Of course he would. You see, that's what he does." He told making them turn around to look at us. "He likes to beat up people weaker than him."
"We are closed." Ted told.
"Well, you left your door unlocked. Probably an oversight due to your state of panic." Temperance told.
"If it was closed, the door would be locked." I added.
"Yeah. The lights were on. You see, we suspected a robbery. Say, you have a bevel knife?" Seeley asked confusing Lucy.
"A what?"
"It's a triangular three-sided knife." Temperance explained.
"You know, to clean out bowling ball holes. Say I used to have one back in the day, you wouldn't happen to have on around here, would you?" Seeley asked.
"You need a warrant. You need a warrant to take any of my stuff." Ted told.
"I suggest shutting up and moving away from Lucy, Ted." I told
"Lucy, we need a bevel knife." Temperance told making her take a look over towards Ted.
"We keep one in here."
"Shut up, Lucy!"
"Why don't you smack her around a little bit there, Ted uh? Keep your woman in line." Seeley questioned as Lucy moved and placed a toolbox on the counter.
Temperance moved over to her, and found the bevel knife before she began to examine it more closely, leaving us all in silence till she spoke again.
"Yeah. This could've done it."
"Say, Bones. That, uh, bone chip. Uh, second victim or murderer?"
"Well, for Warren's sake, I hope it was the murderer." She told.
"Me too." Seeley told.
"Preying to the lords that it is." I added.
"What are you talking about? Just get out of here." Ted exclaimed.
"It would be his left arm." Temperance told confusing Lucy again.
"Well, Warren was right-handed, so the wound would be on your husband's left arm." She explained making Lucy work out what Ted had done.
"Oh my God."
"Bones." Seeley told only for her to not listen and approach Ted, before hitting his upper left arm with her elbow making him groan.
"No!" Lucy exclaimed as he kept groaning.
Very quickly, a blood stain appeared on his shirt where she had hit him.
'Well done Doc.'
"Right there." She told pointing to the stain.
Ted went to hit Temperance causing her to block it. He went to quickly hit her with his other arm while she was distracted with the first arm, causing me to rush to her side and used my right arm to block it.
"My turn." I told glaring before decking him in the face to create small distance between us.
Once he began to rush towards us again I quickly kicked the side of his head, before Temperance seized his arm and threw him over the pool table nearby, causing him to groan more. I noticed he was going to stand up, making me go over and use my foot to push him back down and held him there.
"There is no one in this life that I hate more, then people like you who remind me of Stanley. So you gonna stay on the fucken ground, till I say so!" I exclaimed before I saw Seeley walk towards me.
"I got him. I got him. I got him. All right." He told making me remove my foot and pull him off the ground, so Seeley can then handcuff him. "Aw, hell, Bones. Looks like you opened up an old wound there. All right let's go. You know what? You're under arrest. I really hate a wife beater. I really do. Almost as much as I hate someone who kills a dying kid."
'Hate abuse cases.'

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