Poor kid.

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(Ash p.o.v)

I was working on a new song while I waited for the bones to be cleaned, and Zack was sitting down reading one of the comic books I got him and he had his feet on the table. Soon though Jack walked in.
"What are you reading?" He asked
"I'm doing research." Zack told before an alarm began to beep making him get up to get the clean bones out.
"By reading a comic book?" Jack asked.
"Intensely allegorical modern myths." He stated
"You're reading Bugs Bunny, man."
"On the surface, yes, but if you dig deeper the subtext becomes apparent." He told as he put on gloves and opened the incubator. "The conflict is representative of the Darwinian struggle between avians and mammals for dominance."
"Based on Bugs giving Daffy Duck a cigar made out of dynamite?" He asked making me chuckle at this whole thing.
"Yeah." He told as he took the bones out and placed the on the tray to put them on the table where me and Jack were, before pointing at the comic book Jack was holding. "And then here he explodes. But not really."
"So what are you doing?" Jack asked looking at me while Zack went to take more bones out of the cleaning tube thingy.
"Working on a new song."
"Can I see?" He asked making me shut my book before he could.
"I don't like people looking at my songs."
"I've only have heard a few from when she's working on them." Zack added.
"Not even your bone boy has read them."
"Like I said. I don't like people looking at my songs. It's a very private thing for me." I told making Jack shake his head, before looking at the bones.
"You have a problem, my man." He told making us both look towards him.
"What?" Zack asked.
"Looks like you degraded the bones." He told as Zack took more bones out.
"Impossible. It's only a 4% peroxide solution." He stated.
"It shouldn't have been able to degrade them." I added making Jack pull a confused look.
"Then what's that bubbling and pitting on the periosteum?" He asked making us both move to look at the bone.
"A 4% solution wouldn't cause that." We both told as one.
"So, what? It's some kind of systemic deterioration?" Jack asked as Zack moved the bones under a light as we could examine it more closely together.
"The intertrochanteric crest is almost totally eaten away."
"Oh shit... this is not good." I added once we realised what this means, though Jack didn't get it.
"What do you think it is?" He asked.
"This kid was sick." Zack told
"Like.... Terminally ill." I added.
'Oh god, he wanted to do something good before he died.... Kid what did you know?'

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