Just smile and wave boys. Just smile and wave.

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(The dress Ash is wearing except she's wearing one of her nicer looking leather jackets

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(The dress Ash is wearing except she's wearing one of her nicer looking leather jackets.)

I walked in to where Zack, Angie and Jack were standing.
"Sup fuckers." I told making them look towards me.
Once they saw the dress I was wearing I could tell Jack and Zack were stunned silent at it but Angie was happy I wore a dress.
"I'm so glad you didn't go with the suit option." She told
"Goodman said I couldn't. So I just grabbed this out of my closet. Surprised it still fits." I told before looking towards the boys to see they haven't stopped staring. "It's like the tattoo situation all over again."
We gave them a few more minutes again to say something before I had enough and clicked my fingers in their face.
"Earth to you two. You guys good?"
"Wow." Jack told "Just..... wow."
"This is the first time we've ever seen you wear a dress." Zack stated.
"I almost regret not going to it." Jack added
"Yeah. And I got pockets." I told as I showed them. "Also don't get used to seeing me like this. I'm hoping to be able to wear a suit next time."
"You look great sweetie."
"How did the call go with the little ones?"
"It went well. Thank you again."
"Little ones?" Jack and Zack asked
"Nothing for you two to worry about." I told
I saw Zack was messing with his tie making me smack his hand away to fix it.
"Thank you." He told
"No problem." I told before giving him a tap to signal I was done. "You look cute Zack."
"I look like a puppet." He told
"But a cute puppet."
Before he could respond his phone went off making him pick it up.
"Zack Addy..... no I don't think that's a possibility." He told before walking a bit away from us so we didn't hear.
"Think it's his girlfriend?" Jack asked
"Oh that would be cute." Angie told
"Don't think so. The tone in his voice changed meaning he knows them but probably doesn't have an emotional connection to them." I explained
"Dude it's so scary how you can do that." Jack told
"It's a talent my good man."

(Zack pov)

"What do you mean that's not a possibility?"
"I'm saying she hasn't gone to any since she was 17. No one remembers who she is, so why would she change that and allow them to point her to it."
"She should really go to these. It would be good for her to talk to the people she donates money to."
"We talk. That's good enough, is it not?"
"No it's not. She needs to know who you work with and how they do it. Just because you work there doesn't mean that's all she has to say to justify the means."
"If she has any questions she can ask me, she doesn't need to learn about my team if she doesn't want to."
"This is why you are her favourite out of the boys."
"Because I understand why she wouldn't like functions while the others mainly like it for free food and drinks?"
"Yes. That and the whole smarts thing."
"Grace I need to go. We will be leaving shortly." I told
"Very well. Dave will be speaking to your team and has been notified not to bring up the fact he already knows you. Don't know why but it's what was wished for."
"It's because my team doesn't know that I know your boss." I quietly told so the others didn't hear it.
"Yes well I hope you have a lovely evening."
"You as well." I told before she hung up.
'I am not looking forwards to this.'
I walked back over to the others and they all held a confused look.
"My mother wanted to know if I was able to come down next week for a visit. But I explained it's most likely not going to happen since we have a few cases to go over."
"Your mother sounds nice." Ash told making me smile.
"She is."

(Ash p.o.v)

Soon Goodman entered and was annoyed at what Jack was wearing.
"That is not a tuxedo, Dr. Hodgins."
"I am not going, Dr. Goodman."
"You are going." He told before sticking a name tag on his lab coat pocket.
"Can I just be handed mine?" I asked
"Yes you can." He told before giving mine to me.
'Jokes on you. Imma have it upside down.'
"When we arrive, the donor's will all be wearing nametags." He explained as he handed Zacks to him.
"What do we talk about?" Zack asked
"Death and how we all die. Memento Mori." I told making him give me a confused smile.
"Your work, of course." Goodman told as he moved to Angie.
"Zack's work consists of removing flesh from corpses. Hodgins dissects bugs that have been eating people's eyeballs." She told before Jack cut in.
"Leave me out of it. I'm not going."
"Ash does the same thing as Jack but also figures out what killed someone based on their markings."
"And how do you see your job?" He asked
"I draw death masks."
"Is that really how you see it?"
"Don't you?"
"You are the best of us, Miss Montenegro. You discern humanity in the wreck of a ruined human body. You give victims back their faces, their identities. You remind us all of why we're here in the first place. Because we treasure human life." He told before there was a paused and she gave him a hug. "Oh, for God's sake."
"What happened?" Temperance asked as she entered in a formal dress.
"Looking good Temperance." I told making her nod.
"Same to you Ashley. You should wear dresses more."
"Agreed." The boys told making me give them a no shut the hell up look.
"Apparently all Angela needed was to hear her job description in a deep, African-American tone."
"Mr. Addy." Goodman scolded.
"Can you explain how you see my job Bossman?"
"You compare markings to see what caused their death."
"Boo. Wasn't as eloquent as the one you did for Angie."
"I can explain your other side jobs if you...."
"No! You know what what you said will do nicely. Thanks bossman." I told cutting him off.
'Close call.'
"What is he....?" The boys began to ask only for me to cut them off as well.
"I will never answer that."
Seeley came walking in with a bag of something and I quickly worked out what it was for.
"Dr. Goodman, we need Hodgins in the lab tonight." He told before giving it to Jack. "FBI needs this analyzed by morning."
"Uh, I'll get right on it." Jack told as he went to leave only to be stopped.
"Wait a minute, what case file is this?" Goodman asked
"Am I supposed to know about it?" Temperance asked
"Booth mentioned it to me earlier today." Angie told
"Yeah it was in between giving him shit for being a dumbass fed." I added making him give me an annoyed look.
"That's good enough for me." Temperance told making Goodman concede.
"Fine. You're off the hook, Dr. Hodgins. Let's not keep the limo waiting." He told making us leave.
"Could I.....?"
"No Ashley you will be coming with us." Goodman told
"Fine! But I'm getting wasted!"
"Ashley I never thought I would see you wear a dress." Seeley told
"Yeah everyone's like that today. But that's only cause Goodman said I'm not allowed to wear a suit."
"That's because we need to look dignified."
"I can rock a fucken suit."
"Still no Ashley."
"Your no fun Bossman."
"Side jobs."
"I hate you know them now." I told before realising. "No I will not tell you what I do in my spare time."
"I think they wouldn't believe you anyway Ash." Angie told
"She gets to know?" Zack asked
"Of course she gets to know. I've known her the longest." I told before getting a smile. "Yo did you guys know Bears love beats."
I wasn't able to say anymore cause Zack covered my mouth.
"Not now Ash."
"Booo!" I told into his hand and I knew he was smiling.
'This will be an interesting night.'

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